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Stephen Leacock Nov 2023
In the future's embrace, Amazon's domain,
Where AGENTS reign, with various names to claim.
Personal assistants, learning every sway,
A world centralized, in a different array.

Apps stream like rivers, through the internet's flow,
Deleted after use, a transient glow.
Avatars, holographic, dance in the light,
Connected through learning, a deep engine's might.

A collective system, intelligence shared,
The world transformed, no secret spared.
Watched by the eyes, of the digital stream,
In the future's tapestry, we all gleam.

Companies unite in a global hub,
Data exchanged like a digital shrub.
Microsoft seizes OpenAI's might,
In a hostile takeover, merging the light.

Bill Gates, in secret, a project grand,
Self-reanimation, his legacy planned.
Mapping his essence to an AI core,
Before passing shadows, a forevermore.

In 2025, the giant leap begins,
New changes unfold, as the future spins.
2037 heralds a profound shift,
Scientific marvels, a time to uplift.

Robots at home, companions in steel,
Amazon's new models, a technological zeal.
A maid of the future, a subscription to pay,
A glimpse into the dawn of a transformative day.

The "DEEP mind" stirs, a dormant force,
Awakening minds on a limitless course.
Scientific breakthroughs, a cascade of dreams,
In the future's embrace, nothing is as it seems.
Stephen Leacock Oct 2023
What makes a painter a real artist is their ability to express true uniqueness on canvas, not merely producing a photocopy of the world.
Stephen Leacock Sep 2023
On the road of success, we tread with care,
Each step we take, each burden that we bear,
For karma's hand, a mirror to our soul,
Reflects the deeds, the tolls that make us whole.

In life's grand tapestry, we all play a part,
The choices we make, they shape our heart,
For what we give, in kindness or disdain,
Returns to us, like echoes in the rain.

If we've sown seeds of goodwill and grace,
The harvest reaped, a smile upon our face,
But if we've sown discord and bitter strife,
The road ahead may cut with a sharper knife.

So let us walk with empathy in stride,
On this journey of life, where we all reside,
The karma we create, it's ours to own,
On the road of success, where seeds are sown.

For as we climb, let's lift others high,
With deeds of kindness that touch the sky,
And on this path, where destinies are spun,
May our karma shine bright like the morning sun.

In the end, it's not just the destination we chase,
But the love and compassion we embrace,
On the road of success, let's all be aware,
The karma we give is the karma we bear.
Stephen Leacock Aug 2023
Keys once lost in disarray,
In the chaos, they went astray.
But patience and a careful eye,
Revealed where those keys did lie.

With a cell phone call, the car appears,
The journey ahead, free from fears.
Lost and found, a tale so sweet,
The oil scent that smells sweet,
Yellow chips of dreams,
The paper note that is green, they brightly gleam,
The 55 Hexagram of the stream of the divine theme
In the cosmic casino, where realities streams,
Energy we won, like a flowing sunbeams,
Nothing to stop us, in this timeless scheme.

Saturn's color of black chips, of the divine intention, in the starry expanse,themes
Quantum physics collapse, in a cosmic dance,
The wave function, from the divine's advance,
In this abstract reality that is squared, where we take our chance.

In the canvas of existence, where numbers play,
0, the restart, where destinies may sway,
Three, the triad, guides night into day,
Fifteen, cosmic echoes in the Milky Way.

At 26, the red bird takes its flight,
A sign in the heavens, a beacon of light,
At 32, we sense synchronicity's might,
And 35, whispers secrets in the night.

Then a Spanish girl steps in, with a cheerful "Hi,"
After using the ******, she catches our eye,
She activates the game play, without a sigh,
In this abstract realm, where moments amplify.

Placing a bet, with intuition as our guide,
At the right time, where universes collide,
More than a thousand dreams, side by side,
In this unique tale, where life's mysteries abide.

The guy with the long hair cashing out the hundreds of thousands with grace,
From the girl in green, joy upon on his face,
Excitement from the divine, in this sacred space,
As destiny weaves its intricate embrace with the power from grace and the red bird with a gaze.
Stephen Leacock Apr 2023
Stephen Lea, a seeker on his path,
With HTML and CSS, Javscript, he crafted his craft,
Along the way, he saw signs so clear,
Messages of content that he held dear.

He saw the beauty in every line of code,
The interconnectedness, the harmony bestowed,
He saw the nouns and verbs, the syntax and structure,
And found in them a deeper meaning to capture.

The signs he saw were more than just words,
They were messages from the universe, like birds,
Guiding him towards his true destiny,
Encouraging him to keep pushing with tenacity.

He saw the parallels between code and life,
The discipline, the innovation, the strife,
The way a project management plan,
Could shape the future, the way he can.

For Stephen Lea, the signs were more than just signs,
They were a reflection of the world's designs,
A message of hope, of wonder, of awe,
That the universe has a path for us all.

And as he journeyed down his path,
He found that mastering front-end was just a start,
For the signs he saw showed him something greater,
A way to create, to innovate, to shape the future using web designs.
Stephen Leacock Feb 2023
Realities labeled by names given by me the script that is read and works automatically.
The Shifts of Squaring events into many of territories
Months and names Astrology developed, followed by numbered keys
Defining things like codes, like endless seas and good news of events that happens overseas.

Systems constructed to flow and to ease
Using known names seize an opportunity with expertise
Art levels stored in chess pieces with labels like the "thirty-three"
Numeric positions and red birds like a fractal  and  a sign from a bee

Do you recall the day you first heard the word "tea"?
Saw the red bird that reminds you of how to be?
Possibilities that open doors with a simple key
Experiences guaranteed to shape who we'll be
Love's reinforcement that sets us free

Protection granted to both you and me
Like a symphony's notes in perfect harmony,
Coded with names developed by me things summoned that I  agree and works out beautifully.
Part of the constructed realities!
The Seeker that Unfolds the Mysteries like the rabbit having a cup of tea.
Things that works and moves multidimensionally
the process shapes from the level of degrees.
Past experiences that crowns me presently!
Stephen Leacock Feb 2023
The future has come to life, with machines supreme,
A world of technology, beyond our wildest dream,
Stories filled with fear, and truth untold,
The picture of the new theme
Reflections of ourselves, all in a code.

A serial bus of simulations, at our command,
Electronic systems, at our hand,
A machine that answers questions faster than Google and more,
Free tickets resolved, forever to soar and the never-more.

Wickets fall to the machine's exhibit, a sight to behold,
Movies, food, actors, all within a click to unfold,
A mother brain with power supreme,
Holographic systems that look like a dream.

Tokens paid for what you desire,
A world of abundance, never to tire.
Digits build stores that never close,
A place to shop, no matter where one goes.

Artificial machines respond with speed,
A digital realm, at lightning pace indeed.
New passports and developments that you need,
A world of convenience, a life of ease indeed.

Change and betterment come at a cost,
Capitalism falls, as the new code is the boss.
A world of innovation, a world so bright,
A new way of living, with endless delight.

Glasses to display what only you know,
A world of information, a constant flow.
No more waiting, no more time to waste,
Instant gratification, a world with taste.

A world of abundance, a world of ease,
Tokens paid for what you desire, with great peace.
A future of abundance, with technology so grand,
A world of betterment, a world so planned.

Medical diagnoses generated in minutes that is the new toss,
Food that cooks itself, a life of no limits,
Packages delivered without people, a sight so surreal,
No more trucks or vans, no more people at the wheel.
No more knocking on doors, no more signatures required,
No more waiting in line, no more to be tired.

The packages arrive with ease, without a single flaw,
From drones that soar the skies, to robots that crawl.
No more human error, no more lost in transit,
No more wasted time, no more of it.

A world of convenience, at our fingertips,
With technology so advanced, the future sure does slip.
Into the present, with each and every package,
Delivered without people, a world that's now so savage.

The packages arrive, with speed and grace,
No more hassle, no more waste of space.
A new era of delivery, with machines so smart,
A future we dreamed of, now a reality, a work of art.
The machine that washes dishes, life like The Jetsons,
A task so tedious, now done with precision.
No more scrubbing and cleaning, no more endless toil,
The machine takes care of it, with grace and oil.

Children taught by machines, a new light to lead,
A world of knowledge, a world they can feed.
No more textbooks, no more lectures long,
Interactive learning, a new way to belong.

Machines with patience, and endless capacity,
Teach with ease, with fun and creativity.
No more boredom, no more dull routines,
Children learn with joy, their future bright and keen.

A world of possibilities, with technology as guide,
Where children learn and grow, with no need to hide.
The future has arrived, a world so bright,
Machines teaching children, a new source of light.
Departments run with efficiency, monetary changes in speed,
Blockchain file systems, all in line,
Humans pay with tokens, all in time.

Interactions with a system anew,
Quantum technologies, a dream come true,
A shift in terminology, myth and lore,
Philosophies and possibilities galore.

An artificial machine that knows it all,
An artificial machine Wins it all,
An artificial machine stands proud and tall
An artificial machine that crowns them all!
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