we are two monsters
stuck to the edge of the mirror
not needing support really -not to fall down
a spider recently threaded from our edge to the wall edge
a long thread to show off he is here
to show off also that
he really is inspired by
how we look like
we are two monsters
and they say we are look-alikes
we have different color
but we are look-alikes
we are two monsters
and we like talking to each other but
we have never seen each other
we are two monsters
we are stuck to the edge of the mirror
and we have never seen each other
we are two monsters
we talk all day long to each other
We wish to see once
each other
but we are stuck both
on two different edges of a mirror
She has seen me through the mirror
I haven’t succeeded to turn my head yet to look inside
but I have seen her aaa aaa in my mind…
we are two monsters
and we are so nice to but
we have never seen each other
we are both stuck to the edge of a mirror
and apart from each other
we talk all day long to each other
and she has only seen me once
through the mirror as she could turn her head
we are two monsters
can you help us
see each other
well ...post this one on behalf of the two monsters
their spoken version is on soundcloud: dnalumuland