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  May 2015 Stephanie Grice
Like smoke you dance in my daydreams,
Beckoning me with **** me eyes and a lazy grin
An orange hue sunsetting your fire,
The curl of your finger saying come hither

And I wake from this like fire into water
I watch you twirl slower and slower
Into steam, you disappear like the wind
and with resignation again I'll dream
Stephanie Grice May 2015
The water bubbles around your feet
yet it does not touch you
Floating on a cloud to where we meet
You feel this does not concern you
Always asking why dogs bark yet follow your every move
The wings upon your back are black not a powdery blue
For years you've seen people cower as you walk by
You never really thought until now to question the reason why

I've been waiting for you prodigy
To explain to you the reasons people can't stand the sight of you
Yet can not help but stare
They burst into flames if they look at you too long
But where do they go from there?
Long ago here on Earth two people did meet
One of snow and one of sand
An you is who they did create
No one knew such sorrow they day you were born
The angels sang and demons cried to see such a sin
A young person born of two creations
Now you see why people scream and children hide
Murderers are your best friend
But all this you deny
Your fate has found you to follow the path you have been given
The angelic face, demonic eyes are just above the skin
it's up to you to decide what your heart wants, how to live your life
For angels want you to live in hell
While demons want you in the light
Stephanie Grice May 2015
Confined in a box
Waiting for someone to poke some holes
I can’t breathe
There is nothing in here
Not even a place for me to call my own
Four walls, not all even but make a square
I’m suffocating
Waiting for someone to poke some holes
I wish I knew what was beyond
I wish I had the strength
I am so dizzy
Waiting for someone to poke some holes
In a corner, small and tight
The air seems warmer here
There something on this box trying to get in
My heart is pounding
Waiting for someone to poke holes
A little shake, lock and key
Confided in my box I no longer shall be
The waiting is over
Stephanie Grice May 2015
Water trickles over a dried up brook
Into a stream of boiling water down into the deep
Where this goes we may never know
It’s the road we call “less traveled”
But what about those souls that have to burn their feet?
What about the children who can’t keep up to the beat?
Not only do lost souls find themselves falling further into the deep
The light on the other end is getting harder to see
And, at one point they had a chance to turn back
But chose the path “less traveled” to see what was in the black
Soon they become weary and try to rest
But, the boiling water will not let them stop
They must keep moving to the sounds of the drums
Some fall off into the water, boiling away into nothing
And, some, some make it to the end of the brook
To meet the man to take them across the River Styx
This is where the journey ends for those souls who refused redemption
Stephanie Grice May 2015
He says he wants a fourth
He says he wants a third
Slicing up pieces of me to give to them
Watching my body dissipate into nothing
As they pick away the most important parts of me
An eight here
A quarter there
To quench their hunger for what I am
For what they think I should be
Never once adding back
Never once giving
Taking, taking, always taking.
Once there is nothing left of me I wonder what they’ll do
Starve to death
Or find another like you
He wants a half
He wants it all
But what will be left to give
When they have taken it all?
Stephanie Grice May 2015
You. With all your selfish glory.
Walking around, that smug look on your face.
I want to slap it off and tell you, you are ****
You. Thinking the world revolves around you.
Sitting there, complacent and happy.
I want to run as fast as I can, in the opposite direction.
You're making me choke.
Your mind wrapped around my throat like a noose.
Legs hanging, for you to do as you please
Make me your puppet.  Show me off as some prize.
You. Heartless *******.
You're killing me...slowly
The way your make everything seem okay.
****, you're amazing at facades.
You.  Making me seem crazy, like I hear things.
Like you dont hear yourself.
As much as you deny it, I AM smarter than you.
You. With all your sickening self-rightouness
Things are not as they seem
You. You have become nothing to me.
As I see myself dying by your hand, I shall rise again and again.
You. Always wanting me to be someones else
Makes me question who you fell in love with
Was it even love at all.
**** it. It doesnt even matter.
There is no longer "we"
You. Destroy. Hurt. Laugh
With no care in the world.
It makes me want to puke
Your mind must be blank because your eyes are empty.
There is nothing left of what could have been.
You are forgotten
Stephanie Grice May 2015
Wrinkled hands. That’s what they are.  No denying it.  They have seen many things these hands.  They probably have more memories than my head does.  Probably have felt more as well.  I don’t hide them, I let people see the jagged nails and worn knuckles.  I let them watch every fold as my hand curls into a fist. I let them judge me not by my face, oh what a pretty face, but her hands.  Her hands are so worn, they look so tired.  As if they could sleep for days, knowing my hands never stop.  Never once would they sleep.  Always moving, wanting, touching, holding.  It is as if I live through my hands.  They are what guide me.  I am always looking at my hands.  They can do such wonders.  These hands, scarred and dry.  Marked by days past and memories long forgotten.  They could tell many stories if they could talk.  Many I do not remember.  These hands, how they know the face of another.  Although they seem to be that of an elderly they are soft as a roses petal.  They can make you feel at home.  Yes, judge me not by my face, for my face has not done much but be.  These hands have felt more than I could ever see.

— The End —