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Stu Harley Dec 2023
Claudius, I see your face in this lonely crowd
Your voice, as loud as the wind
Just listen to your soul, again

What dwells inside the sparrow’s heart
Today, I walk along the shores of tomorrow
Do not weep, my green-blue sparrow

Break bread again or this chance shall end
We dance between sweet earth and moon

If you drink nectar with the Greek Gods,
You shall achieve immortality
I think I hear the God Zeus chuckle

Thirsty blue sky, I shall not drink of thee

These wings have climbed stairs and clouds,
Achieving pure flight, in the silent wind

Claudius, I see your face in this crowd
Your voice again, as loud as the wind
Stu Harley Dec 2023
My name is Don Quixote Del La Mancha.
I am a knight in the coat of arms
Give me a lance, give me a sword, and give me a steed
Where is the king in all of this?
I wear the Royal Spanish Crown and Gold Seal of San Fernando Levante
I solemnly swear that ***** and bounty shall rest with the king
Even the Catholic Church Christen me for a swift victory
I have signed and sealed orders to save the Princess Donesia Del Debosa
Then, I shall rescue her from the evil clutches of the windmill dragon
My chief architect, Poncho Sanchez is my right arm and canteen
He is responsible for fresh food rations, cold drinks, and other supplies
providing sustenance to our great adventure through the enchanted land of Spain. Even the sky clouds are shaped like windmills and blue dragons. Just pause for a moment and you can hear the sweet coronet horns played by the Spanish Royal Guards, along the way.
A gallant foot soldier is he, thus Poncho trails me like a Swiss Guard,
With his burro donkey friend, named El Donkey Camino Blanco
As we approach the last horizon of the day, the code of chivalry shall not die
Stu Harley Dec 2023
No, heart, no brains, nor courage
Friends, Romans, Countrymen lend me your hears
Allow me to introduce the Queen of Truth
Your majesty, you are the fairness of them all
Such an honor to be your Lord Chancellor
Thus, I beckon your call
Your Highness and sweet gratefulness
I take great pleasure
In serving you, my lady
Indeed, I am at your service,
Day or night, and
Your wish is my command
your hieness
you are truth and beauty
I wish you longevity
Stu Harley Dec 2023
When the lie is told

Where it creeps into your soul

When it grabs complete control

Thus, it breaks the souls of men

While leaving the scars of war

Upon our feet again

Thus when the lie is told
Stu Harley Dec 2023
The hollow words of war resound,
Echoes of conflict, a haunting sound.
In rhetoric that masks the pain,
Empty promises that fall like rain.

Words wielded as weapons in the fight,
Masking truths in the shroud of night.
Battles waged with empty speech,
Leaving wounds that run too deep.

In the hollow words of war's cruel game,
Lies and deceptions fuel the flame.
Promises made but seldom kept,
Leaving a trail where hopes are swept.

Echoes of diplomacy gone astray,
In hollow words, truth fades away.
Amidst the chaos of discord's strife,
Hollow words carve the narrative of life.

Yet in the aftermath, where silence falls,
The weight of those hollow words recalls.
For in the wreckage where scars still sore,
The hollow words of war, forevermore.
Stu Harley Dec 2023
on that last day of super
we dine with Jesus

i sat at His right hand
he always knew

that the flesh is
weak in man

He look at me again
fresh eyes journeyed into my soul

there to find the reason
for the unholy betrayal

my soul replied in broken tears
for thirty shekels of gold
Stu Harley Dec 2023
Lord i see some
red,blue green and gold
thus makes a tapestry of the soul
where we witness the indigo spirit unfolds
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