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Apr 23 · 302
After all the highs
Will be a series of lows
The longest you’ve ever had
And the lowest you’ve ever been
Feb 26 · 126
february episode
I wanted to die
Planned it for weeks
I have to do it
But on the night
Of my death
I got lazy
And sleepy
All because of work
I couldn’t bring myself
To get up and do it
So i fell asleep
And wrote this the next morning
Dec 2023 · 539
death plea
If you come into my room
And find a noose
At the bottom of my closet
Please don’t come to me
And confront me
Please get it out of my room
Hide it somewhere
Or throw it away
Because when I come back
And find it missing
I will just tell myself
Well, everything happens for a reason
Sep 2023 · 91
Birthday Madness
I’m just 3 years away
From being 3 decades old
Surprisingly, I feel at least nothing
For the first time since turning 18
Managed to keep my cheeks dry today
My head isn’t foggy
My heart doesn’t hurt
I’m far from being happy
But at least
I acknowledged turning
A year older
I don’t look forward to anything anymore
The sun rose today
And it will set
As it did yesterday
At the very least
I didn’t feel like a disappointment today
And somehow
People remembered me
When our dreams die
Do we die, too?
Or is it the other way around?
Apr 2023 · 294
the last supper
Broken ties
Right before my eyes
Sat at the dinner table
Fed with silence
And disguise
For how long
Does this stay
Mar 2023 · 214
I whispered through the night
Wishing things would end
Because if they aren’t
I don’t know where I’m heading

I wrote a letter
To my family
Friends and unknown lover
That if i disappear
I swear on my life
I am not dead
Maybe I just couldn’t
Find my way home
As i have never been
To one
Jan 2023 · 330
What does sacrifice even mean
Does that make people happy?
Jan 2023 · 131
I’m sorry
If my worries
Control me
I’m sorry
If my depression
Wins over me
I’m sorry
If you think
I’m an adult
And smart
But I ain’t that
I’m just 26
And anxious
Nov 2022 · 123
truth be told
What was the saddest apology you’ve ever heard
An apology for simply existing
Nov 2022 · 104
the lost poem
It has always been easy for you
To step on me
Because at the end of the day
I will always understand you

I have always wondered
What you always meant by
Everything’s gonna be fine
Because none of these is fine

I am a lost child
With an empty stomach
No matter how much I eat
I still crave for something else

I am your lost child
The beginning of your misery
The echo of your anxiety
A slave to your trauma
Nov 2022 · 71
when the pen hurts me
I watched you fade
Into the sunset
Like how i used to
When I was three
When I didn’t know
What living and dying meant
No one explained to me
Because I didn’t ask either
I still think
The sunset is pretty
And nice people
Go in there
Til inevitable things happen
And I watched my grandfather
Vanished into the pretty sky
Of January 13
I wasn’t anymore three
And now i know what it means
To stop breathing
It isn’t a pretty phrase
And the feelings aren’t pretty either
The sunset came again
And i stopped caring
Sep 2022 · 73
The flower will bloom
Wither and die
Without anyone noticing

How can you bring flowers
To someone’s grave
When you can’t even water
Your garden back home
Sep 2022 · 106
I’m trying to find ways
To end this life
Because if I don’t
This life will end me
Do i apologize
To everyone
I’ve hurt
For hurting me?
Aug 2022 · 280
They told me to run
Run away from you
But I pretended
I didn’t hear
And ran away with you
I denied everything
Every single lie
That came out from your mouth
Continued to run away with you
Even farther
I should’ve known
you weren’t the one
When i saw you
having your tequila
In a coffee cup
Aug 2022 · 74
I built a wall
And it stayed that way
Until you came
I crushed the wall
For you
Because you told me
You’ll never give me pain
It didn’t hurt me
When you hurt me
I destroyed the wall
And destroyed me
Aug 2022 · 81
i hope this reaches you
This might not make sense
But I’m trying to tell a story
My story

Lately, I have been enjoying life
But in between my smiles
There’s this tiny voice
That reminds me of how sad i become
When i am alone
My thoughts eat me up

This still might not make sense
But as cliche as i sound
This is happening to me

What if i just disappeared
What if i just end all of these here
What if someone sees me lying on the floor
And my soul has already left me
What will people say

I am sad that this is how my life has turned out
I am sad that i keep getting sad
I am sad that even on my worst times
I still tend to seek for everyone’s approval

How far does this “i want this to end” go
How long do i have to ask myself
We’re going to make it right?

My bathroom mirror broke this morning
I wasn’t there when it fell
I just noticed the broken pieces when I opened the door

My broken mirror reminded me of all the bad things in my life
I stared at it
Contemplating on whether or not
I should do it
And i would get scared
Because everytime the thought crosses my mind
I would freeze
And i would get scared more
Because in this fraction of time
I cannot seem to control myself
What if i actually do it
I’ve imagined it a thousand times
I know i will regret it
When my soul is slowly crossing to the afterlife
Aug 2022 · 205
If happiness is free
Then why do we
Have to give up things
So others can feel complete
Jul 2022 · 371
None of it
I’m afraid
Of being content
That i don’t know
What i want
Or if i still want more
If I don’t
I will happily stop breathing
Jun 2022 · 172
the only
in my life
May 2022 · 192
My father can fix anything
But not my depression
May 2022 · 234
You feel comfortable
On a sofa
That isn’t yours
Apr 2022 · 559
the death of me
If I could jump off from a cliff
I would make sure
I’d die from it
What’s the point of hurting yourself
When you don’t wanna end it
Apr 2022 · 312
The clouds of my past are raining on me
And it’s raining painful memories
I used to have fun talking to people
I enjoyed their stories
But suddenly
I felt distant
I’m not conversing anymore
I’m just merely answering queries
And i see this reflection standing beside me
Rolling her eyes
Come on, let’s get out of here
You’re not having fun anymore
Your anxiety is the one talking
And not your interest
When can I finally say
I am completely healed
Feb 2022 · 80
Good things come to those who wait
Sounds true right
But I've been waiting
For so long
I thought you were already the best
Nov 2021 · 98
how can the sunset be so beautiful
even when it means
the day is over
i hope i can be as beautiful as the sunset
when everything for me is over
Sep 2021 · 90
this fucking anger
I am angry all the time
God I am ******* angry
I think I’m going nuts
My head is going to explode
I get angry over small things
God I hate how I feel
I get anxious and sad
And then I’d get angry for feeling sad
I wish I could explain it to you
How I force myself to smile
How I fake my calm
I just want to be as pure as the sun
Jul 2021 · 80
Depression is rain pouring so hard
Lightning and thunderstorms
Big waves and sinking boat
All at once inside of you
It can be sunny sometimes
But you’re trapped in a room
with no door and windows
Walls are hospital gray
With words spray painted
Only you can see
May 2021 · 109
We should be happy
To the fullest
And not be scared
Of what might
Happen next
May 2021 · 218
i continue to write sad poems
even though i don’t feel sad anymore
maybe it’s the comfort
maybe i have nothing else to write anymore
May 2021 · 120
we don’t write to be good
we write to feel good

we don’t write to be something
we write to feel something
May 2021 · 106
She writes too hard
But never cries
If comfort is in these words
How many pages
Should she fill with ink
May 2021 · 106
I am in search for a happy place
But how would I find it
If I don’t even know how to be happy
In the first place
Apr 2021 · 413
shut thy mouth
They will talk
And talk
Even when you’re gone
The bad and good
Won’t really matter
As long as
You know who you are
Maybe i should stop
Giving myself another year
I’ve been trying for three years
And thought i was getting better
I am getting worse
I could still hear death
There’s still no happiness
Perhaps I should end this
So I wouldn’t be stuck in this maze
I can’t win anyway

I still feel empty
One word and I’m back at it
I can’t cry anymore
I wanna scream at them
For not seeing through me
How many more years should I pretend
How many more years should i suffer
How many more years should i fake it
How many more years should i tell myself
Just one more year
Let’s end this here
Mar 2021 · 841
it wasn’t just a phase
All i can remember
From my teenage years
Is that i was always angry
I was angry for being alive
I was angry at this world
I was angry for no reason
I was angry at myself
I was angry because of my parents
I was angry for being stuck at my parents’ house
I was angry for wasting so much time being angry
I was just angry all the time
Nothing was memorable
Now I am angry for reaching this age
And not learning about life
I am angry for remembering
My teenage years
Mar 2021 · 100
You combed my hair
Tied it in a perfect ponytail
Prepared my lunchbox
Like a perfect mother
You’d say
You were so proud of me
And you’re happy
To see me
Everytime you’re  sober
But when you’re high
I could see anguish
I grew up with it
No matter how sober you are
On some days
I still can’t  forgive you
For telling me
You regret having me
It still pains me
Feb 2021 · 263
Problematic Therapy
We tell our problems
To our closest, dearest friends
Til it becomes a habit
And it’s only you
Who can feel the sun on your face
It doesn’t rain anymore
And there’s no pain in your chest
When it’s your turn

We always believed
That the most painful words
Feelings and moments
Are cast away
When we share them
To our closest, dearest ones
Leaving them
In a dead end
Because we think
We deserve to be heard
But never the ones
To be the bearer
Of sad stories
Jan 2021 · 115
You live in places
You thought you belong
You feel hope and joy
Then one day
You don’t feel it anymore
You don’t belong anywhere
Jan 2021 · 118
In the past
You wished the sun never set
But now
Most days
You wish the sun would never rise
Dec 2020 · 96
Wrong Party
I went to a high school reunion party
Saw this girl who used to be so famous among guys
And saw this guy who used to be bullied for his hair
I also saw some old friends
One works at a publishing house
She swears she's quitting the next day
The other works at a resto
And complains about her customers
I am succesful (?)
As what they say
Because I have a job
And I seem to not have any complains
After some good glass of wine
I felt like I went to the wrong reunion party
I don't know anyone
Maybe it was the wine
As I don't drink unless it's water
My old friends aren't talking to me
I went to the door
Ready to leave the room
Bumped into people
I really went to the wrong party
Because I made these all up in my head
While reading the invitation by mail
I don't go to parties
Nov 2020 · 115
invisible war ii
We cry on bathroom floors
Win arguments on the mirror
But when we step outside
We cannot even speak out
But our inside voices
Are screaming for help
Nov 2020 · 86
someone’s body
I am 24
But sometimes
I feel like I’m 40
Or I am inside an old dying woman’s body
I am too young to talk about the future
But I’m too old to cling to my past
I feel like
My body and soul are mismatched
This soul belongs to someone else
And I’m borrowing this body
I’m sorry
For not taking care of this
I’m sorry
If my thoughts
Hurt every part of you
I’m sorry
For not finding where I belong
I’ll be leaving you soon
Oct 2020 · 107
Writer’s Block
I haven’t had a pen for so long
I’m trying to scribble
Words I cannot form
Feelings I cannot recognize
Faces I cannot remember
My mind is on a lockdown
Trust me I’m trying
I just can’t untangle the chain
That’s keeping me from
Making something
Out of nothing
Sep 2020 · 151
invisible war
We all are fighting
Invisible war
We don’t know who’s winning
But we all see everyone losing
Aug 2020 · 90
Adult Tears
If only I had known
That growing up only meant
Paying bills, debts, and rent
I should have wished
I was never born
Aug 2020 · 82
the world we cannot have
Put on your rose colored glasses
The one that matches your skirt
As well as your blush
And your hair curled perfectly
See the world through it
And say
What life could’ve been
If we lived in a rose colored planet
Jun 2020 · 88
I searched for years
For a love that would love me back
But I never found it
I should stop looking for it
And mind my own business
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