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some evenings it's early
before anyone has a chance to notice
before any mouths can open for objections
before my limbs can react to your magnetic pull of opposite forces
some evenings its late
so late its barely evening at all
so late the moon creeps up like an hourglass counting down the seconds that belong to us
an alarm clock you can't reach to turn off
so late my words have strung out and dried
beyond the comprehension that we share
before you have a chance to hear them
some evenings it leaves my back pressed against glass like a prisoner
and im forced to watch people crack my exterior like an exhibit
some evenings it leaves me stumbling over
backspaced words and eraser marks
some evenings it is comfort that envelops me
it lingers until the next some-evening when i am
trapped and desperate like a caged animal
i am still waiting for the evening that plays out our scenario
im waiting for our odds to improve
the some-evening where you sit next to me in this glass home
and pretend you are not as uncomfortable as i am alive
and i don't have to sit and catalouge
all of these post-five PM hours
you are here before day turns to dusk
as you were always meant to
some evenings i immobilize my eagerness
by shoving "now is not the time"
down my own throat
some evenings i glance at the door
at my watch
i settle on my own hands
that beg to make your existence poetic
some evenings i just wait.
If hope grew on a bush,
  And joy grew on a tree,
What a nosegay for the plucking
  There would be!

But oh! in windy autumn,
  When frail flowers wither,
What should we do for hope and joy,
  Fading together?
I can't promise that I'll be the wealthiest man in the world
I can't promise that I'll be able to get you anything you want
I can't promise that there won't be times that we'll argue or be upset with each other
I can't promise that I'll be able to be with you for every second of the day
I can't promise that we'll be in love forever
I can promise that I'll try my hardest every single day that each one of those cants  becomes a can.
~ ईस्क कि सुरुआत ~

ईस्क सुरुआत तुम ने की
हम बद्नाम हो बैठे !
तुम्हारी आसकी में दर्द का
दरवान हो बैठे ॥

           मेरी हर हँसी पर रात-दिन
           खुशीयों का पहरा था ।
           मिली मुझसे जो तु,
            खुशीयों से हम परेशान हो बैठे ॥

हमारे घर भी खुशीयाँ आके
हर दिन लौट जाती है !!
उन्हे मैं लाख रोकूं पर
            वो मेरी एक नही सूनती ।
            मै थक कर बैठ जाता हूँ ,
            वो हँस कर भाग जाती है ॥

गई तु छोर कर
मेरी खुशी तो छोर जाती तु !
मैं हँसी को खोजते
          गम की गली मे लूट जाता हूँ !!
          खुशी आगे निकलती है
          मैं पिछे छुट जाता हूँ !!

तु शायद भूल जा
लेकिन ,
           मुझे वो याद आता है
           मै सोनु , सोना
           बाबू , बच्चा तुमहारा था ।
           इन सब ऐसे कोइ कैसे भूल जाता है ॥

मैं रोता हूँ , बिलकता हूँ !!
कोई चुप नही करता,
तेरे बेबी सर गोदि में
अपने अब नहि धरता ॥

तेरी यादो में खुद को
कभी मैं ढुढ्ने निकला !!
मगर अपने ही आसु में
मै हर दिन डूब जाता हूँ ॥

- सूरज कुमर सिहँ
दिनांक :- 14 / 06 /14
missing some one

— The End —