By: David W. Clare
She always bugs me
Makes me crazy...
Sushi IS my second favorite thing to eat!
Her best friend wants to **** me in bed!
Perhaps that's the best place to die!
The way that dumb broad talks, makes a man wanna put a gun to his head!
Choose your weapons carefully, it's war in any relationship these days...
Savvy girl power, can break a fools heart in less time than it takes to tie your shoes!
Rather than turn gay, I decided to leave her and walk away...
Her mother resembled an old man with a moustache!
Making my life's plans crash, like making a broken down flop-house bed...
The laundrymat was closed when I checked in to the No Tell Motel...
The cold weather wind started to howl...
I remember that strange smell like someone forgot to throw in the towel...
(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Hollywood 1940 FILMS & Novels turned in to original Film Noir poetry by. D. Clare
Las Vegas USA ...fresh from Bangkok