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  Oct 2014 suicidalsmiles
Tracy Ortiz
I spend my nights thinking
My mornings pensive
My days daydreaming
        I spend my nights thinking of you
My  pensive thoughts of you
          My days daydreaming about what we once were

     I miss you
I think of you
     I dream of you
the sun keeps

shining through the

thinly-paned glass

covered, caked in spots

from the rainy days where you and i were in

separate times

separate lives

i was thinking about the

spots of classic arizona dust

and how you were sitting with

other boys

laughing and living

and i received that message

on that day

we know what it said

inspired, three words

clouded skies

clouded eyes

i knew you were out there--

while i was thinking of you--

out there, you were

thinking of me too
  Oct 2014 suicidalsmiles
You said you were thinking of me
thinking of me? just once
you're thinking of me
Thursday June 6 at 11:55 am?
But why now?

Are you unaware of what this means?
I am always thinking of you
You, my first thought when I wake up
Me, a single thought that crossed your mind

"I don't want to be a part of your life anymore"
Weeks before
And yet here you are
thinking of me
I am
thinking of you
obvs I wrote this last year oops
I wonder what it means
when somebody contacts you
when you were literally just thinking about them.
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