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It feels like thousands of needles are stabbing my body,
my soul my heart
when I think of
you and I
always being apart.

I miss you sister,
like I don't want to believe, 
 can't even come close to
percieving any reason
for you leaving.
How can this ever build me -
whenever it's done
breaking me down?
Flower petals scattered on the ground.  
Your essence of effortless
pure beauty astounds.
The most Divine woman around.

Why !

  Sister, will this catapult me
into action?
I bust windows
and run in through the flames, 
 as I endlessly scream out your name,
at the top of my cracked voice, swallowed by the chaotic noise
Our house -
 on fire ,
the whole world
on fire,
and crumbling
The pain numbing.

inconceivable destruction,
a vortex of melting wind,

& to what end?

What  could stand after this storm,  
for those who survive,
what all heroic wonders
will your memory inspire?

. My Aquarian angel,
if you believed
this is what it would take
to bring in the new age.
I know you would do it.  
And you would Without any fear.
(Oh my darling!)
If only
I could
have met you on that pier,
if only
I could
have helped you
see crystal clear.

You are so perfect ,
you are so needed- HERE! !

every drop of advice
you ever gave me,
I promise to heed it.

How can i do this mission without you ?
how can anything be put right
when it has gone so incredibly, irreversibly wrong?

I'll miss you're voice in every song
I ever sing,
every Melody I ever bring
will be for you.
I pray to God you hear it too. .
. .
Every time, Magic Maya, this one's for you, every time.
Every single time.
I'll always miss you, please come through , I'll see you on the other side, Goddess Divine.

Hayleo Liz
Hayleo Liz Poetry
Hayley Elizabeth Redinger
The Buzz of a mosquito

Is the sound of something trying to be quiet ,
With a motive ...

to **** your blood
It's Impossible to sleep now,
so I Turn on every light .

This poem could go on --

About bugs being attracted to light,
Especially bugs that I don't like.

The slow reach for the tee shirt to roll up-
The satisfying snap, with a primal yell-

Blood on the wall
Lingering guilt after it all,

After a  breath,
I click the lamp off,
and tuck into my warm covers,
My blankie's so soft!
expecting to enjoy such a peaceful rest,

But sensing weight,
Sitting on my chest...
The mosquito thirsty for my blood,
Somehow had took my best..

it's tiny buzz of life nowhere
Within this newfound silence!
One can hardly sleep
Amidst the saddening absence.

-Hayleo Liz

Immediately shopping for mosquito net
Hayley Elizabeth Redinger
Magnetized, re-energized.
the sound of your laugh.
You were
Living below the ghost of my past,
Repairing the cracks
and holes punched into soft walls surrounding what was
once a home.
{Could my heart be inhabitable again?}

The vibration of my Voice grows clearer & stronger when you're beside me

I think with more clarity,
I speak with more certainty.

feel an aliveness within the silence that we share.

I never want to miss you, I always want you near.

I feel a calm strength within you.
An iceberg, reaching
depths beneath
the surface inconceivable.
I feed the fire -
that brings summer back ---
Warm the ice with my hands.
(Melt! Release ! From a frozen trap)
...  Snow
Floods down the mountains as a rainbow
Let go
You know
You've got my soul.

I feel
your smile without opening my eyes.

Let's spend some time
Looking at what we've found
Learn to help each other unwind
Let go of Mind
And just listen to the sound
Of the not so distant waves
Watch the signs sail on by
Only we decide
which option to follow.
What's it all mean,
Love's great mystery.
What it means to you,
what does that mean to me? .

-Hayleo Liz

Hayley Elizabeth Redinger
I am OK with this.
This is good.
I am not going to label it.
Why would I need to?
Out of Fear? Possession?
Why should I
Set any rules
Speaking our Truths
From our Highest Heart&Souls?

-Hayleo Liz


— The End —