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Stu Harley Mar 5
In the tender glow of the morning sun,
Whispered softly, our love had just begun.
A journey starts with a single step, a single run,
In the book of life, our story's first page spun.

With hearts entwined, a new chapter unfurls,
In the dance of destiny, together we swirl.
A promise made, in the silence of the night,
Under the stars, our love takes its first flight.

Our love has just begun, a seed sown deep,
In the garden of affection, a harvest we'll reap.
Through seasons of joy, through storms, we'll weather,
Our love, a treasure trove, we'll guard together.

With every sunrise, our love finds new heights,
In every sunset, a confirmation of our plight.
A bond unbreakable, a connection so strong,
In the symphony of our hearts, a lifelong song.

Our love has just begun, yet feels timeless, vast,
With each moment shared, a memory to last.
A journey of a thousand miles, with no end,
For in each other, a soulmate, a best friend.

So here's to us, on this journey, just begun,
To the adventures we'll have, the battles we'll win.
Our love, a beacon, guiding us through,
A testament of faith, in everything we do.
Stu Harley Mar 5
Fill this place with Your Holy Spirit, we pray,
Let Your presence descend here today.
Like a dove, peaceful and pure,
Bring us comfort that shall forever endure.

In every corner, let Your grace be found,
In every silence, let Your love resound.
Fill this space with a holy light,
Guide us, lead us, through the night.

With Your Holy Spirit, let us be imbued,
In our hearts, let Your peace be renewed.
Like a fire, burn away our fears,
With Your gentle touch, dry our tears.

Flow through this place like a mighty stream,
Let Your presence be our ultimate dream.
Fill us with strength, fill us with love,
Draw us closer to the heavens above.

Breathe into us life anew,
With every breath, let us feel You.
Fill this place, O Spirit divine,
Transform our hearts, and let your glory shine.
Stu Harley Mar 5
When we are a part of God, in essence, intertwined,
In His infinite love, a peace we find.
A bond unbroken, a sacred thread,
In His grace, our souls are led.

In every sunrise, His colors are displayed,
In every sunset, His artwork laid.
In the breath of life, His spirit flows,
In the heart of nature, His wonder shows.

When we are a part of God, every moment sings,
Of the beauty and the joy His presence brings.
In the whisper of the wind, His voice we hear,
Close and comforting, forever near.

In the trials and the tests that life may bring,
In His strength, we find our wings.
A guiding light in the darkest night,
In His embrace, everything is right.

When we are a part of God, love knows no end,
For in His creation, we blend.
A tapestry is woven with threads of grace,
Stu Harley Mar 4
He has risen, from death's cold grasp released,
A dawn of hope, where darkness ceased.
Upon the horizon, where light anew,
Breaks the night, in hues so true.

From the tomb, where once he lay,
He has risen on this glorious day.
A miracle woven in the sacred text,
A story of love, complex, yet reflexive.

The stone rolled away, an empty grave,
He has risen, almighty to save.
In the hearts of the faithful, a joyous song,
A testament of where they belong.

In gardens of prayer, where whispers rise,
He has risen, beyond the skies.
A beacon of faith, of love divine,
In His resurrection, a holy sign.

Through trials and tribulations, we find our way,
He has risen, to guide the fray.
In His footsteps, a path we seek,
A strength in moments, when we are weak.

He has risen, let the earth proclaim,
In every whisper of His name.
A promise of eternal life, a sacred gift,
In His rising, our spirits lift.

So let the bells of Easter ring,
He has risen, let the choirs sing.
A celebration of life, of the victory won,
In His resurrection, a new day begins.
Stu Harley Mar 1
giveth me breath
forever faithful
grace of God
shall plant her seed
Stu Harley Feb 29
heartbeat wings
shall know
hummingbird sings
be still
be still
Stu Harley Feb 28
oh lord
want to be a bell
ring out
as well
all over
this world
want to
go and tell it
to the mountains
want to ring like a bell
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