The energy is back, do I
The energy is back, do I
follow, follow, fight? Do I
frightened, frantic, flee?
There are flurries in my chest again,
there's a storm between my ribs,
do I raise my flag and charge,
or am I just a snow drift?
It's hot and cold like everything
its silver, gold like wedding rings
its an ache like endlessness
that follows me sleep, I am
dying out like autumn leaves and
springing forth like summer trees and
God refused to answer me so
I will go to meet him.
Leave my cabin, burn it down
build a new one out of town,
open up my veins and let the
wind come rushing in, and then
I built a fire in the dark and
dove into the middle, knowing
smoke would choke me, flames would burn
but I'd be glad for going.