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t ulysses Jun 2018
As so often,
When disillusionment and boredom
And frustrations of day to day life
Seem too much
A sensation and desire at the back of the brain
Sight picture and recoil
Baking beneath Kevlar and body armor
Stale sweat and burnt cordite
Fill the nostrils
Still better than this pointless suburban life
t ulysses Jun 2018
I miss the love of someone
the love of that single touch
I had it once
and miss it so very much
grasping for another
but so out of touch
one love
not to out match the others
but one love
to outlast all others
and I step out into the desert
still looking for that someone
on the horizon
someone or just an illusion
t ulysses Jun 2018
This domestic life bores me
Like mayonnaise and bologna on Wonderbread
I was not built for this
Someone pass the Tabasco please
t ulysses Jun 2018
walking through a crowd
listening,half-hearted to conversations
happy, friendly, and well meaning
and none of them
touch you
wondering why you walk through
a cluster of should be friends
yet remain a stranger among them
and keep walking
for that out reached hand
of the man willing to walk
the next mile of hell beside you
or the kind ear of the woman
willing to listen to the story of your past
t ulysses Jun 2018
One more minute, one more mile to go
Every moment of every day
From this moment to the last
Grasp it all, drink it in
Cherish all this life has to offer
Go ahead and look back and remember
But don't dwell there
There is so much left ahead to discover

My traveling gene got a little scratch but itches more
t ulysses Jun 2018
It took me a long time to understand
But I am Earth and Rock
Unyielding and indifferent most often
Untouched by fire
Yet worn down by wind and water
She was water
Taking the shape of the Earth
She flowed over
But carried every which way
By the winds that touched her
And I am worn down
t ulysses Jun 2018
A wise man once said
A wilderness without people
Is a wasteland
A wasted land as none
Were there to love it
Appreciate it
Now I think it is all
All lands populated or vacated
Wasted, if not shared
Travels I loved, but lacking
Without someone to share them
Who will walk with me?
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