God established the color of His children
Yes, we are all of God's children
Well, we are one big extended family across the earth
More than that, we are brothers and sisters, kinfolks to each other
Our skin colors are an evolutionary adaptation and process due to the environmental conditions that we dwell in
Meanwhile, in the Garden of Eden, every color possesses a natural beauty within itself, but somehow evil drifts in the opposite direction of the will of God
Thus, religion has played a significant role in propagating hate slavery, and racism for control, profit, and power over mankind
Well, God did not create black and white people, thus He used humus (Dark, earthy rich, black soil) to create Adam
Furthermore, God specifically made a rainbow race of people
no shade of black nor shade of white - just red-orange, blue and green and a little bit of indigo
Notice that a rainbow doesn't have the colors black or white inside of the bending arc across the earth.
In summary, God is a wonderful creator thus a master craftsman!