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sun stars moons Oct 2013
Two smiles
Twice Daily
Infinite Refills
sun stars moons Oct 2013
We awaited his late arrival
The bell had sounded minutes ago
We ignored and appreciated the lack of instruction
Warford came in casually, handing out blank sheets of paper
He sat down and leaned back in his mighty chair
The board behind his closed eyes and crossed arms read,
"The Assignment"
Some kids wrote "The Assignment" on the top of the page and left the rest blank.
Some kids made up their own "Assignment" and handed it in.
Some kids left the entire page bare.
I drew a dinosaur.
sun stars moons Oct 2013
The wind outside is angry and frigid
It's picking up by the hour
The sky is dark and the ground is leaf-scattered
Autumn has broken through, gusting our hands in the air, waving goodbye to August.
I've packed up all my sundresses, now.
I found a five dollar bill in my winter-coat pocket
My nose is turning pink and my lips have cracked
It's dry this year.
The fog is sinking into the night and the streetlights catch it perfectly.
The greeting is more bitter than sweet, the goodbye is even more so.
The kids wobble to school each day with their eyes heavy and their shoulders unbalanced with books.
It's started to rain.
sun stars moons Oct 2013
Where are you now
Where were you yesterday and last Tuesday
Where will you be tomorrow and          who
will you spend tonight with?
Is she pretty?
Where is your mind
Where did you drop the memories and       why
did you leave them there?
Are they ugly?
Where are you now
Where were you on October 19th
Where will you be on May 18th
Where have you gone
and why
aren't you coming back.
sun stars moons Oct 2013
Write a poem
for Monday
no more than 15 words
It doesn't have to rhyme
sun stars moons Oct 2013
I honestly believe
that I would be
a much better person if i were
c o n s t a n t l y
slightly drunk.
Because alcohol
is honesty,
I would rather be semi-unconscious
and honest
than ignorant and sober.
Sobriety is holding back
stifling our opinions with politeness
sun stars moons Oct 2013
My grandmother always says that
boredom is for boring people
So next time you spit
"I'm bored"
think about who you are.
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