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Chapter 10

“I started to panic. “Do you think they’re setting a trap?”
“It would make sense,” said Max. “Drawing you to a place you’d feel comfortable…”
My cell began to ring and I sighed in relief when I saw that it was Alex. Obviously, we were jumping to conclusions. “Thank God. It’s him.” I answered the phone. “Hello?”
“Hi,” said Alex. “Sorry I missed the last call. I was in the other room, pouring myself a ****** Rickie.”
I smirked. Rickie was one of Alex’s blood donors. He paid him very well for it, too. “No problem. So, what’s going on? The other clients have really canceled?”
“No, I canceled. It’s too dangerous to be out, trolling for unfaithful husbands. Not with that monster looking for you. Why didn’t you tell me about Victor Montour, Racheal ?”
I rubbed my forehead. How much did Alex know? “I didn’t want to worry you.”
“You’re the one who needs to be worried. From what I hear, that man is hell-bent on locating you, and it’s not for any family reunion.”
“So, you know that he’s my father?”
“I do now. Jesus, I thought my family was dysfunctional.”
I noticed that Andrew and[…]”
“I know, right? She’s a nervous wreck right now. Anyway, it took me a while to calm her down and when I did, I realized that Max probably had you in his custody by then.”
“How did that go?”
“What do you think it went? I made a scene.”
He chuckled. “I wish I would have been there. Did you **** the life-force out of anyone?”
“No, but I should have. I was treated like a *******. It wasn’t pretty.”
He clucked his tongue. “I’m sorry. I should have warned you.”
“Yes. You should have.”
“So, you’re going to let them protect you, right?”
“I don’t need it.”
“I’ll be fine.”
Alex groaned. “I told them you’d refuse.”
“You know me well,” I said, smiling. “Anyway, back to Mrs. Strom, her husband is having dinner with another woman as we speak. I can at least finish that job.”
“Don’t worry about that right now, JD. Just get your *** back to the office so we can talk more about this.”
“What about your ‘date’?”
“Peter already left.”
“You blew him off?” I asked, surprised.
“Something like that,” he replied, a smile in his voice. “But, don’t[…]”
“No problem. Would you like an escort?” asked Aiden. “We can find one for you.”
I fluttered my eyelashes. “What about you?”
His eyes widened and he smiled. “Well –”
“That wouldn’t be a good idea,” interrupted Maximus. “We need to keep a low profile. Especially you, Aiden.”
He was about to protest, when I held up my hand. “Honestly, I was just kidding anyway. Like I told you before, I’m fine on my own. I appreciate the offer, though.”
Aiden stood up and pulled out his wallet. “Please take my business card, too.” He took one out and handed it to me. “If you find yourself in a situation… and can’t reach Max, don’t hesitate to call me.”
“Okay,” I said, my opinion of lycan changing by the second. While I didn’t know much about them, I knew they weren’t always interested in helping others outside of their… breed. Of course, from the way that Aiden was looking at me, he was probably interested in escorting me to the safety of my bedroom. “I’ll remember that.”
Grinning, his eyes swept over my little outfit again. “And I will definitely remember you.”
I shoved his business card into my purse[…]
Chapter 9

“Startled, I pulled away from the man’s grasp and looked at his face. Although he wore a tag that read “Hotel Security” I sensed that there was much more to him than that.
“What’s this about?” I asked sharply, noticing that he was avoiding eye contact.
Clenching his jaw, the man grabbed my arm again, this time more firmly. “Don’t worry, Red, you’ll find out soon enough.”
I hated it when guys called me Red. It was always in a smug way. “Hey, let me go!” I demanded, trying to get away from the *******. But he was strong. Immortally strong.
He ****** me against him and whispered, “Calm the hell down and you won’t get hurt.”
“Are you one of Vlad’s men?”
“You’ll have your questions answered in a few minutes. Just chill out, will you?”
“Not really having any other choice, I allowed the man to usher me away from the restaurant, toward the back of The Veil. Hotel guests watched us curiously.
“Are you okay, dear?” asked an older woman in her seventies. She had a cane and looked about ready to hit my captor with it.
“She’s fine. We don’t allow prostitutes in the hotel,” he said loudly.
Normally I wouldn’t care, but my cheeks burned with shame as the old woman stared at me with disgust.
“Harlot,” she said, glaring at me.
“I’m not a *******,” I said, gritting my teeth. Furious at the way I was being treated, I tried pulling away from him again, but he only dug his fingers into my skin deeper.
“Would you just relax?” he said, as we turned down another hallway. “I’m doing this for your own good.”
“Doesn’t feel that way on my end,” I replied angrily.
“If you’d stop fighting me, I wouldn’t have to resort to this.”
“Then tell me what the hell this is about!”
“You’ll find out soon enough.”
I sighed loudly.
We stopped at a door that was marked ‘Security’ and he led me inside. To my surprise, there was a long conference desk with two men sitting next to it.
“Is this her, Nate?” asked one of them, a blonde Nordic-looking guy in an expensive suit.
“She’s just as he described. Plus, she has the mark,” said the guy, releasing my arm.
I rubbed the skin where his fingers had pressed cruelly. “You mean the mark on my wrist from your fingers, *******?”
“Sorry,” said Nate, addressing the two men at the table more than me. “She kept trying to get away.”
“Leave us,” ordered the blonde, frowning at Nate.
“Yes, sir.” Nate turned and walked out the door.
I sighed wearily, wishing I would have never gotten out of bed. “So, who in the hell are you people?”
“I’m sorry, lass. My name is Aiden Rylan and this is Maximus Johnson,” said the blonde, his Irish accent noticeable now.
I folded my arms under my chest, studying both men. Both of them were undeniably rugged, handsome, and obvious big-shots. “And why should that matter to me?”
Aiden’s lip[…]”
“Natel’s part in it. The ******* had made me look like a cheap *****. “Who is this mutual acquaintance?”
“Doris Hart,” said Maximus.
Another surprise. “Really? And how do you know Dorian?” I asked, now sitting down.
“The three of us are long-time friends,” said Aiden.
“But you’re lycan,” I replied. From what I’d gathered over the years, most weren’t too chummy with vampires.
“Yes. We’ve learned to push our differences aside,” said Andrew, his eyes twinkling.
“The truth is that we don’t judge anyone unless they pose a threat,” said Maximus. “And we’ve known Doris Hart for several years. He’s done us favors and now we’re returning one for him.”
“And that is to protect me?” I said, flattered that Doris was still worried about me. He must have really loved my mother.
“Yes. He was very adamant on that. Sorry for your loss, by the way,” said Andrew, his face turning somber.
At the mention of my mother’s death, I looked down at my nails, trying not to tear up. “Thanks.”
“I never met Lilith, but Andrew knew her,” said Maximus, his voice kind.
Surprised, I looked at Andrew. “You did? Really?”
“Actually, I only met[…]”
“He leaned back in his chair, a faraway look now in his eyes. “I guess it was mostly about Vlad and her dealings with him.”
“Why would she confide in you about him?” I asked angrily. The fact that she’d spoken openly about Vlad with him, a stranger, and not me, hurt.
“Because she knew that we were enemies,” said Aiden. “I had no idea that you were his daughter, however. Not until Doris mentioned it on the phone. Your mother obviously didn’t trust anyone with that information”
I relaxed. “What else did Doris tell you?”
“He’s worried about you,” said Andrew . “He says that your life is in danger and you’re not taking it seriously.”
“Believe me, I’m taking it seriously,” I said, smiling grimly.
“Do you know exactly what you’re up against?” asked Maximus.
“I know that Vlad wants me dead.”
“You should also know that he usually gets what he wants,” said Aiden, frowning.
“And that’s why Doris asked if we’d offer you protection,” added Maximus. “You need our help.”
“Thanks for the offer but I don’t need protection from you or Doris ,” I said, running a hand through my hair. “I can take care of myself[…]”
“and is bent on capturing you. Believe me, he has the money and the resources to do just that.”
“Don’t be fooled by my appearance. I might look easy on so many levels, especially in this outfit,” I mused, “but I’m not. If I don’t want to be caught, I won’t.”
“Your confidence is commendable, but it’s going to get you killed,” warned Maximus. “Believe me, I know. I’ve caught many criminals with that same attitude. They get too cocky for their own good and make mistakes.”
So he was a cop. “I’m not being cocky.” I stood up. “I’m just saying that this is my problem and I’ll handle it on my own.”
“Even if you don’t have to?” asked Maximus, as I walked toward the door.
Sighing, I turned around. “Look, I certainly appreciate the offer, I really do. But, I’ll be fine.”
“At least do us a favor and disappear,” said Aiden. “Get out of town before they find you.”
“I’m planning on it,” I admitted. “By the way, how did you two know where to find me?”
“Your partner, Alex Shafer,” said Maximus. “I take it he didn’t call you to tell you we’d be[…]”
“started on stock options. Please.”
Aiden chuckled. “I’ve helped you, haven’t I?”
“Yes, and for that I’m very grateful,” replied Maximus.
“So, when did you talk to Alex?” I asked, changing the subject. I had no interest in talking about stocks, bonds, or anything financial.
“About thirty minutes ago. He said you’d be doing a job here,” replied Maximus.
I dialed Alex’s number, but he didn’t answer. Sighing, I sent him a text, telling him to call me. Then I slipped my phone back into my purse. “Well, I wish I could say it was a pleasure meeting the both you. I’m sure under different circumstances,” I smiled wickedly, “the pleasure would have be all mine.”
Andrew ‘s eyes roved over my body and he grinned. “Oh, lass, I doubt that. I’m pretty sure that the pleasure would have been mutual.”
Laughing, Maximus stood up and held out his card. “In all seriousness, please give me a call if you need help.”
I took it. “Thank you. Detective Maximus Johnson, huh?”
“Call me Max.”
“Okay, Max. Thanks again.” My cell phone began to vibrate. I pulled it back out of my purse and noticed that Alex had sent me a[…]”

Chapter 9

“Startled, I pulled away from the man’s grasp and looked at his face. Although he wore a tag that read “Hotel Security” I sensed that there was much more to him than that.
“What’s this about?” I asked sharply, noticing that he was avoiding eye contact.
Clenching his jaw, the man grabbed my arm again, this time more firmly. “Don’t worry, Red, you’ll find out soon enough.”
I hated it when guys called me Red. It was always in a smug way. “Hey, let me go!” I demanded, trying to get away from the *******. But he was strong. Immortally strong.
He ****** me against him and whispered, “Calm the hell down and you won’t get hurt.”
“Are you one of Vlad’s men?”
“You’ll have your questions answered in a few minutes. Just chill out, will you?”
“Not really having any other choice, I allowed the man to usher me away from the restaurant, toward the back of The Veil. Hotel guests watched us curiously.
“Are you okay, dear?” asked an older woman in her seventies. She had a cane and looked about ready to hit my captor with it.
“She’s fine. We don’t allow prostitutes in the hotel,” he said loudly.
Normally I wouldn’t care, but my cheeks burned with shame as the old woman stared at me with disgust.
“Harlot,” she said, glaring at me.
“I’m not a *******,” I said, gritting my teeth. Furious at the way I was being treated, I tried pulling away from him again, but he only dug his fingers into my skin deeper.
“Would you just relax?” he said, as we turned down another hallway. “I’m doing this for your own good.”
“Doesn’t feel that way on my end,” I replied angrily.
“If you’d stop fighting me, I wouldn’t have to resort to this.”
“Then tell me what the hell this is about!”
“You’ll find out soon enough.”
I sighed loudly.
We stopped at a door that was marked ‘Security’ and he led me inside. To my surprise, there was a long conference desk with two men sitting next to it.
“Is this her, Nate?” asked one of them, a blonde Nordic-looking guy in an expensive suit.
“She’s just as he described. Plus, she has the mark,” said the guy, releasing my arm.
I rubbed the skin where his fingers had pressed cruelly. “You mean the mark on my wrist from your fingers, *******?”
“Sorry,” said Nate, addressing the two men at the table more than me. “She kept trying to get away.”
“Leave us,” ordered the blonde, frowning at Nate.
“Yes, sir.” Nate turned and walked out the door.
I sighed wearily, wishing I would have never gotten out of bed. “So, who in the hell are you people?”
“I’m sorry, lass. My name is Aiden Rylan and this is Maximus Johnson,” said the blonde, his Irish accent noticeable now.
I folded my arms under my chest, studying both men. Both of them were undeniably rugged, handsome, and obvious big-shots. “And why should that matter to me?”
Aiden’s lip[…]”
“Natel’s part in it. The ******* had made me look like a cheap *****. “Who is this mutual acquaintance?”
“Doris Hart,” said Maximus.
Another surprise. “Really? And how do you know Dorian?” I asked, now sitting down.
“The three of us are long-time friends,” said Aiden.
“But you’re lycan,” I replied. From what I’d gathered over the years, most weren’t too chummy with vampires.
“Yes. We’ve learned to push our differences aside,” said Andrew, his eyes twinkling.
“The truth is that we don’t judge anyone unless they pose a threat,” said Maximus. “And we’ve known Doris Hart for several years. He’s done us favors and now we’re returning one for him.”
“And that is to protect me?” I said, flattered that Doris was still worried about me. He must have really loved my mother.
“Yes. He was very adamant on that. Sorry for your loss, by the way,” said Andrew, his face turning somber.
At the mention of my mother’s death, I looked down at my nails, trying not to tear up. “Thanks.”
“I never met Lilith, but Andrew knew her,” said Maximus, his voice kind.
Surprised, I looked at Andrew. “You did? Really?”
“Actually, I only met[…]”
“He leaned back in his chair, a faraway look now in his eyes. “I guess it was mostly about Vlad and her dealings with him.”
“Why would she confide in you about him?” I asked angrily. The fact that she’d spoken openly about Vlad with him, a stranger, and not me, hurt.
“Because she knew that we were enemies,” said Aiden. “I had no idea that you were his daughter, however. Not until Doris mentioned it on the phone. Your mother obviously didn’t trust anyone with that information”
I relaxed. “What else did Doris tell you?”
“He’s worried about you,” said Andrew . “He says that your life is in danger and you’re not taking it seriously.”
“Believe me, I’m taking it seriously,” I said, smiling grimly.
“Do you know exactly what you’re up against?” asked Maximus.
“I know that Vlad wants me dead.”
“You should also know that he usually gets what he wants,” said Aiden, frowning.
“And that’s why Doris asked if we’d offer you protection,” added Maximus. “You need our help.”
“Thanks for the offer but I don’t need protection from you or Doris ,” I said, running a hand through my hair. “I can take care of myself[…]”
“and is bent on capturing you. Believe me, he has the money and the resources to do just that.”
“Don’t be fooled by my appearance. I might look easy on so many levels, especially in this outfit,” I mused, “but I’m not. If I don’t want to be caught, I won’t.”
“Your confidence is commendable, but it’s going to get you killed,” warned Maximus. “Believe me, I know. I’ve caught many criminals with that same attitude. They get too cocky for their own good and make mistakes.”
So he was a cop. “I’m not being cocky.” I stood up. “I’m just saying that this is my problem and I’ll handle it on my own.”
“Even if you don’t have to?” asked Maximus, as I walked toward the door.
Sighing, I turned around. “Look, I certainly appreciate the offer, I really do. But, I’ll be fine.”
“At least do us a favor and disappear,” said Aiden. “Get out of town before they find you.”
“I’m planning on it,” I admitted. “By the way, how did you two know where to find me?”
“Your partner, Alex Shafer,” said Maximus. “I take it he didn’t call you to tell you we’d be[…]”
“started on stock options. Please.”
Aiden chuckled. “I’ve helped you, haven’t I?”
“Yes, and for that I’m very grateful,” replied Maximus.
“So, when did you talk to Alex?” I asked, changing the subject. I had no interest in talking about stocks, bonds, or anything financial.
“About thirty minutes ago. He said you’d be doing a job here,” replied Maximus.
I dialed Alex’s number, but he didn’t answer. Sighing, I sent him a text, telling him to call me. Then I slipped my phone back into my purse. “Well, I wish I could say it was a pleasure meeting the both you. I’m sure under different circumstances,” I smiled wickedly, “the pleasure would have be all mine.”
Andrew ‘s eyes roved over my body and he grinned. “Oh, lass, I doubt that. I’m pretty sure that the pleasure would have been mutual.”
Laughing, Maximus stood up and held out his card. “In all seriousness, please give me a call if you need help.”
I took it. “Thank you. Detective Maximus Johnson, huh?”
“Call me Max.”
“Okay, Max. Thanks again.” My cell phone began to vibrate. I pulled it back out of my purse and noticed that Alex had sent me a[…]”

Sent from my iPhone
Chapter 8

“As I walked through the casino, my mind went back to the mark on Lotus’s neck.
Was she one of my sisters?
It seemed almost inconceivable that I’d run into any one of them on the night I’d learned of their existence. But, then again, it was possible that we’d been brought together by supernatural forces. For all I knew, Lilith’s spirit had her hand in this. She might still be looking out for me, even in death”.
“I headed toward the hotel’s front doorway; several people stared at me in horror, which reminded me of the blood and cuts on my face. Obviously, I needed to clean myself up. Cursing Brandon under my breath, I turned around and made a bee-line toward the restrooms. When I stepped into the women’s room and saw my reflection in the mirror, I groaned in frustration. It had been dark in the elevator and I hadn’t realized how bad I actually looked. Now, in this light, I looked like someone had attacked me with a cheese grater.”
“A noise in one of the bathroom stalls caught my attention. I turned off the water just as someone made a loud snorting noise.
Can you make it any more obvious?
The woman flushed the toilet and a few seconds later, she walked out of the stall, her nose red from whatever blow she’d been snorting.”
“Hi,” I said, recognizing the ******* dressed blonde. She was one of the local hookers and we’d bumped into each other a lot during the past few months. Her name was Twyla and she believed that we shared the same profession. I never corrected her on it either.
Our eyes met and Twyla gasped. “Jesus, are you okay?”
I smiled grimly. “I’m fine.”
“A Ronald do that to you?”
“Something like that.”
“I remember.”
She stared at me in the mirror. “That’s gotta hurt.”
“My face?”
She nodded.
“Only when I smile,” I replied. “Fortunately, there isn’t much to smile about tonight.”
Twyla stepped closer to me. “Honey, if you’re interested, I’ve got something that will make you feel better,” she whispered, as if someone else was in the bathroom with us.
“I’d appreciate it.” Little did she know we were talking about two separate things.”
“Twyla stepped closer to me. “Honey, if you’re interested, I’ve got something that will make you feel better,” she whispered, as if someone else was in the bathroom with us.

“I’d appreciate it.” Little did she know we were talking about two separate things.
Twyla pulled out a small vial of powder from her purse. “There’s enough in there for one good line.”
She nodded and held it out. “I think you need this more than I do. Especially if you want to get through the rest of the night.”
I glanced toward the doorway. “To be honest, I’ve never done this before,” I whispered. “Maybe we should go into the stall and you can show me how to use it? I don’t want anyone walking in on us.”
“Yeah. No problem. Let’s go,” said Twyla, heading toward the large stall at the end. I followed quickly and locked”
“the door.
“So, you’ve never tried it before, huh?”
I shook my head.
“Then maybe I’ll just give you a little,” she said, holding the vial up again.
“Great. A little is all I need,” I replied, snaking my arm out to grab her wrist.
“What the hell you doing, *****?” she snapped, as the vial fell to the ground, powder spilling everywhere.
I looked into her eyes. “Calm down.”
Her pupils dilated and her face relaxed.
“Like I said, I only need a little.” I raised her wrist to my lips, and sank my teeth into her skin, loathing the fact that I had to resort to this. Drinking blood, in a bathroom stall, from a coked-up ****** was definitely not my finest hour.
Twyla gasped”.
“She suddenly looked frightened. “Leave Tony?”
“Yes. You don’t need that *******. He’s nothing but a leech and you are not his property to sell.”
A spark of anger filled Twyla’s eyes. “Tony’s a leech.”
“Yes. Are you living with him?”
Good. “Do you have children?”
Even better. “Do you have family, out of Vegas?”
“I have a sister in Hawaii.
“Is she a *******?”
“Tell me about her.”
“She works in a diner and is married to a truck driver. They’ve got a kid. Danny. He’s my nephew.”
“Are you close?”
“We used to be.”
“Okay. Consider packing your stuff and going to her. Anything you have to do to get away from Robert and this life you’re living. You have any money saved?” I asked, touching my face. It now felt smooth.”
I lowered the knife slightly, still not quite sure about this intruder. This guy who looked that sinfully delicious usually couldn’t be trusted. It’s the being of vampire himself, made him an even bigger threat.
“ Why didn’t she come here herself?”
“ I guess there’s no easy way to say this.” She sighed. I know your mother been murdered.”
That knife slipped out of my hand, almost stabbed me in the foot. But I stared at him in horror.
“ What?”
“ You mother, Nae, was killed
yesterday. I’m so sorry for your loss,” she said softly. The truth in his eyes and the room felt like it was closing in on me.
Kristeen was dead.
My mother was dead, “ Who did it?” How that be, just saw her yesterday. “ Why, and whom will do this thing to her.
“ Do you know who Frank Montour is?”
“ Yes and No, I’ve heard of him. I replied, close my eyes trying to recall him in my head. “ My mother claimed that he was a monster. “ Who love to abuse women.
From what I knew, Frank was an arrogant and powerful vampire who lived somewhere in Las Vegas. Wasn’t exactly sure why, but my mother had despised the man as long as I could remember. For sure my mother didn’t like talking about him and I never pressured her with questions.
“ Are you saying that the ******* **** my mother?”
Frank nodded. “ Indirectly, but he was the one who ordered the hit. “
Why, would you ordered the hit on my mother. Is that because, she witche and rich.
And own half the city’s.
I really don’t care what you had heard about frank and what kind contaction he has under his thumb. May I please ask, how do you know all of this?” Where did you get your information. Please..... tell me, I begg of you.
“ Look I was there, said Joy, who now also appeared to be struggling with there emotions. “ I tried to save her, but by the time I reached them, the hit man had already killed her.
“ Unfortunately, yes. It’s an image I’ll never get out of my head. I’m very sorry.
“ There were three of them. I killed one of them before I escaping myself. Honestly I wanted to take down the other two, but I knew that if I died, I wouldn’t be able to keep the promise that I made to your mother.”
“ What was that?”
“ To warn you about Frank and his hunters.
We trying to locate him. “
Well what actually do they want with him. Did Frank do something. Yes, he did. Sorry we cannot tell you everything. Is best if you tell us. Where is Frank at.
“ I’m not quick understanding....... why you searching for him?” You talk like he killed someone or most wanted person in the world.
Have you talk to some of his friends. Maybe they know where’s Frank at. Sorry I cannot help you
Setting the glass down quietly, I grabbed a butcher knife from the block, crept out of the kitchen. I heard a noise in my bedroom and my eye twitched. That scared me, I thought it was someone going through my things made me want to ****. As for him, I’d made sure that he never touched his ***** sexually without barking like a dog. Not because his in the military. Still married, he could have sexually relationships with his co-worker, little G.
“ You must be little G,” said the wife of David. Right away I sensed that he was ******* her.
“ Yeah, he gives little hint. What’s little G to him. When your a witch, you senses a lot.
“ Yes, who wants to know? “ I snapped, holding up the butcher knife.
I glared at the stranger with the broad shoulders and long, dark hair that was pulled back into a ponytail . His crooked smile and twinkling green eyes, he reminded me of a pirate.”
Than he raised his hands in the air.
“ Settle down. I’ve been sent by a mutual acquaintance to warm you that your life is in danger. Yes, I’m still waiting on a name and I don’t have many friends, so you’d better start talking.”
“ My name is India Batiste and I’ve been sent by your friend. Nae.

— The End —