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Mar 2014 · 220
my eyes
pluie d'été Mar 2014
the emptiness of my skin
connected to the changing
ocean in my eyes
it looks away

your calm eyes
over me
my still form
moving in happiness
when i am sad
see the rain
in my eyes
the way it looks away

a strand of my hair
in between your finger tips
to me
of it's silkiness
i will pretend nothing
a storm in my eyes
looking away

my lips against yours
by the cool setting sun of autumn
my eyes
ignited gold
my the rays
look away

do you notice
my eyes
after you tell me
over and over
how beautiful
they are
Mar 2014 · 326
pluie d'été Mar 2014
just agree with me
shallow words
i begin to dislike
these colours

i only reserve hate
for the things i love

stop it
you stopped caring
you notice me
the way you want me
to be

you say
i worry too much

you protect me
too much
your ears covered
cover your eyes too
Mar 2014 · 412
When We Were Alone
pluie d'été Mar 2014
It was so easy
When we were alone

The lights would lie
Like bright shadows
Stained pink
At the horizon
Heavy in the sky

You would hold me
To you
Watching my thoughts
While I would feel your heart beat
Behind me

When you spoke
You read
Of a fairy tale
With the only ending
We could imagine
It was what we had been taught

We were happy alone
You were happy with me
I was sad with you
But they cancelled each other out
A little bit
Scraped apart
It made us
It made us
Who we were

When we were alone
You had me
Almost all of me
Convinced that there were only two to a world

There are not
There is a much greater number
Mar 2014 · 195
pluie d'été Mar 2014
it's not okay
and nothing that you say
Mar 2014 · 381
fragile glass jars
pluie d'été Mar 2014
do you like the way
your emptiness feels

fragile glass jars
on the windowsill

your eyes look at me
from them
like the echo
of what you thought
empty like my heart

the question
hangs between us
and i nod my head
before i can shake it
Mar 2014 · 225
i can't say anything
pluie d'été Mar 2014
You look at me
With eyes melting
The colour of dry grass
In the winter

Evaporate like mist
From your lips

I see them moving
In hope
And sorrow
Coinciding with your soul
But I can’t
Say anything
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
pluie d'été Mar 2014
You listen
You don't listen
Do you

The words you hate to say
I will nod
And smile
And you will
Never notice
Tainting them

Your words
Stopped making sense
Weeks ago
And I'm sick
Of your rhyming
aa bb aa
a b a b a

Leave me
It's easier
To believe in a dishonesty
When you hear it
Over and over
Mar 2014 · 259
before forever
pluie d'été Mar 2014
empty casings
lie beside
empty bodies

tell me
where the souls go
the ones that disappear
every second
the ones
whose shadows
lie red
on the road

keep my eyes
on their echoes
i am too afraid
to contemplate
the infinity

i am brave enough
to contemplate
the lack
of eternity
that reaches me
before forever
Mar 2014 · 182
Is It Okay
pluie d'été Mar 2014
Don't tell me that you're scared
When you have been so brave
All along

Black and white
And words

With  my thoughts
With my feelings
Make me stop believing
In everything

It's more difficult
To live this way
It's easier
To live this way

Is it okay
To believe in a lie
If it's true
Mar 2014 · 275
pluie d'été Mar 2014
Don't look so surprised
**** **** ****
The words you say
A dozen times a day
Surprises you
When the fall out of my mouth
Staining my lips
Dark red

This isn't anything you have done
I have a dark conscience
I'm not only
Good and Kind
Gentle and sweet
Polite and confined

The word you barely notice
When it comes from me
Try shove it back
Down my throat
With disappointment
In your eyes
Did I ever
Do that to you?

Cover my eyes
Don't let me see
The things I already have
Try protect me
Save my innocence
My fragility
It's too late
I still breathe
And I will
Every word
Into the softness
Of my pillow
If I have to

You say
I'm being difficult
Was being nice
Too easy for you
What you expected
Too easy to be shattered

You thought
That only whiteness
Was me
I'm sorry
For not being sorry
Mar 2014 · 936
four letter word
pluie d'été Mar 2014
what do i believe in
is it you
the feeling of your absence

falling away
clouded by a thousand lies
by a dozen reasons

break my heart
i have ceased
to believe
in the four letter word
that comes rushing out your lips
Mar 2014 · 158
pluie d'été Mar 2014
your soul echoes
at the curve of my wrist

making my heart
beat a little bit faster
a little bit slower

a slow smile
as if you can tell
the story
of each wing
of the butterflies
moving inside of me
their speed
what it takes
to be captured

i smile
and look away
and when i look back
you are already there
Mar 2014 · 184
this is our goodbye
pluie d'été Mar 2014
this is our goodbye
kiss my fingers
the way you're used to
a smile
against the tips
barely there

this is our goodbye
hold me
in safety
about to stand from a fall
that made the stars
and burn
our eyes

this is our goodbye
into my hair
how much you want me
everything you're going to do to me
send shivers
up my spine

this is our goodbye
do everything
you murmured
into my ear
underneath the black

this is our goodbye
our love
with the absence
of the word
rhyming with never

this is our goodbye
i don't suppose
that i should have
loved you
Mar 2014 · 218
We do not
pluie d'été Mar 2014
You still smile at me
After our togetherness
Has gone

You still call
And stop by
Asking me
And over
To be

I know
The reader of a thousand books
With heart breaking
How this will end

I know you
The watcher of a hundred
Love- cliche films
Do not

Stay in your innocence
It is your safety
To a danger
You are not aware of

We do not end up
Mar 2014 · 182
How Dare I
pluie d'été Mar 2014
How dare I
Make a demand on you
To never lie
When it is what
I fall back on
Keeping silent
Or with a smile
Mar 2014 · 580
pluie d'été Mar 2014
tired eyes

a train
rattling the window panes
he swears
the vibration
makes the cracks
get wider

a drag
of greyness
taking life
out of his lungs

an empty page
the key of his type writer
held down
all at once

what's wrong with the sky
when it's blue

the joint
a bird's call
making him miss
his cat

he longs for turmoil
he longs for piece
he gets neither
Mar 2014 · 324
Too Much of a Coward
pluie d'été Mar 2014
I am too much of a coward
To ever hurt you
So I let you believe
The definitions you make
Of the words that I say
My pride
Barely allowing me

I will never say
That I love you
Because I know that one day
I will probably take it back

But I see the smile
In your eyes
A secret
You think I love you
And I am too much of a coward
To tell you that
I don't
Mar 2014 · 309
pluie d'été Mar 2014
he watched the sun
the way she watched the moon

grey sadness
longing for
to heat his skin

pale golden clarity
missing the greyness
across her skin

won't you stay
he would whisper
watching the sunset
won't you hasten
she would murmur
watching the sunset

i wish you would leave
he would
tell the moon
never leave me
she would
implore the night

then one day
as the moon
bathed in the pale
flickering sunlight
he stumbled across
a sleeping figure
and she was awaken
by man's clumsiness

i'm so sorry
he said
i forgive you
she said
mixing in unison
the sunlight
the moon
hovered together
for a second
before they fell apart

left and right
will never be the same again
Mar 2014 · 206
pluie d'été Mar 2014
I watched his eyes
Fall downwards
Like ocean coloured rain
And beauty

My heart hangs
At the sound of his sigh
At his absent smile

His fingers
Entwined carelessly
At my fingertips
Feel warm
And cold
At the same time
And I don't know
What that means
pluie d'été Mar 2014
i stumble through
the grayness
certainty at the absence
of my feeling heart

i stare up at the sky
kneeling over me
to save me
and i turn back
to look in your eyes

it calls me
when you look away
and it calls for me
when you swear that you will stay

i love the sky
and i love you
but i can't decide
which one
i love more
Mar 2014 · 169
the sky and the sea
pluie d'été Mar 2014
if i'm the rain
won't you be the wave
i can't stay away from
when the clouds

if i'm the shore
won't you be the wave
wanting me
but just too afraid
to consume the whole of me

if i'm the strike of lightening
won;t you be the wave
i just miss
from striking

if i'm a part of the infinite sky
won't you be the endless wave
always forming
at the ankles
of my shadow
having a taste
of what we could have been

if we weren't so far apart
the sky
and the sea
Mar 2014 · 260
a tainted line
pluie d'été Mar 2014
Do you know of the one thing
I fear
The three words I loathe to hear
Falling from your lips?

I hold my finger
What you kiss me with
When you begin to
Say '....'

I hold my palm
When it's not enough
And your eyes
With your throat
Sending shivers
Up my arm

You think I'm joking
That I'm only playing
But I don't think
That I would be able to stay
Once those
Three words
I distrust
Come tumbling through
The gaps between my fingers
That fit into yours

"I love you"
A tainted line
I don't want to
Hear it
From someone
As wonderful
As you
Mar 2014 · 282
i think of you
pluie d'été Mar 2014
i feel his weight over me

his hands roaming
smoke in his hair
kissing my neck

i think of you

see him smiling
across the room
reddened eyes
waiting for me

i think of you

his hands
holding my wrist
whispered slurs
'just one night'
he says

i think of you
Mar 2014 · 462
pluie d'été Mar 2014
isn't it strange
how the heroine is blamed for her beauty
when she does not notice the jester

were it not for her beauty
he would
have not noticed her
Mar 2014 · 244
Against Your Heart
pluie d'été Mar 2014
you must have cried
at the sight
of all the trees
at the impact of his words
against your heart
Mar 2014 · 227
like a starting gun
pluie d'été Mar 2014
i drown in despair
my hand in yours

i feel your pulse
against my skin
like a starting gun

i need to run away
Mar 2014 · 206
The Space Between Us
pluie d'été Mar 2014
The space
Between us
Grows wider
When you pull me closer

Your eyes
Like your soul
Are too tired
To catch my own
You catch my hand
In your own
Isn't that just so much easier..?
Mar 2014 · 498
I Disagree With My Soul
pluie d'été Mar 2014
I am a contradiction
But I am not

I am shadowed
By a cloud of mystery
My intentions
Are as clear as glass

My soul
Is captured and dark
My soul
Is pale and free

I believe in the things
That don't make sense
I don't believe in the things
That do

I find my heart
A tide of feelings
And then empty
At the next heart beat

I believe in love
And being ruined by its power
I doubt its existence
And demand happiness and freedom
In its stead

I want all the words
Rhyming with reason
The meanings
Echoed in my favourite words
Defy logic

I savour
The feeling of a shattered heart
Held against a stilling chest
The knowledge it brings
I demand
With avid recklessness
The happiness I remember
It comes
Longing for the knowledge
Of my tear's absence

I am broken
I am not
I disagree with my soul
Mar 2014 · 336
to be hated by you
pluie d'été Mar 2014
if you won't love me
then please hate me

i don't want
your indifference

it would be a complement
to be hated by you
Mar 2014 · 240
please stay
pluie d'été Mar 2014
The sunlight flashes over me
Reflected by the swinging  window
Moving in the breeze

Stay still
Over me

I want you to go
Feb 2014 · 261
Will You Miss Me
pluie d'été Feb 2014
will you miss me
when i am swept away by the winds of autumn
between the leaves?

will you miss me
when i am flung
over the dreading sea
in time
until the sun

will you miss me
when i am stolen by the moon
just before you wake
a while before you sleep?

will you miss me
the last note of your favourite song
if suddenly
i am no longer there?

will you miss me
the answer
to your favourite question
whispered into your cool neck
in a moment
becoming a  blur

will you miss me
Feb 2014 · 624
Still Yours Forever
pluie d'été Feb 2014
I stumbled upon the shadow
Of your last words
They were black
And free

I watched them flutter
In the space of sky
That was once above you
Now beside you
Like the butterflies
You would catch
In a jar

The words
The last ones
To leave your lips
Were haunted
By the clear cage
They were about to enter
They were as loud as a scream
And as quiet as silence

I watched them
Heard them
Kissed them
In my calloused palms
And wished
I was still yours
Feb 2014 · 219
Won't You
pluie d'été Feb 2014
it's just that i love you
it's just that i don't
won't you forgive me
if my indifference
turns into hate?
Feb 2014 · 387
What If
pluie d'été Feb 2014
What if the last words we spoke
Are left like a shadow
Above our still lips
Our absent lips

And others
Of us
Stumble upon them
In their morbidity
In their peace
And scrawl them
Onto pages
With a trembling pen
In trembling  hands

With the sorrow of your shadowed
Hung still
For eternity
Feb 2014 · 340
pluie d'été Feb 2014
if i told you
that i loved you
would you stay
or would you leave

the moon hangs
so heavily
over your dark hair
eyes lit up
by the halo
of the tides'

i don't want to forget
the feeling
of your fingertips
or your lips
searing the curve
of my neck

when you smile
my heart is flung
into an empty sky
it shatters
and you pull me
as we watch
the rain
staining the edges
of our window panes
Feb 2014 · 423
pluie d'été Feb 2014
there were things of you
that saved me
and things of you
that broke me
but it was the architecture
of your bones
that ended me
and over
Feb 2014 · 818
Silent Like a Thunderstorm
pluie d'été Feb 2014
Your words don't stop running
Across the infinite sky

They fill me with doubt
And certainty
Echoing your smile

Your eyes
Are a reflection of the stars
Looking away when the sky
Is empty of the moon

Won't you have me
At your feet
Hypnotized by your voice
And your silence

I hear your heart beat
When I'm awake at night
And you are still asleep

Like a thunderstorm
Feb 2014 · 531
"I'm Not Going To Kiss You"
pluie d'été Feb 2014
i'm not going to kiss you
he said

i see it in his eyes

and his shadow
falls over me
when he leans forward
my head captured in his hands
his lips
meeting mine
Feb 2014 · 562
He's Not You
pluie d'été Feb 2014
he thinks that i have found you
when my eyes meet his

he thinks i have fallen in love with you
when i tell him
i'm falling

he thinks he meets your eyes
when he looks at himself
in the mirror
looking over his shoulder at me
pretending to be sleeping

he thinks i hold your hand
when i am holding his
and that you kiss it
in the moment he presses his lips
to my skin

how do i tell him
that he isn't you
the one with ink staining his fingertips
holding me
his books
underlined paragraphs
falling apart
on my lap

how do i tell him
that the butterflies i have
when i see him
are for him
but not for you

how do i tell him
that his love
is not mine
and the heart
he thinks
i hold
is the one i slipped back into his chest
while he was sleeping..
Feb 2014 · 170
it is too dark
pluie d'été Feb 2014
it is too dark
for me to say anything
but the words you want me to
Feb 2014 · 163
pluie d'été Feb 2014
he looks at me
i don't know
what to say

eyes haunted
wanting a word
to be pressed
into his hand
the one that will give him hope
the one that will save him

falls as a shadow
over his knees
his head
cowering shoulders
make a tattoo
his captor

held by the man
with a gun
held to his skull

i see his eyes
haunting me
held captured
in a photograph
and white
held captured
by time
and war

a word falls
before i can grab it
onto the dirt
heavy with the footsteps
of your oppressors
i wish
i could have saved you
Feb 2014 · 225
I Would Rather Be
pluie d'été Feb 2014
I don't finish reading
The nicest poems

The spaces in my mind
Become so beautiful
With so few words

If I were to finish
Each line
I would lose my heart
My soul
And my mind

I'd rather be left
Than falling
With a real ending
Feb 2014 · 166
pluie d'été Feb 2014
When I hold my palm
To my ear
The way you used to
I hear your voice
And it makes me
Feb 2014 · 257
Capturing Freedom
pluie d'été Feb 2014
How do you capture
A song
In the wind
Asked the little girl
Beneath the cherry tree

She held the ocean
In her eyes
A reflection of the sky
Its darkness
And its light
Surrounded by the feathers
Of each bird
In flight

How do you sing
To the waves
A payment
For them to allow you
To breathe
Above their surface?

She flung these questions
Tied onto a pebble
Into the river
That ran
Tied to her floating soul

How do you fall in love
She wrote
Too late
When she was old

Wearing a wedding ring
That began to slip
Off of her pale knuckles
To the soul
She once had
Breaking at the rapids
Feb 2014 · 264
I Fell in Love
pluie d'été Feb 2014
I fell in love with a man
Who told me a story
About a submarine
Under the sea

We were surrounded by books
And he swore that it was a  classic

I can't recall the title
I can't tell you his name
But I do recall
Drowning in his eyes
And I can tell you
That they were framed
By the most beautiful sounding words
That I have ever
Feb 2014 · 2.5k
Never Trust a Writer
pluie d'été Feb 2014
never trust a writer
because their words
flung into the air
in a whisper
a scream
or dropped
in silence
on the emptiness
of a forgotten stillhouette
has the power
to lead you astray

never trust a writer
because they find beauty
in everything
especially sadness
amd the grey
grey sky
that falls at your feet
along the shadow
of your heart
the one you beg
for them to break
to make you

never trust a writer
because they don't always
trust the words
that tumble from their own
perfect lips
they say them for
their beauty
in the sound
in the silence
they say them
for the way they rhyme
with 'forever'

never trust a writer
because he can capture
your soul
with just a look
holding you
the entire universe
and all eternity

never trust a writer
because they may talk
but they dream with their eyes
and closed
and you can never
be sure
which character they have chosen
for you
which character
they have chosen to be
to you

never trust a writer
because their emotions
not always visible
consume them
like a strike of lightening

never trust a writer
because they always
what you want to hear
and what they really
want to say

never trust a writer
because their knowledge of love
is as infinite
as the emptiness
in the black sky
moments of clarity
that create an atlas
of who
they fall for

never trust a writer
because normal in life
is never normal
in their dreams
and they always
last longer

never trust a writer
because 'I'll love you for now'
sounds better
when they say it
as 'I'll love you

never trust a writer
because I swear
they do not believe
in the emptiness
of promises
and they will let you
break their souls
just to see
what happens after
Feb 2014 · 230
What is your name
pluie d'été Feb 2014
an old man
with eyes
talks to me
he asks
for my name
my smile
a voice
and mild
'what is the name
that comes after?'
i tell him
and he laughs
'i knew your father'
he says
'in the 1970's'
my father
was just a boy
'he was president'
he says
'a good president'
it is not him
but i smile
pretending to understand
the sentences
like a tide
dirt tracking history
on sun faded clothes
worn neatly
he goes
for a moment
comes back
'what is your name?'
Feb 2014 · 125
pluie d'été Feb 2014
Is the sky
The definition of empty
With white clouds
Waiting to break
At my feet
Feb 2014 · 288
Missing You
pluie d'été Feb 2014
There were things in the summer
that reminded me of you
But it was mostly in the winter
that I missed you
Feb 2014 · 170
You Never
pluie d'été Feb 2014
i have been looking for the emptiness
cluttered all around me
with you
holding my fist so tight
over every lie
slipping through your golden eyes
matching your smile
it's only beauty

you never said
that your heart
was enough
only that it was there
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