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Here's to the teenagers that congregate in sketchy places,
Tell their parents they are "at a friend's",
Get wasted on cheap liquor that they probably got from a homeless man,
And get high on every drug in their disposal.
Here's to the rebels that need to break free from rules,
That need an escape from reality,
Or that just want to forget some things,
Maybe not even forever, but for right now.
Here's to the generation of thots, sloots, and ******,
Those who think they're looking for a good time,
Or the ones who have yet to experience this,
Lying so much - you live two lives.
Here's to the youth of now,
Whether you're 16 or 20,
You probably are in this rebellious phase,
Or you will be soon.
Here's to you.
Love, the real kind, is never simple.
It is the one thing that makes life worth it in the end,
and something that wonderful and sought-after is never going to be easy to get.
You have to work for it.
Blood, sweat, and tears.
So if it’s easy, yeah maybe you won’t get broken.
But you won’t be truly happy, either.
You’ll be settling.
Don’t get me wrong,
There are lots of things in life that are totally acceptable to settle on.
Sure, Harvard was your dream school.
But you know what?
Going to your state school because its more affordable
Will still get you where you want to be in life.
And I know the hairdresser couldn't match the color you showed her,
But you are beautiful and can rock it anyway, so don’t worry.
But love?
Settling in love is like buying a pair of shoes that are a size too small,
Just because you thought they were pretty.
They may look nice,
But you are dying on the inside. I
f you had just held out a bit longer,
You would have found a pair just as beautiful that fit well, too.
Maybe that nice guy looks good on paper,
But if he doesn’t give you butterflies whenever he looks at you,
Don’t be with him.
You want someone who makes you fall for them every day,
Not just once.
                  ­ disconnected
This is the antonym of being happy
Feeling stressed sad or angry.
For you my fellow I have a friendly tip
All you need is to follow me and dig dip.

Together with your hate and regret
Take a deep breath.
Then take time and look at the sky
To watch those beautiful stars say "Hi".
there once was a girl
who wanted to fly
so she put on
her prettiest white dress
a left her mother a note
to say
that she loved her and that today
she was finally going to fly away
(salt water blurred the ink
into a bit unreadable mess
but it's the thought
that counts)

she could have taken the
but the sky was such a
******* beautiful
shade of blue
(what an
day to fly
she thought)
so she soaked it all in
and dreamed
of the red running out
(mother would be
so very unhappy
about her
pretty white dress)
as she said a
few final farewells
to the city
that never knew her name

the traffic was loud
but her thoughts were louder
and with each flight of steps
she rose
above the chatter
finally finally
she saw the door
the entrance to freedom
to the roof
(the exit)

they tried to stop her
with their loud megaphones
(still her thoughts were louder)
she heard from below
the sounds of wails and moans
but she was above it all
the skyline was before her
the possibilities
that ******* beautiful
shade of blue
held for her
so tempting
and then
with eyes closed
she flew

the rush
the wait
she wanted
nothing more
than she and
the pavement
to collide

two seconds later
as the engines cried
without bang
nor whimper
the little girl

(oh, how her mother cried
over that pretty red dress)
I feel us slipping
and I can't seem to keep a grip
It's like you're sliding
right through my fingertips
I can still touch you
and feel your warm flesh
But something about us just doesn't mesh
Our connection is becoming a little hazy
I think you're getting a little lazy
We are losing touch
and I miss you so much
I can feel myself falling through the cracks
of my own broken heart
Inch by inch we are losing each other to the dark
I think the bad is starting to out weigh the good
and I'm starting to see nothing where we once stood
Shadows are filling up inside my lonely heart
and I'm trying to find a little spark
A spark of hope, of light, or a fire
to reignite my once strong desire
I can see the sun breaking in your eyes
It's a new day I see it on the rise
and I'm trying to see the good in life
but good things in life are hard to find
This love is killing me
and all I want to know is if I can survive
I should just let you go
But I don't really want too
at least not right now
I know I'm just dragging this out
Because it's inevitable
so why all the doubt?
I just want to know what giving you up
is going to take
Maybe I shouldn't it's easier to just act fake
I've let myself get too far in
How did I let myself get here again?
It's cool, I am strong
But what about my pitiful heart?
You have dreams to chase
and I have a son to raise
you're just a boy and I'm just a girl
we just need to let things unfurl
I've taken all I can take and I can't let this break me down
But it still feels like a part of me is dead and in the ground
I wish our fairytale ending would of came true
but it's time to face the facts...I think it's over.....
and we are through...

Copyright © 2013 by Ashley Rodden
Mutual ******* in Madrid,
Athens in the winter tans me red,
Paris lamps, romantic power grid,
Venice swishes, watching me give head.

Caribbean wave locks me to the sand,
Fresh water fish Frenchly kiss my hair,
Land’s End extends a silver hand,
And all the angels know that I am there.
prompted over on wordypressy
 Jul 2013 suus pulchra vita
Euphoria shall cloud,
merry may lead astray
But when the darkest hour dawns,
sorrow shall show the way

Happy endings fade,
long they last never
But the trails that end halfway,
breathe the woods forever

Lonely fires of hell,
when the heart is split in two
But the day it mends itself,
has mighty power of two

Neither tears nor lonely pangs,
shall ever go in vain
Scorchier the summer is,
sweeter smells the rain

Cold eyes and nerves of steel,
waiting rough times away
when the darkest hour dawns,
sorrow shall show the way
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