if you're going to call me easy
for giving all i have to give
then perhaps you don't deserve my pleasantries
i'm not quite sure where to begin.
formidable in your fleeting ways
i come crawling from beneath the sheets
of the earth's gentle waves
my lips trailing down
from your head
to your feet
and maybe this love is dead,
but that's no reason to say what you have said.
my thighs and taciturn wrists
my heart goes racing after
the taste of your lips
letting go ain't so easy
for this star crossed lover
for you, it seems as simple as breathing
while i lie under covers
in your bed
in your home
on your street
on my knees
i'm running red
now, why don't you pick up the phone
it appears i've caught a cold
in those winter winds
it appears my antics have grown old
after all, i'm just a kid
what are you, where are you,
my lovely young wanderer?
i didn't mean to smother you
possessive is just part of my nature.
where you tread
alive or dead
i will follow you.