Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) - 70
BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem
Come peacefully, whoever you are naturally.
Wanderer, devout worshipper, or a gentle Saint,
Don’t hesitate, undoubtedly you all welcome.
We naturally came from nothing, aswell as;
We will end peacefully as a likely nobody.
I won't have any specific name or noble title.
But they wisely do Call me King Of Hind.
(Sultan Ul Hind Khawajah Gareeb Nawaz)
Nothing but, I exist naturally in Truth and in you;
Come, close by to me, whoever you are naturally!
Allah Khair..... Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem
Ummah Thurab - Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)