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Feb 2014 · 233
pluie d'été Feb 2014
i can't stop i can't stop
hands against my face
i can't stop

please stop
moving my hands away
wet palms; wet tracks down my cheeks
hands against your lips; hands over your eyes
pulling; following
into sunlight
into a black shadow
stop; no. stay
a mouth on the curve of my neck, against mine
just stay

running; running barefoot; with shoes
feeling stones of the shore
dew laden grass
i hear your footfalls on the wooden floor
behind me
behind me
you are in front of me when i turn around
just listen
covering my ears
my eyes
its a surprise

waves crashing
it's broken
your eyes are broken
and sad
leave. leave. leave
your voice mounting
it's mounting
dropping to a whisper
i only hear love
it's true
all lies are

finding you
found underneath you
weeping alone
next to an unmade bed
where are the lights?
hold me hold me
let me go
you make me safe
Feb 2014 · 262
It is not enough
pluie d'été Feb 2014
It's not enough
Lying beneath you
Watching the clouds move
And the sun becoming conquered
By darkness

You demand the things
Stars being flung into the silky sky
I long to give
Beating in your fist
Beneath your roving hand
It's not enough

Being yours
With your hands brushing away the hem of my dress
Absent eyes begging for an absent soul
Whispers that are perfect lies
Warm murmurs against my neck
The rising sun
It's not enough
Feb 2014 · 274
pluie d'été Feb 2014
she took a cloud
and flew up
into space

coming down with the rain
so alone
with the stars
and the moon
and the sun

the shadows
smiled at her tears
from the gray
and wiped them

with the dappled sunlight
coming from between the trees
and hearts
carved onto their boughs
by a dozen
foiled notions of love

to become the page
she screams onto
ink and words
her only sound
Feb 2014 · 312
pluie d'été Feb 2014
he wrote words that quarreled
with everyone else's

he wrote words
that were more than poetry
more than the falling sky

he wrote words
that were more
than anything
the All had read
or written

until he
could think no more
until he couldn't read
or dream or breathe
smile or live
he couldn't even die

so he just wrote
and wept
at the saddest sun
until the sky
eventually broke
and all the grayness
it contained fell

and he was swept
by a billion incorrect defintions
Feb 2014 · 1.5k
empty promises
pluie d'été Feb 2014
sometimes i wake up
in the darkness
and long for the emptiness
of you
beside me

caressing me
with your absence
i drown in the sorrow
you have surrounding us
cloaked in dark honesty
and lies
fill of light

how dare we
make empty promises
underneath such a full sky
Feb 2014 · 277
pluie d'été Feb 2014
around my ankles
carried by the wind
falling with the leaves

I am drowning
in the cool

watching a white sky
how can you say
it's empty
calling it your fading soul

I hear cracking leaves
beneath your heavy feet
see the world
resting on the shoulders
over me
the words your murmur
into my tumbling hair
do not belong
to me

catching your haunted
you make me look at you
when you turn away

I smell the earth
and green on your smooth skin
feel you wanting me
your hands moving further and further
away from my mind
closer to my heart
just below

I see
the end
your dark hair against the full sky
eyes closed
my fingers trace letters
over old trees
Feb 2014 · 304
All She Could Hear
pluie d'été Feb 2014
There was a man
A young man
An old man
Who once swore to her
That he would love her for all eternity
He would say
Over and over

He would watch her
Dressed in scarlet
From across a milling room
And smile
How lovely
Capturing her hand
He would trace the bones beneath her skin
Binding them
In the garden beneath the tree
Weeping at innocence

Petals falling over his shoulder
Into her hair
He swore
Again and Again
With not a word spoken before

And light
He could hear the echoes
Of his deceit
All she could hear
Was honesty
Feb 2014 · 276
After Every Night
pluie d'été Feb 2014
He uses his numb fingers
To scrape away
The icy soil

Grayness fills his eyes
Blank, unstaring
A moment of clashing sky
Makes his mind melt
Making breaking trails
Against the atlas
That once knew his smile

He lined his grave with the salt
Of his memories
And the blood
Of his slowing heart

Shame covered him
The way the sun covered the darkness
After every night
And he lay prone
Again and again
Towards the string
Holding up the Moon

Letters and words
Eventually fell from the sky
On top of him
Over him
Around him
Scattered by the winds of autumn
Summers goodbye
Carried by the swallows
Leaving him with a shadow of his own lies
Feb 2014 · 237
I Wrote You a Letter
pluie d'été Feb 2014
i once wrote you a letter
across the sky
in the wind
above trees
over you

i wrote in it
with my whispers
that i loved you
the way
the clouds loved the monsoon
making them fall away
a shattering

you watched my smile
as you took my soul away
for a moment
the letter
hanging in the spaces
between our careless
being held against the sky

you measured your hand
against my own
kissing my fingertips
at the center of your own

couldn't i take away
the words
scarring your wrists
and weighing down your eyes
the way i wanted to
with words
and listening

i let you fall away
when you left
and now i can't say
words that sound
like an apology
hanging at the end of the letter
over me
underneath you
in the sky
Feb 2014 · 115
pluie d'été Feb 2014
she doesn't believe in things
that don't rhyme

she doesn't believe in things
that do

she wrote this
scarred the fragile
skeleton of a tree

she only believed in silence
Feb 2014 · 227
When You Hold Me Closer
pluie d'été Feb 2014
Would you allow yourself
To drown
If you knew that I would save you
He whispers to me
Underneath the palest night sky
Slowing my heart
At the gentleness
In his shattered voice

I turn to his open arms
Held in his palm
Caressing my bare back
Butterfly kisses
Down my spine

His scent
Like the rain
Covers the sky
Fulls my heart
With spring
Turning to winter
Back again
A pendulum
At the absence of wind

Catch my sad eyes
The ones you say
Lead you
To infinity
In your own
Warm, cruel
Gentle, cold

My fingers
Slip out of your own
When you hold me
Feb 2014 · 210
The Emptiness in His Kiss
pluie d'été Feb 2014
Wrapping my hair in his fist
Reading my eyes
Like a treasure map to my soul
He can tell
When I lie
Before I do
Murmurs how he doesn't understand

I don't know
What is making me heart race
If it's not the emptiness
In his kiss
Feb 2014 · 197
Like a Suicide
pluie d'été Feb 2014
A feeling settles over
My cool skin
A shadow of the trees
Flicker in the moonlight
Your footsteps
Walking away
With a few moments
In between

This is not the sadness
I long for
Echoed in the night
By the stir of a feather
Or the falling
Of a leaf

I hold the gun
Cool and weighted
In my hands
Feeling it shake
I watch the moon rise
My body swaying
Press the gun
To the place you pressed your lips
When you whispered
That I needed
To take it all away

I pull it back
Hear the spin
And the click
A sound
To slow
For me to catch
Feb 2014 · 411
You disappear
pluie d'été Feb 2014
i watch the world end
watching you fade away
like the summer sky
just before the night

you disappear
pressing me
against your chest
Feb 2014 · 252
Running Above Us
pluie d'été Feb 2014
The sky contained every feeling
Of every rainy day
Every memory
Of a glint of golden sunlight on bare skin
But most importantly
It contained time-
It contained it
So much
That it eventually became time

The sky wasn't just a cycle
Of a day
Of a night
The same
It was as infinite
As the wind it carried-
Never stilling, or disappearing
Or taking turns
Recorded in seconds
On a face of a clock
On an empty wall

It just kept running
Above us
Feb 2014 · 182
The Words
pluie d'été Feb 2014
It's the words
Pressed inside of your fist
Held against your heart
Seen in your eyes
That makes me
Want You
pluie d'été Feb 2014
he lay there
and ******
in the shadow of the night

so still
so cold
his soul shivers
in his palm
and the window
around his curled fist

can you save him
can you save him
with the saddest smile

his eyes
consume yours'
so earnestly
and contain
an answer for every question
that you can't imprint
on the smoothness of the sky
Feb 2014 · 363
pluie d'été Feb 2014
Fingers, gentle
Fan over my skin
Your eyes close
At the steadiness
Of my pulse

Hidden away
I wish
My heart
Would race
Like an echo
Of your own

It stills
When your lips
Against mine
I wish that I couldn't breathe
I feel your eyes
From across the room
Your breath
As I come near

Why can't I feel,
Star of the Clouds,
When I want so badly
To be able to
Feb 2014 · 565
pluie d'été Feb 2014
he captures
my chin
in his hand
at my betrayel

his eyes search for a lie
to keep his heart
making me look away

I have read
too many books
to believe in love
I have read
too many books
to not
Feb 2014 · 243
You try
pluie d'été Feb 2014
it's just a dream
a condescending tone
covering the sound
of falling
you try
bring me back to you
to an Earth
i'm about to leave
you tell me
tell yourself
it will all be alright
but it won't be
with you
Feb 2014 · 389
Clouds' Bruises
pluie d'été Feb 2014
Clouds reveal their bruises
When the lightning strikes
Away from your shadow
Beneath the tree
It cracks and falls
Echoing your heart
And I don't want anymore
Feb 2014 · 281
I don't understand
pluie d'été Feb 2014
what chases us
so quickly
with hesitance
the way we tumble
after our feather
it makes my heart ache
even more
watching your stormy eyes
watching me
partly closed
peering through the veil
of the smoke that tears our lungs
taking a sip
from the clear poison
your mind
slurring your words
i don't understand what you are saying
even when you are silent
Jan 2014 · 325
No Answer
pluie d'été Jan 2014
This is my train
I'm leaving, and I don't know
Where to

Catch my hand
In your own
The only word I know
Is goodbye

Eyes locking into mine
I used to think
I would never look away

But now I do
And the world moves past
Like the fluttering of pages
in the wind
A book left under the tree
With the smallest heart
The one you drew
While you were watching me

And I don't cross it out
As I follow the map
Of the stars
Whose constellations
Once echoed
On your cool skin

I end up
In a place where I can lie still
Underneath the grey rain
And close my eyes
Sinking into
And the shadows
I see

There's nothing as beautiful
As the questions
Forming in their echo
With no answer
Jan 2014 · 423
I Stop Loving You
pluie d'été Jan 2014
i have nothing
left to say

i write these words
scrawled across
the paling sky

a tear drop
from a god
falls upon my cheek

kissing me
saving me
with sadness
it allows me to walk

the sound of thunder
my sad smile
will be the last thing
you see of me
cracking your sky

if one can stop
then i think
i just have
Jan 2014 · 246
When You Try Read the Stars
pluie d'été Jan 2014
I watch your heart
fall apart
with my sad smile
echoed in your drowning eyes

I feel you grasp
at my fingertips
and hear the words you murmur
whenever you want me to stay

you make me lie beside you
on the cool sand
beside the cruel sea
and try to read
the stars to me

you whisper meanings and words
so beautiful
but how can it be
when so many of them
are shadows of light
left behind
after careless wishes
Jan 2014 · 279
my shadow
pluie d'été Jan 2014
it's all gone
a grain of sand
a thousand
slipping down
the invisible curve

your fingers rest
on the cool glass
the way they once did
on my waist

and you wonder
the way you did
the day my heart
being away
how the trees
are still locked in the paper
how the stars
and dying
with the same intensity

you wonder
if the leaves
the one that you wonder
brushing against you cheek
will survive this winter
entwining you
already to follow
my shadow
Jan 2014 · 468
what you want me to be
pluie d'été Jan 2014
my heart
with you
i watch it slip
at your smile
the touch
of your electricity

the magnetization
of the nothingness
across from you
draws my soul
and i feel it slip
through my fingers
when you press my palm
my wrist
my lips
to your own

can you feel me
wrapped in your sure arms
it is safety
i lack
my heart

my conciousness
until it becomes silent

take me
take me
it's too late
for your apology
it's too late
for me to forgive you
it's too late
for words
printed on a page
to be worth less
than the ones
you utter

i won't be here
when you wake up
to the illusion
of what you want me
to be
Jan 2014 · 235
pluie d'été Jan 2014
sometimes I lie
on the cool ground
underneath the dark sky
dew seeping
through my clothes
holding out my palm
to balance the moon

in my hand it sits
and more silent
than yesterday
when it becomes
beneath a dark veil
of relativity

I whisper
I miss you
to the moon
and search for answers
I don't find in the stars
Jan 2014 · 325
a white sky
pluie d'été Jan 2014
around my ankles
carried by the wind
falling with the leaves

I am drowning
in the cool

watching a white sky
how can you say
it's empty
calling it your fading soul

I hear cracking leaves
beneath your heavy feet
see the world
resting on the shoulders
over me
the words your murmur
into my tumbling hair
do not belong
to me

catching your haunted
you make me look at you
when you turn away

I smell the earth
and green on your smooth skin
feel you wanting me
your hands moving further and further
away from my mind
closer to my heart
just below

I see
the end
your dark hair against the full sky
eyes closed
my fingers trace letters
over old trees
pluie d'été Jan 2014
he woke up beside the girl
with the universe
in her sad eyes

running his fingers
through her tumbled hair
watching stillness
and memories of the future
flicker across her invisible mind

he traces the fragility
of her ribs
feels something
underneath her skin

where is your heart
he whispers
so softly
and she hears his voice
succumbing to her dreams and nightmares
void of longing
taints the sky

cracking and heavy
her walls want to fall
she keeps herself
to the stars
in the night
and feels him move away from her
pulling her closer
Jan 2014 · 631
pluie d'été Jan 2014
drifting away
their shadows
leaving echoes
on our skin

by the rain
stolen by the sun
the cool breeze
caresses your cheek
an apology
from the sea

behind closed eyelids
I feel my heart
your heart
Jan 2014 · 540
pluie d'été Jan 2014
the butterfly
had wings of glass
it tries to fly
the cage
created by me

my palms
and careless interlocking

the wings
turn scarlet
Jan 2014 · 258
in the fall
pluie d'été Jan 2014
There were dreams
That fell like the leaves
In the Fall

Brightly coloured
And dying dreams

It was tragic, hopeless
And graceful
All at once
Its beauty
The still Earth
Jan 2014 · 188
Ink Pressed Into My
pluie d'été Jan 2014
what is it
he said to me
eyes plagued
by pale happiness
against an impending storm
a storm I couldn't let him see

I smiled
and held silence in my palm
a finger pressed to my lips
and watched him sadly
the way he would try to save me
from thoughts
no one could answer

I wonder where the wind took him
if he can still see me
ink pressed into my fingers
staining tears on full pages
Jan 2014 · 180
Ink Pressed Into My
pluie d'été Jan 2014
what is it
he said to me
eyes plagued
by pale happiness
against an impending storm
a storm I couldn't let him see

I smiled
and held silence in my palm
a finger pressed to my lips
and watched him sadly
the way he would try to save me
from thoughts
no one could answer

I wonder where the wind took him
if he can still see me
ink pressed into my fingers
staining tears on full pages

— The End —