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kain Dec 2019
I wish one of us would die
Just to end this mess
To let my hair grow out
To become someone else
Well. Things are. Happening. I guess.
jack of spades Nov 2019
see, i've never been good at letting things die.
my heart has been fractured into all the fragments needed
to carry every single person that has ever laid it to waste,
ever made a home there.
if i just keep holding out hope, everyone will come back around,
right? i don't know how to guard my heart.
not when i never ask for the broken pieces back.
i don't know how to take people out of my life,
not without letting them take a piece of me
with them. what if they come home
one day? what if they don't?
owo whats this? a new hellopoetry post??
kain Oct 2019
And everything will crumble
In the walls of my mind
In the halls of my inner eye
As we bleed out
Perhaps you'll see
How beautiful you are
Compared to everything
You're beautiful to me, and that is the least important part.
Ryan Mar 2019
One by one we fade to black
petals falling from a cheap bouquet
we're gone too soon it seems
victims of the black parade
a field of roses a shallow grave
This is actually a poem written for a novel series I'm working on!
cleann98 Mar 2019
in my mind
           all i really
      was mind enough
         to say no...
                  and yet
as i had knelt...
and as i had pleaded..
     all i could ask for
                                    was ignorance
               and all i could say
          was thank you
                          for all the venom---
                              feels just
              a little bit sad
                                  i couldn't
  ask for more...
                               more drops
  ­                                wanting
                         ­                                              waiting
                   washing down

       even deeper

       ever faster

sating myself more and more in this
scrumptouos feast of more and more
                 and with every single mouthful
i take in
                  my appetite begs for more and more
                           i am a wolf.
           the lowest of the low
                     in a tripartite soul.
and i can't help
                            but fill myself up
     no matter how much
                  i weigh myself down.
                                      i just want more.
                          more of bullets
       for every single word you say
                  more of icicles
              for every single awkward touch
more of daggers
                for every single glare you look me
                 down with

                                   more of poison
       for every single lie you make me swallow
        forcefully down my own throat saying
        that you've always been true

                                                           ­  more of you...
for every single night i waste
away lying wide awake lying
to myself about not regretting
every sound i taught, trained
my tongue to incarcerate until
you were no longer there to listen

                       more of flames.
        the feeling i get whenever you
         quench my burning aching hunger.

                more of flames
that blazing glimmer i become
when everyone looks at all my
scars with disappointment.

                               i want more of flames.
                     and i just want to burn it all down
along with you.
                  and then
                                   i'd happily engulf myself
     engorge myself
                                  on all our
     knowing that no one will ever
           knowingly share anything else with me...
                                                                let me bask
                     at least one last supper
in the blissful toxin
                                   of our cannibalism
                   and one last time
                       we'll cast a miracle and
                               in the gluttony
of our lustful intersuffering
                                                  ­drowning drunk
        from the deathly fermentation
                        of our own flowing blood
    we'll never again
                          have to wake up
                 with a killer of a hangover tomorrow.
requested by~~ i*** and a****~~ quite difficult actually, i hope i don't disappoint you two :<

anyway, it is not like this is much of an anecdote to my life but this really resonates to me a lot, and honestly i based this on a friend of mine  and it really isn't an unusual thing anyway.

ever tried to tell the world to f*c* off? it's kind of hard to do it when you're acting humane and all alone...

anyway, thanks for reading!!! please let me know what you think i could improve on this style on the comments :3

ps. king for a day by ptv rules.
Thorns Feb 2019
Don't you know how some of us feel sometimes?
Don't you know what some of us do to ourselves sometimes?
No, you don't know, nor would you care
Some of cut, cry, try to **** or all three and more to ourselves
But even if you knew you would just say aloud or flaws,
Criticize our looks,
Or beat us to the ground...
Because that's what the world thinks of people like me
They scoff in disgust of our loves and sexualities
They beat us till we suffer from LIVING
The one thing they WON'T do is,

E N D  O U R  S U F F E R I N G
"Just leave the goth chic in the back alone."
"I'm. Not. Goth."
   "Whatever you re your a FREAK! A ******!"
Then kicks me till I'm on the ground.

All because I just think dying is better, I like black,
and I sing MCR and Panic!

Like ***!
levi eden r Apr 2018
today i listened to music.

not just any music but The music i would call my life
when i was younger.
there i sat,
singing along to songs that made me feel like i'm not underwater again,
sitting here almost 17,
looking out the window thinking "man they were right
when they said your worries now won't matter as much
in a few years".

today i listened to music
and realized i will never be that young, fresh kid
who knew about life at a way too young age.
instagram // @introawake

in the title i'm not really trying to be religious lol ,,, , by "god's eyes" i mean like the eyes of the people i look up to. the eyes that got me through the hard times. idk interpret it your own way if you want
Ryan Apr 2018
The boy bellows his sound...screams loud
“come one come all the affair is now”
The words the nurse said ring hollow so dead
“Cancerous sores”
“Carry on carry on”
For he swears he’ll sleep no more
Night terrors are real and if he survives the fabulous killjoys will suffer no ones surprise
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