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O'Ryan Gloer Feb 2016
Today I am your poet kindly,
The wind has renamed my skin goose bumps
I am not sorry,
My words will not be
Filling you with rage today,
Making a display of what we know
But are afraid to say.

Today I am your poet softly,
I know it may be costly
To avoid an opportunity,
But this is my cop-out poem
Understand that I am mad as hell
Am ****** the *******
I do have **** to strew
But today my words are tired,
Yesterday my pen was heavy with destruction
I brought asteroids to earth
Made malleable a boy's soul
Yesterday my fists were swinging, hardened
But today
You won't find them beating glass ceilings.

To my ex lover,
You may breathe.
I will not be selling your secrets today,
To my family
You may speak freely,
I will not be bringing our living room
To the stage today.

Breathe while you can
Become comfortable where you may
There won't be another fair sailing time
Such as today,
I am your poet strategically,
I will replenish the circles under my eyes
Armies of literary devices will be trained today,
Know that a sword was never made sharp
Without steel first being made soft
And when they know my kindness
They will likewise know my anger
When they know my exhaustion
They will learn of my determination
Creation determines destruction.

Today I am your poet kindly,
Drink your tea friend,
Have a doughnut or two
Today, you do not have to worry
About my syntax exposing you
But keep in mind
How quiet preparation sounds,
A storm may not announce itself
Until it makes landfall.

— The End —