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Susan O'Reilly May 2013
26 letters arranged and rearranged
when don’t form poetry can drive you deranged

when work they form tales
that can your senses assail

they take you to a different place
and bring out emotions you can’t trace

they can make you smile, cry and laugh
the power in a few paragraphs

they can move you to the depths of your soul
thats the magic of the poets role
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
My bleeding head

-is throbbing

my eyes are red

-not from sobbing

keep running to the loo

-insides robbing

Alcohol is my nemesis

causes my body too much stress

from now on I abstain

a mantra repeated again and again
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Warm lips
eagerly met
tears fall
soaking wet
hot embrace
face to face
family forgotten
lovers eyes
hunger spent
lovers repent
leave in a daze
memory sways
husband and wife
another life
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
He takes out the trash, or makes dinner

thinks he’s cleaned the whole house

he’s not capable of being quiet as a mouse

full of self-praise

himself, he amaze

selective hearing and speech

sometimes hard to reach

never practices what he preach

loveable and incorrigible

he’s not interchangable
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Alternate reality

in my head I’m free

not chained to this sink

not hanging on the brink

don’t have to pay bills

or wash windowsills

clothes dry themselves

hung up by little elves

nothing needs to be cooked

holidays already booked


alternate reality

in my head I’m free
Susan O'Reilly Feb 2014
Gives me butterflies

when you smile that special way

forever I’m yours
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
A man for all seasons
He’s cool as a breeze
He’s colourful as fall
He floats like a cloud
He can like thunder be loud

He’s fast as lightning
He brings summer with his smile
He can scold and be cold
He can have a dry wit

He has eyes that can freeze
He’ll spring to please
Whatever the weather
You won’t meet better
Susan O'Reilly Jun 2013
Angel dust on a whispering breeze
sending protection, worry frees
that feeling you can’t put you finger on
that was your angel, your shoulder upon
they come in many guises
different events, shapes and sizes
sprinkling their magic as they go
not caring if you ever know
their always around
their love abounds
grief carried away on angels wings
strumming gently on your heart strings
recognise that their nearby
gaze wistfully at the sky
knowledge shines from within
an angel has just been
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Sometimes angels cry

their souls sigh

wings weigh heavy

they want a bevy

Sometimes angels laugh

at evil’s gaff

not always easy to be good

though they know they should

They were once human

mortal man or woman

so forgive them the lapse days

were all entitled to laze

Punishment when perfection goes

their polishing their halos

next time you see a white feather

you’ll know their doing better
Susan O'Reilly Jun 2013
Angry apes arguing

Odd owls ogling

Extravagant emus eloping

Slimy slugs slithering

Wandering worms wriggling

Jaunty jays jumping

Testy tigers thundering

Grumpy giraffes grazing

All animals amazing
kids, alliteration
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Cup overfilling
passion spilling
head spinning
body winning

Time passes so slow
basking in loves afterglow
contemplating getting up
but hoping for another sup
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
I'm just sitting her waiting on the bus
I'm tired, it's been a tiring day
not because I was busy
the opposite, sitting there stagnating
like grease going hard and sticking to the pan

I'm underpaid when busy
the recession has ended that
I hope they move me
I'm getting paid for doing nothing
It's soul-destroying, spirit-stifling, mind-deadening dull

I'm working for the public, apparently
but their an entity I rarely see
I talk to them on the phone and now and again communicate by letter

I'm drowning in nothingness, there is no job satisfaction
maybe they'll offer me redundancy
it could be the kick I need to search for something
something that feeds my soul
at the moment I feel I'd be better collecting the dole

Here I am collecting dust
pretty soon my brain will rust
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Rambling rants of a disturbed mind

genius in his day, one of a kind

fighting against some archenemy

flailing and arguing continuously

family visit heartbroken

in their eyes, no need to be spoken

on a good day he just ignores

their presence, one of his chores

on a bad day swearing and cursing

a painted smile they’ve been rehearsing

the man they knew is long gone

but in their soul, his memory shone

they keep hoping for a breakthrough

a precious glimpse of the person they knew
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Oh a cheap B&B;
made a happy memory
reconnecting with thee
such sweet ecstasy

sometimes life gets in the way
and we forget the nice things to say
caught up in everyday stuff
draping a curtain over love

Take the time to tell
that she makes your heart swell
that for-a-second-longer touch
means so much
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Oh for a simple life
free from angst and strife
but maybe I’d be bored to tears
if I had no worries or fears
Do I like been kept on my toes?
What would I talk about if not my woes?
Life has led me a merry dance
Would I pick a quiet one, if I had a chance?
Susan O'Reilly Nov 2013
Doom and gloom prophets

happiness assassins

depression rockets

miserable visions
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Avoiding your eyes

their guilting me

my inadvertent sighs

you, I pity

Whatever we had

for me, it’s gone

I’m a coward

we carry on
sad, lost love
Susan O'Reilly Oct 2013
Babies au naturel

attracted you, I could tell

they never lacked your attention

caused many an *******

This illness has taken its toll

my ***** in doctor's control

they suggest I lose both

slice cancer at its throat

Will you still want me dear?

its one of my biggest fears

I know it's to save my life

but will you still fancy your wife?
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
I despair

I’m losing my hair

No girl will care

I’ll just have to use that line so corny

that us balding men are extra *****
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
My name is Ben
I am ten
I’m down by the glen

It’s quite lonely here
Just me, Dad and the deer

We’ve ran away, you see
I don’t know who’s looking for me
My mam and maybe Lucy who’s three

My mam wanted us to go
Away from Dad, and all I know

To make a fresh start
In some foreign part
I told Dad, he called mum a ****
and said over his dead body
Was she taking me

I went for my usual stay
Every Sunday was Dad’s day
He asked me did I want a few days of school
We’d take a trip, I said “cool”

It feels like forever we’ve been here
Me, dad and the deer
I miss my mam, wish she were here
I even miss Lucy, who I thought I didn’t like
But I wish i could hold the little tyke

My name is Ben
I am ten
I’m down by the glen
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
To be beside the sea
mind and body in harmony
listening to the sea’s symphony
a water creature is me
feels like heaven ought to be
sea, nature
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Betrayal of trust
moment of lust
confess I must
mightn’t see him for dust

I can’t look him in the eyes
the love he can’t disguise
myself I despise
time for no more lies

There’s a baby on the way
I know he’ll say hooray
so I have to tell him today
this game I can’t play

I love him dearly
wasn’t thinking clearly
must clean out debris
forgiveness, hopefully
Susan O'Reilly Oct 2013
Finally came out of the closet

His eyes look less haunted

I’ve known for years

Tried to ease his fears

He’s making bad choices

Speaking with a new voice

I’m hoping this is just a phase

Meeting guys down laneways

Came home with a swollen lip

Bruised from his neck to his hip

He’s so much better than that

I’d **** for him at the drop of a hat
Susan O'Reilly May 2013
Your not wearing my shoes

so don’t know where I’ve walked

you don’t know why I’m feeling blue

but about me you’ve talked

your actions I found taboo

on my black list your name chalked
Susan O'Reilly May 2013
Your not wearing my shoes

so don’t know where I’ve walked

you don’t know why I’m feeling blue

but about me you’ve talked

your actions I found taboo

on my black list your name chalked
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Oh my eyes are bleary
my very bones are weary

To partake of that pint
was a mistake last night

Its a great saying “just the one”
never happens when alls said and done

I’m never drinking again
ask me on Saturday, around ten
Susan O'Reilly Jun 2013
Bloodied lip

fractured hip

his idea of passion

my bones crushing

with each scream

his eyes gleam

my pain

his gain

I’m not submissive

he’s abusive
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Bloodied lip

fractured hip

his idea of passion

my bones crushing

with each scream

his eyes gleam

my pain

his gain

I’m not submissive

he’s abusive
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Bloodied lip

fractured hip

his idea of passion

my bones crushing

with each scream

his eyes gleam

my pain

his gain

I’m not submissive

he’s abusive
Susan O'Reilly Feb 2014
She loved it on him

Made her want to sin

He fulfilled her every whim

Always gave in

How he feels without her

Snuggled in its hue

Sitting in her chair

Such a sad view

The colour of her kitchen

He smiles unknowingly

Remembers her *******

Though always wittily

Her perfume simply called blue

Lingers in the air

He dabs a tear or two

Imagines sniffing her hair

Parents called her Violet

How could they have known

Her favourite palette

And she not grown

Jarred out of his reverie

A clapping of tiny feet

His hand taken lovingly

As she dances to her own beat

Violets legacy, beautiful

Her eyes a gorgeous shade

He called her Belle

Can’t believe what they’ve made

He drinks her eyes in

That colour unique

Breaks into a grin

His future not so bleak
Susan O'Reilly Jan 2014
Have no degree in bolloxology
can’t stand crapology
yet have to give an apology
because of your assumed superiority
Susan O'Reilly Nov 2013
I’m a *** bomb

ready to explode

you never detonate

so I implode
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
You can put a book down

it won’t cry

You can put it on a shelf

it doesn’t feel lonely

You can share it with friends

it doesn’t feel abused

If you laugh at what’s inside

it won’t feel used

A book no matter how long closed

can always be reopened

Don’t judge them by their cover

some are better than a lover
Susan O'Reilly May 2013
29th of February, that’s my birth date

Personally, I’ve always found it great

“Really, your born on a Leap Year”

Some people practically cheer

Instead of 43, I’m actually ten and 3 bits

People’s over-excitement at this can sometimes be the pits

I’m wondering when I’m at deaths door

Do you think they’ll multiply by four?
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
You may borrow my pen but don’t use my ink
Why would you want to use what I say or think?

Don’t you have an opinion of your own
Can’t your seeds of creation be sown

If you use someone else’s word
Your instantly ignored

But thank you for praising me
I suppose imitation is flattery
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Found an old box
the memories it unlocks
cards, letters, photos
once precious mementos
a relationship gone bad
an abusive Jack-the-lad
but back then I loved him so
as only a teenage girl could know
I light a match
and let it a memory catch
with each flame a release
an emotion experienced, frees
funny I found it while making space for new
guided by a hand I’ll never rue
I start a new box
in years to come
who knows what memory it unlocks
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Players of the night
Ladies take flight
Promises galore
But they only want to score
The blokes keeping a tally
Bonding, getting pally
Adding up kisses
Laughing at near misses
The word respect
Has no effect
Boys will be boys
Girls their toys
Susan O'Reilly May 2013
Brazen in her attitude

ignorant and downright rude

burning bridges as she goes

stepping on people’s toes

Bravery or naivety

she should try flattery
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Bridezilla is on the rampage
slightest mishap starts to rage
place settings, table plans
hair pulling, feet dance
screams and tantrums
plate dodging chums
stressing over money
I’m so not funny
hubby-2-be was being tongue-in-cheek
unaware of the havoc I can wreak
he’s in the doghouse for a week
my company is not for the meek
Susan O'Reilly May 2013
Your the broken one

but it’s my bones you break

I’m the strong one

not much more I can take

I’m the ugly one

but it’s you, you can’t face

I’m the lucky one

running away from this place
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
A heart never broken

pristine and sterile

I pity their perfection

their memories futile

An unbroken heart

has not life experience

has not taken part

never suffered a grievance

A broken heart is a lesson

hard to learn but needed

its a beautiful blessing

hopefully not oft repeated

A broken heart gives us

strength, understanding and compassion

empathy a welcome plus

wearing my heart on my sleeve, fashion
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Bruised wrists

****** trysts

throbbing lips

thrusting hips

burning desire

***** on fire

What’s that noise?

another surprise

over the precipice

drowning in bliss
Susan O'Reilly Dec 2013
Bunny suit

white cuffs and collar

she's cute

you pay the extra dollar

black silk bunny ears

black stillettoes

she smiles at your jeers

always the pro

White pom pom tail

wiggles when she walks

your senses she assails

her ex-boyfriend stalks

Treat this bunny well

or in your drink she spits

she's ringing your bell

but to her your the pits
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
When the monkey
came to stay
he ran away
with the Earl Grey

When the snail
came to stay
he left a trail

When the frog
came to stay
he started his own blog

When the giraffe
came to stay
he charged me a tariff

When the magpie
came to stay
he ran of with a glass eye

When the parrot
came to stay
he ate my last carrot

When the cat
came to stay
he ate my welcome mat

Next time their
coming to stay
I’ll be gone away
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
I can't fry an egg, sunny side up
becomes nasty pulp
I'll try to do a roast
but you'll probably end up with beans and toast
I'll try to do a coddle
but it won't be a doddle
if you want cordon bleu
forget it, but I might attempt a stew
my dessert will probably fill you with mirth
you'd give it a wide berth
I mightn't be a good cook
but if you want a night filled with glee
come visit me
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
The chance smile, the look over the shoulder, the coy quiet wink

Flirting is easier than you think

I’m looking for diamonds only, please

If your bargain basement stay away, ******

Self-belief is a great thing

an attribute that makes my heart sing

Each of us has a certain zing

that makes someone’s bell ring

It may be just your smile

that makes them go that extra mile

Whatever yours is use it

Don’t lose it

People go to bars to chat

So talk, it can be as easy as that

If you have a great personality

that’s what they’ll see

Body language speaks volumes

turn it up, turn it down

not so loud, that you sound like a clown

So take my advice

and good luck finding your mr or mrs nice
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
My friends cat got cat-i-tude
spoiled and downright rude
thinks he’s just purr-fect
has all my tights wrecked
he’s such a cool kitty
sitting there looking pretty
I don’t know what’s going to happen
have to stop myself from cat nappin’
that would be a cat-astrophe
‘cos my friend means too much to me
cat, friend, humourous
Susan O'Reilly Dec 2013
For an extra dollar

she wears the dog collar

lets him take the lead

she has kids to feed

The father’s her ****

beats her to a pulp

got her addicted to crack

made sure she’d never go back

She’s no choice but to be submissive

everything makes him aggressive

her clients wants a *******

over his face she cowers

I pity her life of vice

she’ll tell you she’s no choice

what chance of her kids got

in a vicious circle already caught
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
My emotions you’ve stirred
around you I’m never bored
Your certainly not a yes man
if you were I wouldn’t be a fan
You challenge me constantly
a better person I aim to be
Our differences are great
healthy debates they create
we often reach a stalemate
You and me, I celebrate
Susan O'Reilly May 2013
Love starts with a glance

taking a chance

develops holding hands

ends with wedding bands
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