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 Nov 2011 Sylph
Jeremy R Frenette
This is for the rainy days.
The heavy days,
Blanketed under a dark silver sky.

This is an image of
Timeless days.
Where both dawn and dusk
Fail to exist,
Because the gray never went away.

This is the light drizzle
Painting your glasses
With tiny cloudy droplets
That blur-out your vision

And makes the next step a mystery,,
As you pray
                  For a chance of sunshine.

This is for the helpless days.
Lonely days.
Where with every battle
Pits you against the world.
     And should you lose,
     Or should you win,
     Your victory is heard
            by only two ears.

These are the words for the
Mouse-like people.
The great number of quiet strugglers
Who say yes to the fat cat
                                  By Instinct!
So they won't be the meat
Of someone else's meal.
          \    \     \
But this is not to cast you down.
Not a giant- making pinching gestures
With people sized fingers.

This is a challenge!
A day to reach up into
Your oppressive heavens.
Cast aside the disciplinary
Blockade and- Breathe.

Breathe in the tastes
Of a life worth living.
Of the courage to be on your own feet.

And this is an urgency.
This is an urging that
All the doormat people
Sweep out from the heavy feet,
The ones you welcome for trampling.
               -You know exactly what you're
 Nov 2011 Sylph
Sean Smith
Nothing is real
I can feel you getting near
I hope you love me
But that's just not enough
We promised each other forever
And I need only you
Take my hand, tonight

Will you remember me
Or will my silence make me fade
Into memories that you will not retain
Is it too late to say
Your face is inside all my dreams
When i'm gone will you know you were the one
 Nov 2011 Sylph
James Anderson
Am I right?
Am I wrong?
Am I walking towards the dawn
Or the eternal night
Seeing my future
Set in stone
The path laid before me
My steps already made
I see the paths of others
Their predetermined fates
Some will rise while others fall
They are always walking
Towards their fate
Following the path blindly
Is this the point of life
To be told what to do
I see the answer
Ahead of me
I know what I am supposed to do
I try to break free
But chains just force me back
Fate won’t lose
I’ve seen my death
It happens now
The darkness grips
I’m pulled towards the eternal night
Nowhere to go
My mind is slipping
My legs won’t work
Nothing left
Before I’m gone
I look behind me
I see the face of Fate
A face carved out of stone
In its raspy voice it says
“This is you destiny
You have no choice,but to accept
Now goodbye”
Fate is gone
The darkness is closer
Swallowing me whole
With my final breath I whisper
This isn’t my fate”
I fight
I break the chains
I break free
I take a step off the path
And find my own way in the darkness
I look behind
And Fate smirks
 Nov 2011 Sylph
The silence is louder than any words that they can yell.

He looks at her, she glances away.

She looks at him, he turns his head.

What are they afraid of?

If she opens her mouth, will he ask her to leave?

If he opens his mouth, will she say she has to go?

What brought them together?

Is it the missing passion that she longs for?

Is it the missing person that he needs?

What happens now?

They put a smile on their face and pretend it was nothing.

That is what happens with the silence between two lovers.
 Oct 2011 Sylph
Rebecca A Graff
She will try to sleep she will try to love but non compare to him who has her heart. All are second best. Never good enough or will satisfy. She can’t even sleep at night. With dreams of how they should have been could have been they are better than when she wakes up in the morning. Never ending torture is every day to her. Seeing him with her. Knowing how it feels to be in his arms. Not engulfed in his love anymore. Just would rather put it all away, live another day half alive. With her broken heart barely alive. Every smile is a lie. If he could only see how they should be, could be.
 Oct 2011 Sylph
Ria Bautista
 Oct 2011 Sylph
Ria Bautista
Words are lovely
but can sometimes be dull
depending on your mood.
You can make someone fall in love,
or break an innocent heart,
or have someone jump with glee,
or maybe have a poor soul wallow in despair.
Words can sometimes sting
just as much as it can comfort.
So next time you write something down,
think twice.
You may not be saying something nice.

Found this as I was rummaging through old tattered notebooks. Enjoy.
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