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Butch Decatoria Dec 2018

Deeper than the ocean’s blue

Deeper than vast space & time

Yet deepest I with you

Further than the light can shine

Still the furthest I with you.

How deep is your love?

How shallow is your hate?

Maudlin life in wait,

Free to choose your fate

I choose Love as my faith

How deep do you live to love?

Brilliant as the stars above.

I Brightest still with you.
Listening to the BeeGees.
IsReaL E Summers Jan 2016
A silver platter,
I've never had.
Only words for munitions
By definition im smitten with'm
Slow down the rythym
Let the bass drop and then when it hits'm
Spiznit the wisdoms
Please consider your kingdoms!
Held together by lectric power.
Without it you'd be devoured
By thoughts in the shadow-realm
So batten the hatches-of-helm
Scatter the ashes that fell
Sell your attachments
To hell
And roll on your magical mystical
Fantasical whimsical mythical
Let's leave a lasting loving legacy
Lamenting is landing zone.
Loud laffs appose.
Poetry & pro's
Just a thought;
"I suppose"
Poe@treeofLife ("YOU TREE HUGGING HIPPIE!")  ... OK I'll be that. ^-^
Whatever you say cap'n!!!

— The End —