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I try.
I try with you friends,
I try with your family,
I try with your schedule,
I try to be good enough for you to be in love with.
To be worthy enough for you to try for.

I’m scared that even though I will love you everyday, you take me feeling these things as noise, and are loving me less and less everyday because of it.
'Your hand in Mine'* by Explosions in the Sky began playing in my ears as I dipped my sore feet into the cold Chicago lake.

I inhaled all the pain I carried that day and slowly exhaled.
My eyes began to slip closed as a plane reached where water met land and began flying over the skyline.

I could feel your arms wrapping around me as I continued to try and breath. Breathing was never something I had struggled with before.

I was warm despite the goosebumps on my arms from the cold front coming in.

I didn't want to feel your invisible presence anymore, but fear of a permanent loss kept me from jumping in and finally ridding myself from thoughts of you.

When I opened my eyes the sun had begun setting and the plane was long gone.

— The End —