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Stu Harley Apr 18
Chains once held us, tight and cold,
Love's wings restrained, a story untold.
But whispers grew, a rising tide,
Broke the shackles, and flung them wide.

Free now we soar, on open skies,
Horizons beckon, with love as our guide.
No walls confine, no borders bind,
A boundless mind no longer binds love.

Together we dance, on stardust streams,
Forever entwined, in love's sweet dreams.
Unyielding love is no longer bound
Stu Harley Apr 17
In mirrored depths, a truth unfolds,
Love casts an image, more than mortal holds.
Not just the shell, the laughter, and the grace,
But whispered dreams, on your hidden face.

A strength that blooms, where shadows hide,
A gentle spirit, deep inside.
The fire that burns, the tears you've cried,
Love's tapestry, where secrets reside.

So gaze within, and let love be your guide,
For in your eyes, your truest self confides.
When love casts an image of your soul
Stu Harley Apr 17
Not just of flour, or fire's kiss,
Love is our daily bread, a tender bliss.
A morning smile, a shared embrace,
The warmth of home, in every space.

Kind words that mend, a listening ear,
Forgiving sighs, that banish fear.
A helping hand, a burden shared,
Love's nourishment, a comfort cared.

In simple acts, a love untold,
Our daily bread is worth more than gold.
Stu Harley Apr 17
In whispered vows and dreams untold,
Love is each promise, brave and bold.
A hand outstretched, a guiding light,
To chase away the darkest night.

A gentle touch, a silent plea,
"Forever yours," eternally.
Laughter shared, a teardrop dried,
In every promise, love confides.

Through sunlit days and stormy seas,
Love is the vow, that sets us free.
When love is every promise made
Stu Harley Apr 17
Too far, they whisper, hearts should hold their ground,
A deeper ocean, love has yet to sound.
But reason's voice, in passion's storm, is drowned,
Lost in your eyes, where I am truly found.

Logic's frail thread, a cobweb swept aside,
By tides of feeling, where my senses ride.
A reckless dance, on love's forbidden tide,
Though whispers warn, in you, my soul confides.

Too far, perhaps, for some may understand,
But in this depth, I've built my promised land.
Too far in love with you, again
Stu Harley Apr 16
If this love I shall only thirst,
A barren well, where hope submersed,
No cooling draught, no sweet relief,
Just parched desire, and burning grief.

A distant spring, a whispered song,
Taunts with its melody, all life long.
My lips are cracked, my spirit frayed,
Can love survive, forever unplayed?

But wait, a drop, a gentle kiss,
Perhaps this love's not lost, just waiting for this.
For this love, I shall only thirst,
Stu Harley Apr 15
In depths of twilight, embers softly gleam,
Love's distant flame, a flickering, fragile dream.
A yearning hush, a longing undefined,
A silent question in your searching mind.

Does passion slumber, waiting to ignite?
Or is it fading, lost to fading light?
A tender whisper, barely heard it seems,
Love's distant flame, adrift in moonlit streams.

Yet hope persists, a flicker in the night,
For even embers hold a hidden light.
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