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 Aug 29 Lyla
heaven's gate closes
the longer I keep you here
sunkissed, on my bed
 Aug 29 Lyla
Know | Tanka
 Aug 29 Lyla
even I can't tell
anymore, which of the things
                    I say are true / lies
• • •
but for some unknown reason
you're here, you know who I am
Dare the day
to raise the light
To dedicate
itself to the Sun's respite

To crush
the shadows
by night

To free the wounds
of fright or plìght

The sunny ray's raucous
crackling whips
Soon the darkness
will be flipped

To hear
the moans of
grinding time
The wheels spin on
as the engines whine

So does the day
dare the night ?
Yes it does
to the Sun's delight
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