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Jan 2024 · 69
AZUL Jan 2024
what does it mean to be loved.
i’ve been yearning for something that seems unattainable.
being in a new position of vulnerability, it seems as if fear has been ever growing, a new disposition of lust is near me and i am not in control of it’s wrath.
i am not who i was; i realize i am ever lasting.
my heart grows deeper with each person i meet, yet i see why i push them away.
i am disgusted by the actions you call love.
you tell me you care but do you wish to know why i am the way that i am.
there is no depth in our roots, you equate my want for you as a transaction, and the only depth you seek is the one hidden within my jeans.
you do not care for me, your past has left you scarred.
i understand it all, but do no preach to a choir you do not tend to.
your words are meaningless.
i have heard it all in an empty gospel.
under a spell of god yet you cannot find him within your prayers.
what is it that you seek?
you do not seek divinity.
you reap what you sew, and maybe that is why you are alone.
within these walls you find solitude, and that is the answer to your paranoia.
i am not one to be sought after, i will peel back your layers and return you to the mother land, yet you continue to grovel towards the madness and do not repent for your actions.
i am not a god, nor am i a believer, but why do you disprove the testaments of those you worship?
is this your way of life?
is this what you believe is righteous?
do you look in the mirror and see honor, disposition, and contentment?
i do not believe you do.
i see you in the smoky mirror, fogged by past isolation you once perceived was love.
you do not fool me, and i am stronger than your pain.
the ministry does not know of your doubts, but i do.
you are crystal clear when you disappear into the void, and i am standing in front of you with open arms.
when will you get tired of running.
Aug 2023 · 105
AZUL Aug 2023
sometimes you don't realize what the universe is putting in front of you.
nostalgia is a liar, i never missed you and i don't think i ever will.
i don't live in regret, and i don't expect you to know how to go about this.

life isn't something i'm supposed to have figured out.  i've definitely gotten smarter about my choices but why do i feel so stagnant?

i feel like i end up in the same situations i did years ago, without a way out. no matter the actions i take, the people i surround myself with, the same things end up happening to me.

what is this trying to teach me? what am i supposed to learn from this? when will i know when i have the answer, and which one is the right one?

what happens when i keep turning to the past? does it really never change? if people change, then doesn't the past change to a different future?

i feel like i'm seventeen again, when i only had myself to rely on because i felt like no one knew what was going on, yet this time i do, but i don't like what i hear anymore.

you've continued to stay in love with me, but i don't want to deal with hurt. why do you love me if i don't love you back?
AZUL Aug 2023
i vaguely remember the summer nights,
the relationships we had just left behind.
nothing i expressed turned into a fight,
i finally thought my life would be alright.
i was 18, you were 26,
i never knew that it would end like this.

we really were perfect, even to this day we never really argued.
you were homeless, and your life was a mess, we both brought each other hope and joy, but i realize that it wasn't enough.

you found a home, a new bed, a new path.
i went from being five minutes away to twenty five, and you never stopped by again.

my mom never liked you, she always thought i could do better.
you said you would provide, look after me, support me, but you only ever distracted me.

i gave you so much of my time, energy, effort, love, i forgot to save any for myself.

that's not your fault, it's my own, i should have known older men knew how to make me feel guilty even when they were being so sweet, alluring, and wise.

you always knew what to say, but you never knew what to do,
and for that, i could never bring myself to your doorway again.

school became optional, i became depressed, unguided, angry, disappointed. i lost myself in you, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

for the 487 days i spent with you, every second, every minute, every single moment was loving, peaceful, exciting, and refreshing.

but for each day, i lost a little bit of myself into wanting the best for someone who wanted to own me.

i'm still young, i'm starting my twenties and you're almost starting your thirties.

it's selfish to want someone to struggle with you,
so for the last day you ever came to my door to pick me up, bring me flowers, take me out on a date, and make sure i got home safe,
i thank you for letting me see that although you wanted to see me,
you wanted what was convenient, not what was real.

that was 103 days ago, and today is day one of starting something new for myself. thank you.
Jun 2017 · 299
AZUL Jun 2017
when i look forward
the word
stares through me
just like you did.
only lasting a very short time
just like we did.
when i look backwards
the word
ignores its way through me
just like you do.
a homesickness for a home you can't return to, or never was
just like me now.
Jun 2017 · 249
AZUL Jun 2017
the you
that was trying to get me
held the door for me
stared at me
and respected me
the you
that had already got me
held my hand
waited for me
and wanted me
the you
that was trying to lose me
forgot what it was like
to want me
and what it was like
to have me
and i realized that
a while ago
i will not accept it
because a part of me
still wants the feelings you gave me
from when you got me
and when you were trying
but now
you aren't the same
not at all
and i keep knocking on the door
of the past
i keep looking foward
but you're in front
i keep my head up
but you're not below
you're always in sight
because i make it that way
i want you near me
in my sight
and when you're not
i feel
so maybe
the door of the past
isn't behind me for a reason
and maybe the door of the past
is in my view
not just because of me
but because
you want to be there too
May 2017 · 231
AZUL May 2017
i dont wanna change you
or fix you
there's nothing to fix
i just wanna make you heal
i want you to know that you're not alone
i want you to realize someone loves you
that you aren't fat
that despite your flaws
despite me sounding cliché
it's true
and maybe
cliché isn't a bad thing
maybe we need cliché sometimes
maybe it keeps me
from giving up
on explaining to you
how much you mean to me
and how much i care
May 2017 · 523
AZUL May 2017
I may die someday,
and I don't know when
But when that day comes,
I hope I'm not surrounded by men.
Because men laugh at me,
and mess with my head,
even if I knew you didn't want to get me in bed.
But in reality,
anything can happen,
So you better hold on to that seat belt you just fastened,
Because this is a massive crash,
and I want you to be safe,
Not be floating in a galaxy somewhere in space.
That is one way to die,
and here is a reason why,
It is better to say bye than to go home and cry.
We all do it,
and we all know it's true,
That's why suicide is easy to do.
My suicide may occur today, or tomorrow,
All I know is that the pill is never that hard to swallow.

— The End —