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Fish The Pig Oct 2015
Kiss every inch of me
show me how it's supposed to be
     tell me you'll be good to me...
down my neck in the dark
careful you don't leave a mark
     I want to keep this between us two...
                  promise you won't think less of me
      I just want to be set free
         care for me     ah
         be careful with me...
and promise you won't think less of me
Fish The Pig Oct 2015
I play it over in my head
Afraid to forget a second of it
Every word
Every laugh
Every view
The way you touched me
The way you reassured me
The way your honest eyes demanded truth
How you turned me
Molded me
Hands on my face
Down my chest
Squeezing my hourglass
And commanding my hips back and forth
I’ll keep my eyes closed
Hearing your voice on repeat
Listening to this song again
in bed
clinging to every second
you made me feel alive
“you can’t deny there’s chemistry”
Fish The Pig Oct 2015
the music was saying what I couldn't
                   and all I want
    is for you
                     to be good to me
"let me be good to you"
Fish The Pig Oct 2015
She sat in the artist's warehouse
listening to the quick drip drops of fresh rain
becoming polluted as they passed through rusted drains
and lightly onto ***-holed puddles filled with crushed cigarettes.
She let her warm breath
spool into the air and fill the silence,
she closed her eyes, smiled,
a private moment to recall
what made her smile,
what made her sit in the artist's warehouse writing poetry
rhymes about how light her heart felt,
how clean and fresh the air she breathed was,
how she couldn't keep herself from smiling
when she thought of him,
how he touched her,
looked at her,
how he breathed into her
an earth shattering exhileration
of posisbility, curiosity, fascination
and unexpected livlihood....
She opened her eyes
and caught her breath,
as she did every time
she thought of him
and how he made her feel.
She uncrossed her legs
threw back her head
and came one step closer
to understanding what it was
she wanted
for her heart.

— The End —