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 Jun 2013 T Mike
Lindsey McCarty
Don't wish to be remembered for something i'm not,
Or forgotten for the honest of me,
I want to walk tall, be known by the all,
And not fake what the world and I see.

What I am is not broken or wearing,
I'm not one who's known for a crime,
I am the one in the crowd, who would scream it aloud,
That this life is a privelage, and is granted one time.

Where and if I shall live this born beauty,
And pass on to the life after now,
My past yearns to live long, with my mem'ries shared strong,
For my life's adu, take a bow.
 Jun 2013 T Mike
Blue eyes looking in on brown
Like watching stars come shooting down
And feeling like the earth and sky
Are focused here within your eyes.
The fiery turmoil of the sun
That burns the world when day is done
Could never compare to what I see
When you are looking back at me --
Nor lightning storms, the thunderous clouds,
May speed my heart as your words do,
Or catch my breath like death

But brown eyes looking in on blue...
Do you see me as I see you?
 Jun 2013 T Mike
Jon Martin
As weather starts to turn
And softly falls the sky,
A winter spent indoors,
As days with you go by.
The lovers warm embrace
Sweet sighs to kiss again,
And snow that can't erase
What I've seen within.
A season passes on,
And the years are not that rough,
I've not the time in all my life
To love you near enough...
The first snow of the year can be almost as magical as the first kiss of a new love...
 Jun 2013 T Mike
Who am I
 Jun 2013 T Mike
Who am I

I'm not my name,
I'm not my face,
I'm not my height, weight or race.
I'm not my age,
I'm not my date of birth,
I'm not yet resting, beneath the earth.

I'm the words of a song,
I'm the twinkle of an eye,
I'm hidden beneath the crinkled pages of a book,
if you take the time, you'll find me, just look.
I'm the warmth,
I'm the light,
I'm a silhouette beneath the starry sky
on a dark, cold, winter night.

I'm an infinite dream, drifting through life.
 Jun 2013 T Mike
Hannah Cee
Have a picnic, think some thoughts.
Write some words in a special spot.
Though your mind gets tied in knots,
Think some things that can't be taught.

When you find yourself all lost in puzzles,
Take a moment to relax your muscles.
Roll around upon the ground,
Wound up in thoughts confound.

Search for what you just can't see,
Whatever it could be.
Look here and there and around the corner,
'Til you swear you're getting warmer.

Figure out who is on your mind,
Ask yourself how they got there.
Take a leap, take a climb,
Forget about who is where.

But don't forget about around you,
Listen to the pulsing air.
Be glad that no one has found you,
Have a moment to sit and stare.

When you feel that you must go,
Think about all you know.
Although there are things you must outgrow,
You are you from head to toe.
 Jun 2013 T Mike
Blake Watson
I dwell on an island.
It’s sunny and bright.
It’s lined by the blue water’s foam.
My house, my possessions,
Are here in plain sight.
But the island is far from my Home.

I look all around me.
Creation I see.
Trees sway and the animals roam.
I will stay here for now,
But soon, I will leave.
For this island is far from my Home.

Corruption is here too,
I’m sad to affirm.
There’s danger when out on your own.
I must take the right paths,
And make the right turns.
Since the island is far from my Home.

We’re here on the island,
With Good and with Bad.
And sometimes we feel all alone.
We can be comforted,
Because we all know,
That the island is far from our Home.
Notes: A poem inspired by Shivakumar Sundaram.
 Jun 2013 T Mike
christina s
I think about it now and then
How it all happened and how it will end
I consider a point from one side to the other
I think of the words we say to each other
Hello and bye and how they formed
Nature, the heavens, and trembling storms
The touch of dawn, that hint of dusk
Birth and death though still unjust
The wanted truth, the horrid lies
How something may appear or its disguise
So think about it now and then but know that somehow it will all end.
Hi. So I also have a poem called "Reality" and "Words"so check those out if you want to.  :)
 Jun 2013 T Mike
Alexander Smith
I sit on my bed
With words and prhases in my head,
How to connect them, I don't know.
I wish I had the lyrical skills of Poe.
What words rhyme with 'December"???
Remember, dismember, glowing ember,
Its like a puzzle, trying to make words fit
This is a good line, one I cannot omit.
Oh yes!! That rhyme is perfect!
Now I must make the line and poem connect.
Word rhyme, rhyme to prhase, phrase to line,
Line to poem, and now I must refine
This page, checking my spelling,
Will they like this poem? There's no telling.
Why must I rhyme?! Can't I just rage out in prose?!
Oh, but I'm too quiet to do that. I know, everyone knows.
Oh well, I need another rhyme.
A rhyem to rhyme with rhyme,
It's like a paradox to find this rhyme of rhyme,
Wait, "chime"!
No, it doesn't fit, and it's a dumb rhyme.
There no rhyme for "rhyme" I bet,
Oh well, I continue down the alphabet,
Got it!
Oh... duh.
No, that is it.  
There's no rhyme for "rhyme"
I guess I have been just wasting my time.
 Jun 2013 T Mike
Liz Edwards
 Jun 2013 T Mike
Liz Edwards
Tomorrow is another day
That's what my mother used to say
I look to find the truth therein
That's the way its always been

The sun will rise
The sun will set
I think that I'm
Not finished yet

So I'll close the door on another day
And hope that I can find my way
Another chance to set things straight
I hope that it is not too late
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