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stranger Oct 2021
Break jaws, shatter bones
To live through anger and adrenaline
Maybe that's what's meant for me
What's your love got to do with me?
I'm cold and inadequately heartbroken
All you give me is least they're free.
Ears booming, did you touch me or am I mistaken?
An unwanted kiss would fuel the minimum
For me to live.
But you don't and you wouldn't.
When is it my turn?
To feel the profound and the earthquaking?
To not rely on anger to fill me.
I could cry on this bus
Could cry on the way home
I could cry but why would I
Ever feel anything.
This uneventful life they all call a movie
Is it so cinematic or have I been lying?
The anger learnt to speak for me.
To take to pride when shame is overthrown
To dream of genocide when life is aglow.
I have been hurtful lately
Raking up my dads brain about how he left me
Catching my mom unaware and sneaking in a memory.
I've been told my anger is holier than my guilt,
So shall it be.
I will burn the me that's been appearing.
I will **** her in cold blood and paste her tongue on the ceiling.
Boil her eyes and leave them dangling
Punish her for staring, punish her for living.
stranger Oct 2021
A shard of a body
That's what I was at 8
I remember knowing I was watched.
Never when I smiled, only when I endured.
Acid words, their silver impact
Midas made gold, so my skin must've shimmered.
A remnant of soul,
Waiting for twilight so I can crawl
Within myself and rest for the night.
From 7 to 9 I used to beg for love,
That's why I have so much pride today.
Infancy meant smothering the floor with my ****** knees and begging,
Pleading like a fly to a swatter, to be saved, to be forgiven.
I used to think to- myself "mercy is so hard to work for".
At 10 I took to nightly silence,
A knock at the door meant a visit and five meant I was the outsider.
Waiting for the neighbours to glance at each other while I was counting roaches, dead on the stairs.
A scrap of mind,
When I still thought god loved me, I used to pray,
To be taken and never given away.
To be given my knees back in exchange for me.
I used to ask to be given mind if death wasn't ready to take so young.
But church was empty and I was never accompanied just held by the hand.
A shard of body, a remnant of soul, a scrap of mind
I'd tell the child we've been dead and we're now gods.
She'd believe me,
She'd believe anything.
I should've killed you, child.
It would've been faster, a respectful execution.
I love you child.
Tonight you may be worth only one tear
But you have cried enough for me.
stranger Oct 2021
There's this ache in my head
Comes around every night
As if time is infiltrating
And I'm left to wonder if I'm dead.
This pain is so cancerous
Like a gangrene it spreads.
It's cylindrical like a syringe it digs in and releases,
Toxin or cure who's really checking?
All I know is that I'm aching.
Every night this earthquake like sliver
Cracks my skull open and slithers
As if it's made of hell and eats thoughts.
Maybe this pain is my comfort,
My last coping mechanism I knew it would hurt.
Bitter,I'm so bitter,
Enthralled by various sounds and punctuation.
This catharsis must be my killer.
This envy my executioner.
This time it will be proper.
Death unpaused by distractions.
**** me faster
stranger Oct 2021
*** s-au dus iar zile peste mine și eu le-am vândut pe nimic sperând la libertate și n-am primit nici măcar dreptul de a dormi.
*** m-au călcat orele în picioare râzând de visele mele anticipative.
M-am săturat de zile și nopți placebo
De batjocura lumii când vreau doar să râd.
M-am săturat de semi-singuratate,
Și de fiecare gând.
M-am saturat de tine,
Tu cel din oglindă, că plângi doar când nu ți se cuvine și râzi fără inimă.
Sper să nu-ți mai plângi sănătatea că nu are să se întoarcă,
Căci camera ți-e goală și tu tot aici ai rămas,
Tu râs fără spațiu de ecou
Raza de soare în crepuscul,
Nu-ți mai număra zile pentru un erou,
Și șterge-ți rujul.
M-am săturat de tine,
Tu cel din oglindă, căci tu nu vei fi eu vreodată iar eu nu voi fi tu.
Așa că refuzând să plâng, iubire, îți aștept sfârșitul.
Murdar om mai ești,
Păcătos din natură.
Sper să nu mai grăiești, sper să te arzi cu propria-ți ură.
stranger Sep 2021
Am scris mii de cuvinte, 0 răspunsuri
Sute de paragrafe în ani fără repercusiuni.
Locul mă înghite
Nu tot ce zâmbește, minte.
Și totuși încă scriu cuvinte.
Inima sparge în palpitații
Mintea râde și întristează generații
Iar mi-e frică, iar mă mint, iar adorm în fibrilații.
Neajunsuri, se rezumă
Ce să calculez, când tot e în venă.
Mintea conjugă, durerea e genetică.
Mama râde și mă-ntreabă dacă eu chiar am inimă.
Eu cu ochii pe sub unghii, ascult și jur că cineva mă strigă.
Poate e băiatul de pe trotuar spunând că sunt înstărită ,
Tata ajungând și-n Afganistan, are buzunar de armată.
Poate e doar o proiectare și altă inutilă supărare,
Un comentariu rupt în soare, o rază arzătoare.
Eu ascult și mi-aș astupa buzele.
Să nu mai aibă dorințe.
Adevăruri, minciuni... O sărutare.
Ce-mi mai stă în cale.
Îmi e frică, poate sunt eu
Nu oameni, nici minte nici Dumnezeu.
Rup din mine pentru nimeni
După încep să caut,
Liniștea caută și ea crize,
Nu mai *** să mă ascund.
stranger Sep 2021
It's for the greater good that I undress
And spare us all of interest.
Be it body, mind or ***
I do it nevertheless
I've spilt my blood in your tea,
So tonight you'll be drinking
Echoes of being bound to me

Dreams have been better until they became nightmares,
Metaphorically clueless I admire them
I've been hit, I've been carresed,
So I'd conclude that it would be sinful of me to bless
When at best I'm a couple of unbalanced distances.
A few too many faces passing the limit and they stress,
My thoughts with their grimaces
I've sent messages demanding to be forgiven,
Pleading innocence, love remains I'll be the only one leaving .
Many souls think of me so well, while I forget I ever met them.
I take what I'm given then put it to burning.
Once time is up and the cycle renews itself,
I flip and get over what I've lived with no help

Might be the most selfish thing I've been doing,
Acting like I'm forgetting,
All the conversations I've been harbouring,
Keeping them in the bottle even if I'm thirsty
To live and to keep living
If I keep on breathing I'll do it so well
I promise.
It'll be like when I stare at the flame to justify the crying.
I want to be alive for anybody but for me

So I'll undress for myself in the mirror tonight
To admire the body, mind and soul I'll fight,
Until I get this life right._
stranger Sep 2021
Metal teeth
Silence must be so unbothersome to some
Metal teeth clank in their mouths, they laugh and I yawn,
This is just another excuse of life
A little pretentious opportunistic hiccup.
I'm a little under 18 but still better than any wife.
Here, scared I'll get touched so I'll hide behind my dad
Who doesn't notice the place where he's crammed
His trophy daughter and the lifes of too many unfulfilled *****.
5 hours later we're heading home together and I can't stand the voicings of politics over Jeff Buckley.
I know my dad must feel guilty, at least momentarily.
I'd stare at him from my position of the unlikely dame, the stubborn damsel
Tell him through glares that I will stumble into my sneakers and leave unbothered like the silence.
I'm presented and admired or hated while I should be out there living my life out of coherence.
Instead of listening to my own words twisted out of context I should've been on the sidewalk clinking  powdered xanax in a jar with no consciousness.
I'd say it's cruel if I wasn't so used to it.
I'd cause a scene if I wasn't scared of being charged criminally.
I'd stop smiling and pretending but that's all I've got in me.
It's alright now, I'm taking my revenge, voices screaming in the car the world must know I'm angry
Though a pity, oh too pretty too be crying.
I've been submerged so long ago the past years have just been a permanent crave for drowning.
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