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Oh bebe i see trouble on the way,
But we are the rebels with young hearts
Who are not scared to go out tonight and  make a fuss about us,
We are lovers at first sight dancing in the pale moonlight,
They call us Beauty and the Beast because we are such a good match,
Others are suspicious saying what's the catch?
We are like fire&gasoline and together we shine like gold,
You are the garden & I am the gardener whose hands are never too old,
To take care of your thorns my one&only red rose.*

Stef Devid Alexandru ©
Excusez moi mademoiselle,
J'espionnais votre compte d'instagram et j'ai regardé toutes vos images,
Parce que votre apparence peut mettre des modèles hors entreprise si vous décidez de poursuivre la mode,
J'ai une théorie sur vos origines et j'aimerais partager cela avec vous,
Vos parents doivent être profondément amoureux quand ils vous ont donné naissance parce que c'est la seule explication que je puisse imaginer,
Vous êtes ridiculement belles, êtes-vous sûr d'être une femme et pas une déesse?

Haha. Je suis sûr que vous avez entendu de meilleurs compliments, mais ma chérie est sincère,
Je peux voir que vous êtes une femme amoureuse d'elle-même et que les gens vous envient pour cette réalisation,
Peut-être que certaines personnes pensent que vous êtes détestabile, mais je pense que vous êtes admirable,
Je me demande ce que les gars doivent faire pour passer du temps autour de vous parce que le chocolat noir, les roses bleues et les conversations douces ne sont pas assez bonnes pour une femme comme vous.

Vous mettez-vous une robe rouge la nuit et dansez-vous au clair de lune? Parce que vous avez l'air charmant tous les matins entre-temps, le reste d'entre nous est encore désordonné,
Je n'ai jamais essayé de cocaïne, mais je suis plutôt sûr que vous avez le goût de vous,
C'était censé être un compliment, alors j'espère que tu peux sourire,
Je suis athée mais Dieu vous bénit coiffeur parce que j'adore vraiment votre coiffure.
Lorsque vous mettez votre rouge à lèvres, vous avez l'air si beau que cela fait la grande faucheuse pour vous éviter tous les jours.

Je sais que nous ne nous connaissons pas et c'est tout à fait ma faute,
Peut-être la peur du rejet m'a-t-elle pris dans la tête et maintenant ça me rend timide comme une petite souris,
J'admet! Je suis passionnément curieux de vous et il me tue doucement ne vous connait pas,
Bien que vous sachiez quelle opportunité amusante pourrait être?
Pour moi de prendre une centaine de photos de vous, car c'est ce que font les photographes,
Et cela me donne beaucoup de chances de vous admirer,
Je sais que ce poème stupide n'a pas de rime, mais même si, j'espère que je vous ai fait rire pendant un moment et que tout ira bien.*

Stef Devid Alexandru ©
I wrote this poem in english and then translated into french for other purposes. If you're kind enough to point me any misspelling or grammar errors that may occur after this translation. I would appreciated it.
Excuse me Miss,
I was creeping a little on your instagram and I kind of looked at all of your pictures,
Because the way you look can put models out of business if you decide to pursue fashion,
I have a theory about your origins and I would like to share that with you,
Your parents must have been deeply in love when they gave you birth because this is the only explanation I can think of,
You’re ridiculously beautiful, are you sure of being a woman and not a goddess?

Haha! I am sure you've heard better compliments but darling mine are sincere,
I can see you’re a woman in love with herself and people envy you for this achivement,
Maybe some people even think you're detestabile but I just think you're admirable,
I wonder what guys must do to get to spend time around you because dark chocolate, blue roses and sweet talk ain't good enough for a woman like you.

Do you put a red dress on you at night and dance in the pale moonlight ? Because you look lovely in every morning meanwhile the rest of us are still messy,
I have never tried *******, but I'm pretty sure it has the taste of you,
It was meant to be a compliment, so I hope you can smile,
I am an atheist but God bless you hairdresser because I really love your hairstyle.
When you put on your lipstick, you look so beautiful that it makes the grim reaper to avoid you everyday.

I know we don’t know each others and that's entirely my fault,
Perhaps fear of rejection got into my head and  now it makes me shy like a little mouse,
I  admit! I am passionately curious about you and its killing me softly not know you,
Although You know what fun opportunity could be ?
For me to take hundred of pictures of you, because is what photographers do,
And it gives me plenty of chances to admire you,
I know this silly poem has no rhyme but even so, I hope I made you laugh for a while and then everything will be fine.*

Stef Devid Alexandru ©
Original,to be translated in french for its purposes inteded.
One look into your brown eyes,
And all of a sudden my senses have been compromised,
Honey I think I've been hypnotised.
So what do you say ? I think it's time
For you and I to get to the next phase,
Because I am really tired to play this taunting game,
So let me spoil you with some romance for a change.

Let's catch up and play some darts and later we can pour love in our hearts,
I will take you to a more intimate place where we can finally get physical,
Because we already know each others mentally,
First we can drink some red wine at a hotel bar,
Then I am gonna rock your body and blow your mind,
Or we can just do it right here in the back of my car,
Baby on this night I wanna magnify all the things that you like.*

Stef Devid Alexandru ©
You take off some of your clothes,
Just for me,
Even if its cold outside,
I would like to think I am that hot,
And when you weren't ready for a shot,
I stole unique moments from you,
Then carefully storage and made them mine forever,
When I get distracted by your honest beauty,
You chewing my gum, stolen from my own pockets.
**** you!
Little thief,
When you're a mess,
I am there as a witness.
When you're about to cry,
I am ready to strike.
What am I?

- A photographer :)

PS: Based on a true story. My sarcastic friend would say the correct answer is; A stalker
I love her sense of humor. We're such a match.*

Stef Devid Alexandru ©
I caught myself staring at your picture,
Then l lie to myself that it won't happen again,
For your beauty I wish there was some kind of a switcher,
So I can turn you off every time you turn me on,
Because you're a gorgeous woman and you got me under your spell.

**** it I really do miss your softly voice,
So I am scrolling through my phone's agenda untill I see your name,
Calling you should've been an easy choise,
On a second thoughts, I let my ego to torn us apart,
I am really ashamed of the man I have become.

I am ignoring you but I can't stop thinking about you,
Yeah it's such a cliche but darling it's true,
I sang a duet with Rihanna 'bout "where have you been"
I am still looking for you in every woman I meet,
And yet nobody can replace the adorable you.

I like you like a little boy love his wonderful toys,
When we get together I feel enormous rejoice,
Spending time with you is something I do enjoy,
Now that you're a little older we can get drunk with a bottle of red wine,
We can have lots of fun cause' we will never be this young,
Needles to say,don't tell your mom about this or I'll get my *** kicked.

I felt your absence more than a hundred times,
It is like waking up one day with no teeth in my mouth.,
I wouldn't have to run to the mirror to know they were gone,
We both pretend that we are just fine,
Truth is we haven't been friends for quite some time.

Stef Devid Alexandru ©
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