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Suzanne Penn Sep 2013
I was never..."popular"
as a kid...
or really as an adult either
for that matter...

I dance to my own music
not caring
who sees
or says....

Kids and dogs
seem to like me ok
they don't know how to
take me....

Fine by me....
I don't need the drama
nor want the waste of
my time

recently....I seem to be....
"cutting edge"
dare I say it....

brutal honesty
and un-apologetic
bottom line acessments
are somehow
all the rage!
Go Figure!

So now I am forced to play "hostess"
and be wise
and hurl enchanted
to any who happens along....

I am a caricature...
of what was once....
a cutting wit
and sharp tongue

I have become ...
"the entertainment...."
labeled and excused

I feel flat...
and lifeless....
a mere script....
a role....
that has been filled.
Suzanne Penn Sep 2013
I'm driving myself crazy...
the tape in my head
is not my friend
and has a vile...
wicked sense of humor.

It would be easier for me...
to wreath in the ugly truth
of this whole mess...
than to listen
to the evil little voice
worst case senerios.

I am stronger
than I wish to be...
more resiliant than
is even fair,
so trust that I can handle
whatever you dish out.

What I CAN"T handle...
is my self doubt and wondering
always judging ...critisizing
without really knowing
....just in case

I'm driving myself crazy
waiting for you to let me know
what it is
that I did wrong....
Suzanne Penn Jun 2013
Creating beauty
where there once was nothing
finding uses
for what was once discarded
applying the same concepts
to different scenarios
what could be
what was once un -thought of
allowing my head to wander
and my soul to land
This and much more....
is what I do...
I am an artist.
Suzanne Penn Jun 2013
There is a point in life…
when you get tired of trying to fix everything…
when kindness gets mistaken for weakness
so often…
that it becomes your own fault
for letting it all continue.
Eventually, you start accepting that
you can not make everyone happy
and that no one at all
is trying to make you happy.
This is the moment…
that you reach a crossroad
and make a decision
as to which path to take.
And that decision…
made at a time of
great frustration
and relinquished dreams
can become the filter
through which
your perception of the world
and the motivations of others
will be discerned
from that point on
Choose thoughtfully…
that crossroad is
where character is born
empathy dies

_Suzanne Penn__
Suzanne Penn May 2013
There are times...
when we are
so close
so intimately
in tune
that we
steal a glance
in sync...
My heaven.
There are times...
when nothing works
timing is wrong
chosen words
trigger anger
My Hell.
There are times...
when there is nothing
I can't say to you...
and others
when there
is nothing I CAN say
My Purgatory.
There are times...
when I doubt
and everyone
my ego and anger
can throw me off coarse
I will always
come home to you....
*My Spirituality.
Suzanne Penn May 2013
I crave...
your voice
and the intimacy
that your words....
when spoken softly
bring to me

I crave
your touch
and the security
that engulfs me
whenever you hold me

I crave...
being "part of"
and the  feeling I get
when you tell the world
that I'm yours

I crave...
the release
that overcomes me
when I'm unsure
and your presence
envelops me

I crave...
your taste
when your glows
and I can see the love
in your eyes
Suzanne Penn May 2013
I want to be
In my home
in my work
in my relationships

I want to
and be sated

I want
and abundance
surrounding me

I want a life
worthy saving
worth sharing
worth passing down
to others
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