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Roseleigh Feb 19
You are the ghost of what remains
Able to persist in soil ruined by the workings of man
Able to grow after the rage of fire
I am in awe of your ability to exist in such turmoil
Yet know that strange soils can bring rich beginnings
I may know little about your world
But recognize your strength to do what many fear
Roseleigh Jan 13
There is comfort in your transparency
A willingness to be flexible
Some find your touch uncanny
Yet even your teeth are gentle
While a cat may have nine lives
You only get one season
To inspire appreciation of the present
And I will always remember you for it
Roseleigh Sep 2024
From the first moment I saw you I knew what you were
So determined to make yourself like others with the thought
"Why can’t they love me like Morel?"
Except that thought is heard, seen by anyone who meets you
And where some look at you as a trickster
I look at you with utter love, wishing I could hold you to me
And tell you, you are enough
Even if I get poisoned in the process
Roseleigh Sep 2024
I can pick you out of a crowd
Your vibrant violet instantly makes me smile
The sass clear and unapologetic
As confident as your color
Yet still vulnerable against a storm
I will rally behind you
Fight against your foes
And listen to your heart
For you are my favorite mushroom
And dearest friend

— The End —