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Andrew Kerklaan Aug 2014
I find it odd how as time goes on we find a reason to set down even our most valuable possessions in place of something new..

Something you had once sworn to be your life-blood can become more like your daily bread.

Not necessarily   necessary....

I guess even diamonds lose their lustre at some point....
I'll always love you kid. Even when the luster is gone right outta you, I'll be there for you.
Keep sparkling Jax man

You got light in you even if you never realize it.

Love always,
-Uncle Blue
Andrew Kerklaan Jul 2014
This is for being there for me when nobody else could of been

For looking out for me even when I did not

For picking me up when I was sooooOOOOoooo far down...

This... Is My Mercy Killing

— The End —