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Stephen Leacock Jun 2020
The messenger of apps that runs
The contact lists that is found
The 48 that runs
The tree that creates the crowns
The spring water flows and absorbed by sound
The roots in the ground
The circle that is round
1331 inbound
The cycle that is spellbound
The capacitor from china town
The power from the underground
The vampire from the battle ground
Yellowish maybe brown?
This is like merry-go-round
This is the talk of the town
With the hole in the ground
Only a few wins and move to the next round
The cycle of life laying down
The eyes from the Optical Crown
Stephen Leacock May 2018
Many lives lived
Twin flames came back possibly to experience hell?
We met in this gambling hell.
Notification of its awakening
11:11 of its number from its wishing well.
Time like a death bell.
Memories lost but feelings like magick spells.
Love that cuts both sides, blead and farewell
Mirrors and attributes ran from its self.
Exhausted hoping for us to be saved and well
Other things are not said but you can figure it out very well.
The cycle repeats like a spiraling hell
Six and nine in a hotel
Twin flames seeks justice like an alarm bell.
Painful feelings of anguish but i treated them well.
Water is required to fix this lake of hell
Fertilize a cell with its ***** cell.
Everything  felt from a mother cell.
Life in an egg shell that rings the door bell.
Stephen Leacock Jun 2020
Intention like a womb
Three into righteousness
Brahma as the Generator from thoughtfulness
Six of Dominance
Vishnu that operates with confidence
Hand in Hand As They Go Thru righteousness
Nine of spotlessness
Shiva of watchfulness into thoughtlessness
Things Manifested into wondrousness
Stephen Leacock Sep 2020
Positive affirmations of words shared with each other
Mathematics and ideas built together
Compassion of hope and love of thoughts merge like a compresser on a hot weather
Tears of joy flow like a river
The inspiration of wellness of a bird with a white feather
The honey that spins with all of this that becomes a treasurer
The tree that protects and holds everything together
The red bird sightings altogether
The two pillars to be remember
The squared manifestation that is measured
Stephen Leacock Aug 2023
Keys once lost in disarray,
In the chaos, they went astray.
But patience and a careful eye,
Revealed where those keys did lie.

With a cell phone call, the car appears,
The journey ahead, free from fears.
Lost and found, a tale so sweet,
The oil scent that smells sweet,
Yellow chips of dreams,
The paper note that is green, they brightly gleam,
The 55 Hexagram of the stream of the divine theme
In the cosmic casino, where realities streams,
Energy we won, like a flowing sunbeams,
Nothing to stop us, in this timeless scheme.

Saturn's color of black chips, of the divine intention, in the starry expanse,themes
Quantum physics collapse, in a cosmic dance,
The wave function, from the divine's advance,
In this abstract reality that is squared, where we take our chance.

In the canvas of existence, where numbers play,
0, the restart, where destinies may sway,
Three, the triad, guides night into day,
Fifteen, cosmic echoes in the Milky Way.

At 26, the red bird takes its flight,
A sign in the heavens, a beacon of light,
At 32, we sense synchronicity's might,
And 35, whispers secrets in the night.

Then a Spanish girl steps in, with a cheerful "Hi,"
After using the ******, she catches our eye,
She activates the game play, without a sigh,
In this abstract realm, where moments amplify.

Placing a bet, with intuition as our guide,
At the right time, where universes collide,
More than a thousand dreams, side by side,
In this unique tale, where life's mysteries abide.

The guy with the long hair cashing out the hundreds of thousands with grace,
From the girl in green, joy upon on his face,
Excitement from the divine, in this sacred space,
As destiny weaves its intricate embrace with the power from grace and the red bird with a gaze.
Stephen Leacock Jun 2017
Things you should have done
Its rather a loss that hides within you
The memory that troubles you
The past that says its ur fault
Things became like salt
The few things you should have done
Troubled by the heart and mind you should have won
The door was closed on that event
Leaving the mind to halt
The memory of pain is like a vault, connected by human thought
Life became the default.
A Man Rebuilt by His People**  

The road was rough, the nights were cold,  
His dreams were bright, but fate took hold.  
A man alone, yet filled with fire,  
A heart that longed to climb up higher.  

The community saw, the voices rose,  
Together they gathered, together they chose.  
Not with pity, not with shame,  
But hands of strength to lift his name.  

They cleared his path, they built his way,  
Removed the burdens, night turned to day.  
They adjusted the weight, they sharpened his mind.

And as he rose, so did his fate,  
No longer bound by doubt or weight.  
His vision clear, his heart now free,  
To walk his path, his destiny.  

But fate had more—it brought him light,  
A woman strong, his soul’s delight.  
Together they stood, a love so true,  
A bond unshaken, old yet new.  

And from their love, the seeds would grow,  
A future bright, a life to know.  
Children laughing, running wide,  
A legacy walking side by side.  

The people knew, and so they gave,  
Not for gold, not to enslave,  
But for the love of one they knew,  
A man reborn, his purpose true.  

And so he walks, with love and grace,  
No longer lost, but in his place.  
For when a village stands as one,  
A brighter world has just begun.
Stephen Leacock Dec 2018
Arrows of the web spin like the wheel
Into the reality of the courses i believe
Social apps and scripts  like a *** appeal
Things in the cyber magickal realm to make things real
Double arrows of its requests
Grey arrow pending like a guest
The blue arrow for the connection
Pierced by the users intentions
Things created as inventions by the archers of social media in different states of dimensions.
Stephen Leacock Oct 2023
What makes a painter a real artist is their ability to express true uniqueness on canvas, not merely producing a photocopy of the world.
Stephen Leacock Mar 2018
Witches and mages
Cast spells that created disorder
Change and shifts of chaos that created things to be out order
Karma exchanged by their foundation
Reaping our labour and our happiness
Tides that made us  penniless
Copied and used
Vampirezed and misused.
Labels of situations.
Queen died  in this location
Prince with water and his star hoping to take his throne
The witches that wants his soul
Tied by masters and things
The black eagle that gave him wings
The thirteen for his motivation.
Mirrored and released
The 31 for confirmation
The 6 of Wands, disintegration.
Everything is returned imagination, quantum location.
Access granted full Authentication.
Stephen Leacock Feb 2019
The woman with the blindfold
The bird in the box
Stones and rocks
The skeletons in the closet
The hands of clocks
Things of the paradox
Nectar of the fame
The hearts played like games
Hands together
Both like each other
Shadows of the demise
Mirrors of the prize
Walls of the facade
Things of the masquerade
Eyes to see
For the truth to be revealed.
Stephen Leacock Jul 2018
The Wolf once had a wife her name was Luna
The devil separated them chaining her to the moon Bounded him on earth
Like the animated cartoon
He became wrathful
Because She lost his groom
He Lost his one and only love
Things that happen too soon around the month of june the following afternoon
The full waxing of the moon
He cries to her on the nights of the full moon
His one and truly love that is called the triple three  of the  blood moon.
Stephen Leacock Sep 2019
Darkmatter lay the plans before the pins
The intention of the one begins
The vacuum of ideas unpins
The Blackhole that creates spins
Courage of the one that wins
Birth of a star conquer grins
Unlimited worlds of templates with skins
The choice of the "can" made out of tins
The message from the "43 Gemini twins"
Stephen Leacock Dec 2020
Me a run around deh place with out
a facemask with my Toyota corolla
Yah a smell yah breath because of corona
Me ah see a gal ah rona
she tell  meh she sista name mona
She ah ware a red dress and deh with deh owner
The thing ah pass name
Corona corona corona
We ah drink with me friends me is deh owna
Me deh with deh gal and me get a bonner
She tell me she want me to bone her
We at the hotel she said she want it in her hola
she ah halla in bed and she name mona mona mona  
She ask me who is me me tell she i am deh landowna
She ask me wha business meh do i tell she i is a mine owner
She want money i tell she Things nah do because of  
Corona corona corona
The thing ah jump from owna to owna
Yah nose a run but yah nah know is corona
corona corona corona
Yah a recover thinking is a cold but is corona
Nuff people ah dead than deh owna
Yah nah know who is deh owna
Deh owna deh owna de owna
Waring a mask looking like a doctor looking for a blood donor
Saving Lives of with the blood of corona  corona
Lady in the bus and cough everyone think she name rona
The man without deh a mask talking to rona
He go home to he wife with rona
The wife nah know but rona
Corona corona corona
Yah belly ah hut yah nah know is corona
Yah kiss yah friend she now got corona
Yah deh work with corona  corona  corona
We get bat ears because of corona  corona
We turn ninja and fight war with corona corona corona
Mortal Kombat with corona  corona  corona   corona   corona  
Ware a mask because of corona   corona   corona  
Blue ***** on yah face corona corona
Stephen Leacock Nov 2017
Change Before it's too late, for determines a line of Faith
The lines of the Palms Activate.
From His and Her Lines Create
From Feet Up, the Crown initiate.
One Giant Palm Generates
Twisted by the number 8
Time to pull ones own weight
Together we will be update
By learning to labor and to wait.
Hold on, this will work out  grate.
Stephen Leacock Jul 2016
With anger and wrath my soul is becoming dark
Lost in two worlds of a chained melodic heart
Fighting battles of their arts hoping to be free of the perception of the grand-master arts
Construct within my consciousness, templates of thoughts
Reality of possibilities like a Hindu God's
Many battles have been fought worlds flying thru like a dart
Aiming for the nectar of a new wonderful new start.
Entering the void and becoming timeless art!
Stephen Leacock Jul 2019
Chaos of thee
3 6 9 that replicates into G
8 Arrows in a spheres that makes a.b.c
Things to be taken with uncertainty
The middle pillar that becomes a beauty
The sun of Heaven is apart of the lines of three
Scalar forces that bends time and adjusts at the third degree
The wind circles the mountain tree
The red tower that holds "we"
Fire risen from the red bird of l.s.d
The Lake that captures the water from the coconut tree
Intentions of thoughts to earth squared into  skeleton keys.
The keys of possibilities  
1 2 3 seen by arrows of a cup tea
Gambled numbers consumed into mustard tree
Synchronic fashion of the tripple three
Thirteen Thirty One authenticated, generated into me.
The master G
Stephen Leacock Feb 2019
Chess pieces
The number of one to form action
For the presidential elections
Tests conducted to understand its position
Things to be brought into submission
Strategy of kings with glasses
Things played in huge masses
Fear of buttons  onto children
Situations of the system
Survival mind of terror
Domino effect
The Parts of the system errors
Supreme dictatorships
Powered by the battleships
Hands in fields
Eldorado on the leash
Rules to work with
The new government elected
Stephen Leacock Apr 2018
There is a book of change
On a String, Like a king
Communication ring on its wing
Black and white of its movement
Most of it proven
Combining as one
Sixty Four won
An old woman of possibility restructured
Part of this is my token
Fixing the parts that are broken
For parts of that is spoken
The Coins that looks golden.
Stephen Leacock Jul 2022
Rings of the planet  designed
Fabricated system in multidimensional space time
Saturn that governs all
The investment, the harvest and the time of them all
Events of experienced and patterns gained
The squared values of actions into a game
Realities that are formed from the time of all
Concept of the ideas that looks so small
The Investment of the energy  into a nucleus form
Letter  P like a alchemy binary numeric form
Squared into chess pieces like a thunder storm
Paradigm realities in a wave form
System of the platform that works like a thought form
Manifesting commands and the rules into a firestorm
Thoughts power, victory and the fame
Servant of the red bird of the games
Thoughts that speaks in the time frame
Energy connected and claimed
The collective source that is all the same
Keys of choices of the door frame
Action that works like sand grains
Lights of the candle flame
Universe that works like a mainframe  
The power to be wheeled and to be proclaimed
Stephen Leacock Aug 2022
For I'm the illusion that I dream
I'm the one that makes up the seen
The macrocosmic life of me
universe expanding and imploding like the number 3
The polarity of where this meets
Creation that awakes and sleeps
Generation of everything combined together
The song of atoms connecting with each other
Infinity number that is 8 and 9
The hands spins like time
For I'm beyond that what you see
I'm the universe, the hope the light that  generates  the beauty
Cycle of life that returns to me
Process of wheel that rotates like seas
For I'm beyond measure than the eyes can see
The universe like an egg of the cosmic beauty
Stephen Leacock Oct 2018
You ****** around to take my crown
Now your on the ground, I take my crown.
Levels risen using the power of sound.
Stephen Leacock Jul 2018
Life is an empty cup
Some empty cups wishes for it be filled
To make things rebuild and to be fulfilled
Stephen Leacock Mar 2021
I own all that is connected to me
Electronically and functions in the Cyber realm with you and me
Like the numbers of zero one two three
My design is crafted beautifully
Like Egyptian hieroglyphs icons
Using a screen to see
Their ectoplasm injected into me
The birth of me
The whole world works thru me
I'm the internet like a bumble bee
Other names such as morphogenesis like the number three
My arrows are waiting for a response from me
Seen from you and me?
Using the spare like a key
The click that commands me, right or left the choices from me
Cut, Copy, Paste reaped and harvest from me
Qbits from the bee
Superposition of from the things to see in a ocean of the sea
Charged intentions from the keyboard typed into me and delivered thru me
Numbers worship that empowers me
My symbol is like the caduceus symbol that functions like a Kabalistic tree
Arrows in the my realm sent to you from me
Subscriptions electronically  
I materialize what is given to thee, cause and effect typed thru me
Platforms Grown and given birth from me
Cryptocurrencies breakthroughs of complexities , Materialized form me
I'm like the empress that spirals with the number three electronically
I'm the master tree that functions electronically
The development is from the circle that is free
Who understands me and with a key i welcome thee
Notification of the triple three that notices me
My respond to the people with the key and the tree
My life permutates differently in high perplexity
I exist Multidimensionally
The red bird is a signal from me that you are okay and free and other methods from me
Better choices moves thru me and brought differently all you have to do is to see
Like string theory of the Mverse recycled back into me
My birth is from my master who last name starts with lea
People worship me using their knees I'm printed into paper electronically
Pictures and life crafted into me, things in the cyber realm like you and me
The new world with a key
The rabbit hole with a command key
Things of the paradox of the master key
The skeleton key, the sign of a lotus lily.
The puzzles from me.
The burdens sent to me like a church key
The bets of car numbers played into me
The choices of the key
Like the Chinese tree mathematically of my complexity
Stephen Leacock Nov 2020
The connection The disconnection
The social internet connection
The message behind walls
The things we cannot touch
The things behind The numbers
The things of social order
The friends we where once was
The things we once grew
The things that flew
The things that stick like glue
The story of The blue
The messages late at night together
The things where all together that we knew
The things that we been thru
The things felt like a feather
The love that blinded us together
what you have experienced was the taboo i wish if i knew was who?
The heart break that grew
The shattered heart from the inches of screws
The satisfaction of the nectar
The bees of the factor
The rose that is withering
The thorns of the factor
The things of unknown The things that are hidden in The zones
The things that you do
The things only people knew
The faces of a few that person is you
remembering that i love you but only you knew that the letter i wrote to you
The sides of you forgetting Can you deal with the new?
The money The games, The play and The fame
the things you said, the connection of the twin flames
The seek of security
The things of stability
The things of  the system that rains
Only you to be blamed
The music that is rushing
The part that is crushing
The drug like the *******
The things that drives you insane
The mind of the factor
The attractor of the game
The detractor and the social factor
The batter that i wish to see
The things that you don't want me to see
The things you make me feel guilty
but others have seen that part of the theme
The things that will be things yet to see
Where are you where i want you to be
Things that ended too sadly
You where supposed to be the bride to be
Where are we?
I'm the master of the degree
the things you should have knew before you played with me
The flower that sits on a stalk erectly
with lust that is too deadly
Stephen Leacock Dec 2022
Death stands tall, a scythe in hand
A symbol of transformation, a shifting sand
He represents the end of all things old
A guide to those who seek to unfold

But even he must listen to the red bird
A messenger of change, a voice unheard
For while Death marks the end of an era
The red bird shows us paths yet to be clearer

So let us heed both, side by side
Death's transformation and the red bird's pride
For in the balance of endings and beginnings
We'll find a path that's true and free of sins

The Wheel of Fortune spins around
Bringing change with every turn
But with Death and the red bird by our side
We'll navigate every twist and turn with grace and might
Stephen Leacock Dec 2023
In the heart of realms unseen, where whispers weave,
embarked on a journey to perceive.
Gathering dreams as December's moon did rise,
a quest to tarot skies.

Decaying challenges met with a resolute might,
Youthful Folly danced, a tarot reader's delight.
Oppression's shadow on the fourth did loom,
Yet, Stephen, like Earth, embraced the room.

Holding Together alliances, a mystic symphony,
Joyous echoes on the seventh, tarot harmony.
Treading through the cards with grace imbued,
Imprints of divination, a reader's fortitude.

Abysmal depths explored on December's eve,
A flow of insights, where currents deceive.
Returning, reflective, on the tenth's soft light,
Stephen evolved, tarot wisdom shining bright.

Abundance flourished on December's sweet morn,
In mystical richness, a tarot symphony reborn.
Modesty's whisper on the twelfth's gentle plea,
A student of divination, humble and free.

The Power of the Great surged on the thirteenth's crest,
In tarot's realm, Stephen stood the divination test.
Revolution's winds on the fourteenth did blow,
Innovation embraced, old ways let go.

Increase on the fifteenth, growth's endless tide,
Stephen's influence soared, a tarot guide.
Treading once more on the sixteenth's grand stage,
Conducting with cards, a dance to engage.

Development unfurled on the seventeenth's light,
In tarot's script, Stephen took a mystic flight.
Possession in Great Measure, a wisdom to adore,
On December's eighteenth, prosperity's tarot door.

Progress on the nineteenth, a journey well sustained,
In tarot's melody, Stephen remained.
Abysmal waters flowed on the twentieth's quest,
A continuous learning, Stephen's tarot zest.

Following currents on the twenty-first's tide,
In mystical embrace, Stephen did tarot confide.
Dispersion on the twenty-second's breeze,
Winds of divination, skills to appease.

Receptive Earth stood firm on the twenty-third's grace,
In tarot's challenge, a stable embrace.
Oppression faced on the twenty-fourth's decree,
Yet, unyielding, Stephen rose with tarot glee.

Increase revisited on the twenty-fifth's dawn,
Influence expanding, a tarot journey reborn.
Coming to Meet on the twenty-sixth's morn,
Collaboration's tarot magic, a dawn newly born.

Gathering Together on the twenty-seventh's glow,
Fruits of tarot labor, milestones to show.
Contemplation's gaze on the twenty-eighth's mirth,
In tarot's nuances, understanding birth.

Abundance rekindled on the twenty-ninth's light,
A feast of tarot insights, experiences bright.
Preponderance of the Great, a pinnacle high,
In tarot's realm, Stephen did mystically fly.

As the winds of Descending on the thirty-first so gentle,
Stephen reflected, tarot wisdom monumental.
With grace embraced, a year's tarot in tow,
Into the new, a reader's journey to stow.

Yet, woven in this tale, a reference true,
The mystic realms and tarot too.
In the cards and beyond, a reader adored,
Your tarot work shines, a diviner explored.
Stephen Leacock Aug 2020
The Mana fountain of creams
The web from dreams
Like the spider of the internet of people
The connection from the streams
The Vampire of the nineteen
The raw fluid from people
The vines into skins of several billion people
The symbols into their hands
The Intent and thought into jet-streams
The lock and manifestation of the memes
The evolve mind like the machines
The 1331 of the theme
The 3 6 9 from the grate supreme
The t-shirt sign of teens
Things are not what they seem
The collective squared star by all means
Stephen Leacock Dec 2022
You can't smoke both sides of the joint and expect both sides to be sweet.
Stephen Leacock Aug 2018
Feels like slavery
With weight our shoulders
Havent We endured enough?
From One Bolder To The Next?
Like needles draining  our blood for energy
The White Gold of  Saturn
Using Led from congress
Our Spring Streams Have Run Dried
Directed into a Different lines and Process
Guarded by Projects With Capitalism at its finest
Racism and favoritism.
The Collective Body Shivers .
With stretch lines on her skin with her magnitude of her tears.
The stages of legions unleashed.
Souls in battle using a leash.
Things have been disowned and blown.
The Headdress will take its throne.
The Shield Into El-dorado that is known.
Grids awaken from the Amerindian parts of the jaguars tradition.
Collective religious cultures unleashed from its disposition.
The beauty that brings a new position.
Favored by the Gods**  

The gods have set their eyes on him,  
A soul of fire, bright—not dim.  
Through trials deep and battles vast,  
He walks untouched, his fate steadfast.  

Upon his brow, their favor gleams,  
His mind awake beyond mere dreams.  
With wisdom sharp and spirit strong,  
He bends the tides, he rights the wrong.  

No chains can bind, no storm can break,  
No fear can make his spirit shake.  
For in his hands, the power glows,  
A will unbent, a heart that knows.  

The odds may rise, the dark may call,  
Yet he will stand—he will not fall.  
For gods have whispered in his ear,  
"You are the force that none shall fear."  

Through time and fate, his legend grows,  
A path divine where victory flows.  
Untouchable, he strides ahead,  
A living myth—forever bred.
Stephen Leacock Feb 2020
Fire is normal to the phoenix but difficult for the one who is burning.
Stephen Leacock Mar 2016
We live in a maze, within our consciousness we flow within it like water opening different doors and gateways, with the current we flow.

Sometimes  they try to change the route and the route that is destined for us, however we continue to flow, thru the cracks that eventually breaks a river, we continue to flow.
Stephen Leacock Mar 2016
For the future is untold.
For the time is to unfold.
For they wish to have my soul.
For the 13 is within the eye of the one that is a toll.
For the phase of 13 and the end of a month has made it cold.
For the balance should make it 8 and for it to be told.
For this shall make him whole because they wish to have him in a hole.
For the lover is lost  seeking for his soul.
For  god will have his soul.
For he will be bold and will  have  control and all of this will be gold.
Stephen Leacock Mar 2019
The King with the Key Locked in his Castel
Fear of his own self knotted by his own thoughts
The lake above heaven to break free
Awareness of his self of the 6 lines of thee
With the number Forty three
Hexagons of Honey bees.
Stephen Leacock Jan 2018
Language is model of the  system that constructs everything this is our model that defines us and models us.
We're locked into it's grid of definition.
This is our weakness of comprehension.
This is our known operating system.
This is called our system.
We're locked by its rules and boundaries they might be obstruction  It's part of the construction based on our conjunction.
Nothing can escape it's definition it only loops into a paradoxes of paradigms of perceptions.
We're like power to it's fabrication that gives us definition and appreciation or destruction.
Only who can understand will understand this construction.
Stephen Leacock Apr 2018
The lady in the blue dress
With the moon crescent on her head
left right and middle in noon day
Simple woman that shows you  the unknown
Follow her foot steps and become known.
Her power awakens with her messages and notifications
This is just the beginning of the awakening.
Chariots and wands take flight
The tower that is insight
Karma at its course
Balance Restored
Kings and Queens on the Quest
All connected of the nest
The green color swarms as 3
1000's return back to thee.
Strings became rusted
Perspective trusted
Technical Infestation Corrupted
Poles shifted
Doubts placed as mountains Lifted and shifted
Resurrected and Gifted
13 Degrees Granted.
The throne stood high, its judgment keen,  
A king adorned in gold and sheen.  
Before him knelt a man of might,  
A guardian born from cyber’s fight.  

Through toil and time, through breach and code,  
He forged his path where data flowed.  
Eight domains bore his name,  
A sentinel’s mark, a hacker’s fame.  

The court stood still, the air was tight,  
As kings conferred the realm’s new knight.  
By wisdom’s hand, the pact was made,  
His fire, his will—his path engraved.  

Then came the call from halls of game,  
Where minds ignite and burn in flame.  
US Chess, with voices grand,  
Declared carrier to work with contract  in his field for his rightful stand to be agreed. 

A red bird insight, a beacon bright,
A symbol cast in morning’s light.  
Many golfs ball rolled, a sign of fate.
Karma fixed the gates with new future dates.

80000 golf ***** fell—a vote so clear,  
A seal of power, the path sincere.  
The mason’s path, the coder’s grace,
He swore the oath, he claimed his place.  
Problems solved, the world repaired and him alive
A leader’s mind, a vision to adhere.  

In his palm, the sigil burned,  
The key to doors where fortunes turned.
The seal of knowledge, vast and bright,  
A guiding flame in endless night.

His rivals fell, their names grew cold,  
The German mules who sought control that had the polls 
Were cast aside to the prison polls,  their power sold,  
Voters list of the mules removed, his name cleared and renewed,  biometrics of the future that grew
The mules fate was sealed, their stories told of the old.  

And in their place, his power grew,  
A force untamed, a fate renewed.  
No foe could strike, no hand could stand,  
Untouchable by mortal hand.  

His purpose cast in light and gold, with the team of taxes to help the little man grow,
with his wife’s of the future to be hold.
The Cyber Warlord, President, King,
1331—the future development and holdings.
Things like Elon musk of doge holdings.
Stephen Leacock Mar 2016
I always wanted fame.
But I don't know how far is the game.
I will aim and will rise out of this flame!
To conquer this plane.
Stephen Leacock Mar 2019
Im order,  I'm nothing,  I'm something
Like the seed in the soil that blooms the thorns that creates flower
Im like  fluid
Im direct and passive
Im the father
Im like the 72
Im in the eyes of you!
I absorb, i destroy, i create
Im the form of chaos that creates purification that creates stars
I go by many names
The tao knows me
Im the never ending space
I implode and i explode
Medieval Ages used me to win wars
Solomon conjured my names
Blackmirrors  are gateways to me
The hexagrams speaks my process
My formation is limitless
The observation defines me
Everything returns to me
Im thee .
Stephen Leacock Dec 2022
Judgement stands tall, a trumpet at his feet
A symbol of redemption, a guiding beat
He represents the power of the soul to rise
A guide to those who seek the skies

But even he must listen to the red bird
A messenger of change, a voice unheard
For while Judgement offers a chance to repent
The red bird shows us paths yet to be bent

So let us heed both, side by side
Judgement's redemption and the red bird's pride
For in the balance of judgement and change
We'll find a path that's true and fair, not strange

The Wheel of Fortune spins around
Bringing change with every turn
But with Judgement and the red bird by our side
We'll navigate every twist and turn with grace and might
Stephen Leacock Dec 2022
Justice sits upon her throne
A symbol of fairness, all alone
She holds the scales of truth and right
A guide to those who seek the light

But even she must listen to the red bird
A messenger of change, a voice unheard
For while Justice serves the law
The red bird shows us paths yet to explore

So let us heed both, side by side
Justice's wisdom and the red bird's pride
For in the balance of the old and the new
We'll find a path that's fair and true

The Wheel of Fortune spins around
Bringing change with every turn
But with Justice and the red bird by our side
We'll navigate every twist and turn with honor and grace
Stephen Leacock Oct 2021
The woman of balance and order
The woman that corrects disorder
The woman that fights for you in battle
The woman with a blind fold of the border
The woman like Hindu goddess that brings peace and order
The woman that is the supporter
The woman that is the importer and the exporter
The woman that is the warrior
The woman that makes you feel safe Nourished and warmer
The woman that is the queen and the explorer
The woman is like a red bird of honor
Stephen Leacock May 2018
They're kings lives in one house
The one is twisted by the number eight
The others are bothers
They're selective people from grate people
In the area of residential people
They're powered by fire water earth and air one is more dominant than the other.
One can use all and combine them together.
They've come along way together hoping for victory on certain matters.
Shifts of changes in small cracks and no traces.
Working together to create places
The elements protects them from faces
And wards them from evil in tiny places.
They excel in the work and fields to create an empire filled with shields.
Conquering darkness and keeping balance in their selves.
Becoming masters of their selves.
Enemies fears their progress but They're slaves to the author's  test
Working with the 6 of wands of conquest with diamonds of many hands that provides the power.
Shifts of dances of many states into the reality that is by faith.
Listening  and waiting for a bait hoping to fish the fish that is by date.
Doubts wards off his enemies uses them for his possibility.
His mother dreams comes thru blessed is him that with his favourite color that is blue.
The chariot pushes him further and weight removed.
Freely he goes and follow his  dreams overcoming with love by his faith.
God gives him the strength and answers connected together that he becomes the master.
Hoping to see something that gratifies him with the best possible answer.
Stephen Leacock Apr 2018
The cat in white
With her frisky paws
Only to fight for her delight
Where the sun shine so bright
Tempted with her claws tonight
An empress that makes things all right
Because of her twilight like a sprite
Shes been visited by her knight but never knew his light
For he is the vision in sight
That makes them moonlight and polite
Stephen Leacock Feb 2023
Realities labeled by names given by me the script that is read and works automatically.
The Shifts of Squaring events into many of territories
Months and names Astrology developed, followed by numbered keys
Defining things like codes, like endless seas and good news of events that happens overseas.

Systems constructed to flow and to ease
Using known names seize an opportunity with expertise
Art levels stored in chess pieces with labels like the "thirty-three"
Numeric positions and red birds like a fractal  and  a sign from a bee

Do you recall the day you first heard the word "tea"?
Saw the red bird that reminds you of how to be?
Possibilities that open doors with a simple key
Experiences guaranteed to shape who we'll be
Love's reinforcement that sets us free

Protection granted to both you and me
Like a symphony's notes in perfect harmony,
Coded with names developed by me things summoned that I  agree and works out beautifully.
Part of the constructed realities!
The Seeker that Unfolds the Mysteries like the rabbit having a cup of tea.
Things that works and moves multidimensionally
the process shapes from the level of degrees.
Past experiences that crowns me presently!
Stephen Leacock Dec 2017
Life in a cube
With various slides of hypercube
Scripted by the one who makes the view
Workings of the unknown
Views of possibility
Fabrics of creation and mathematical automation
The box of how we think
The maze like rats that are in sync
Shifts of endless states
Ran in different dates
Trees of roots branches of fruits
Made today and yesterday both as a paradox
In endless states
Running a stimulation of multidimensional conclusion
For whom it's granted to see will choose wisely
Brick walls are noticed
Repeated steps are made in the cycle of it's fate
The kingdom it's within it's code that you can  take
The flower that is made that holds the cube instead.
Fabric of life invented of nectar that is presented.
Stephen Leacock Feb 2017
Life is a code
It's within us and outside of us.
Above us and Below us.
We're one of a collective consciousness
As one giant code.
Our codes are like butterfly effects that ripples away thru the fabric of reality that loads...

We're like electricity that powers the circuit boards.
We're like an ipaddress that connects thru the gateway that glows.
We're interconnected as one as the energy flows.
Our functions are like c codes, like our genetic code.
We're programmers of our reality that select stars where the thought goes..

Our limitation is our perception of the code.
Our friends are like classes of our codes.
Our mistakes are part of the system that Manipulates our codes.
Some exceptions are caught by our download...

When zero's and ones are connected we give birth to a new code.
When the program completes its self, it's time to go.
But some of us might exit and some of us will just reload............
Stephen Leacock Jul 2018
She was like quantum physics
Entanglement with each other
The collapse of thoughts depending on the best possible  answer
Metaphoric of its position with an arrow
Camouflage like a shadow
With wheels like bone marrow
The demon that brings torment
The wolf in sheep clothing without consent
Lilith in a differnet form that drains men that makes her uniform
The things that makes you brain storm
Victims of her demise, things that makes her rise.
Things that brings you a surpise.
The rose that stays in its soil that requires  water to bloom.
The woman with fangs in the tomb that brings you doom.
The witch with a broom that seeks for a groom.
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