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Jan 2015 · 494
The Forces of Love
The forces of love bind you by sight
They take you blind into this fright
Where you must fight to stay bright

They push on towards strange futures
Where a stranger may be a suit suitor
And so you share a life and live skewered

They drag you from love into lust
Unravels and rusts away any trust
And blanketly busts, not only what's just
But what lays inside of years old love dust

The forces of love bring joy at a price
A good versus evil that balances nice
Heartbreak not torture but experience earned
A creature tempered by the coals of love burned
Jan 2015 · 535
I lay in bed in a dark, dark, imagery
As a cold deep shadow watches me
And I feel myself grow lonelier and lonlier
After a day in sunny foyers and populous piers
I stay shriveled in fear
That the day was a dream
And this isn't a nightmare
Jan 2015 · 482
Upon the brink
Of rock laiden terrain
And where rocks sink
Is the one in pain

Who aches to sail
Away from woe
To turn their tail
Away from home

Mind stained red
But eyes set blue
Held thoughts unsaid
That don't align true

And so for the one
The world is darkened
Wayward to yellow sun
Arcing as  gates tend

Crossing the brink
From the high cliffs
lowering to sink
As their spirit lifts
Dec 2014 · 436
when I think of the sky
and when I think of the world
I think of myself

when I walk through the days
and when I walk through it all
I think of myself

when I walk a new path
and when I walk with others
I think of myself

When I think
I wonder why
I think of myself
Dec 2014 · 806
Poetry Virus
Vigorously I scribble down my thoughts
In hope to express what feeling I've caught
And transfer it to paper form
Hoping for it to become airborne
Just so it infects those without my mood
So through writings they reflect my attitude
Like a biochemical invasion of the mind
The virus spun in these webbed thoughts of mine
Dec 2014 · 600
Nature, the grand stage
Yes, welcome to the new age
You shall engage in this absolute outrage
The outright destruction of forrest
Replaced by a city of light under behest
Of an external force, the government
But not the sole perpetrator of torment
Meet yourself, an instigator
All individuals ride this escalator
And when we reach the top
It'll fall out from under us, no stop
From the pop of your soda
To football games in Minnesota
We all fall the same if we continue this game
If we continue to ruin nature's grand play
And boo it off stage
Who will we blame?
We won't blame anyone
We'll all be dead, man
Dec 2014 · 573
Didn't study
I've gone through nine different pens
    Feel like I'll be here till dusk
    Scratched my head, clawed my eye lens
    And my skull's become a husk

    With such a crude knowledge base
    Can I even write my name?
    Turns out no working took place
    While I played that zombie game

    I try to pull through this bout
    But my mind, like my bedroom
    Just has stuff I care about
    And this strange old mushroom

    Okay, think clear right now, me
    Be patient, unclench your hands
    Test, if you'll just allow me
    I'll follow your demands

    You don't want money... do you?
    No, if that fails that'll be it
    I'll fall down that abyss, true?
    Maybe I could bridge the pit...

    No, no... back to these relics
    I've gone through this test, all the rest
    And it's -all- hieroglyphics
    Like an Egyptian fest

    Will this test make or break my life?
    Then why does it have to be
    Dealing with memory strife!
    Why is this paper the key-

    I'm being too cynical
    Let's see, answer question three
    I'll run this methodical
    I'll fill this like air does me

    Hey, this word's over there too
    On that one that I had missed
    This one's plural out the blue
    Wow, look at how I play this

    Maybe as I answer these
    I'll recall some old teachings
    Maybe, probably, well... uhhh
    Yet nothing more comes to being

    I'm just a body floating dead
    Already on these waterss
    Maybe if I crane my head
    And peek over some shoulders

    No, if two tests match it's done
    ...How would she ever notice?
    Especially if it's one
    Or two questions- slow cadence...

    Ah these bars, pale, wall bounds
    Looking at them ever slow
    I hark to the class around
    And break the barrier, I trow

    His answers match all mine here!
    Is it an offense without
    Actual offense to bear?
    Wait, I hear... i wish to doubt

    Someone's already finished
    A chair screech and slide in back
    I have too-- not quite polished
    And so begins that stack

    Like dominoes they all stood
    And now they fall, some how synced
    Building up their tests like wood
    Beavers, their conformist peak

    Don't go with the big crowd!
    Just hold off, you know, check first,
    Double check that, what you found
    Maybe it was false at first

    But no, the pile piles up
    I can't see these walls past that
    I'm a lone domino, "sup?"
    And here it comes, to knock me

    And I shut my eyes to let it ring
    To let it sweep these desks of things
    To let it wash out my mind and soul
    Of stress, of conscientiousness
    But to displace those with nervousness
    Without a sense of complacency
    I stumble through the flowing mass
    And cast my ballot for my grading
Dec 2014 · 590
The dragon mighty
Exists unceremoniously
Rough and curt
With such a power to assert

His wings, like the mountains of the earth,
Span into the skies
Two eyes, a sun and moon
And a body rotund, sighs

Hoping that a mortal tune
Will soothe him as do lullabies
This king in ruin
Hopes to be one of human kind

Capturing a trace of human life
A princess wrought into sudden fright
Caught, now in a time of strife
With the creature, she shares the blight

So the kingdom replies distraught
Sends its feeble human knights
The dragon sees them in trot
He longs to know what their lives' are like

Some weaker knights are concerned
Coming upon the gate of the dragon
And thought wiser and turned
Unwilling to burn in a short fashion

But some stood and stayed
Calling for princess Shannon
But revealing their plans
Met a sweeping talon

Knights so unable to rouse a reaction
Fighting with such a faction
Barely having any traction
Made the dragon tired of such a matching

To think, he could be rid of them in one, short, breath
But sighs out steam, instead
Leading them to his nest
And so, they complete their quest

Now roaring from within his breast
The dragon soars away, feigning a retreat from their test
For he knows his place is forever set
But he wishes just to be at rest

His cold eyes so far from life and death
The flying symbol of mortal dread
Raising his head above the rest
Sighs a short breath, wishing to rest
Dec 2014 · 373
The full extent of the sky hovers above our nest
    And above that the void of space holds in our unrest
    The deep abyss in which dreams halt
    We may try screams, but they don't persist beyond that fault
    "Why are we here" - one of our shouts

    We read into these words so deeply
    Analyzing life so unwieldy
    The line that runs horizon to horizon
    Seeking resolutions from dawn to dawn
    We are tasked to understand words spoken of infinity
    What can you expect besides a holy trinity?

    Reading deeply into this play of life
    Looking for just one hiccup or missed line
    Hungry to capture just one word divine
    So difficult when the vines of life
    Are cut short by time
Dec 2014 · 601
The audacious titan of a non ethereal world
Radial phenomena of visceral magnitude
Unsheathed virus set onto the solitary world
The vessel for the wayward tune

Grown environment set continuously
berthed by the air and the mists
Made flame by hollow wishing
Wrought twigs posed symbol
Fallen legend

Flame's tail shining
Embers blazing brightly
Heating burning charring
Rising from the smoke and dusty
Flames not swayed to burn single ways

Chaotic melancholic daze
In the aftermath
Nature again grows
And shouts more loudly than before
Dec 2014 · 730
Fruit Basket
Fruit basket
Pick what you like
"This ones bruised,
This ones ripe"

With no way to say no
Just a product to be owned
One in a bunch, a bunch in a basket
Pick the fruit fallen far from the tree
Stare and assess like fruit but please-

The fruit in the basket is not made from plastic
Stepped on like grapes all their lives
Carved like pumpkins on the inside
Sit to rot and eaten by fruit flies
They look pretty on the outside
These fruits are lies, these fruits are lives
But these staring eyes are rotten inside
Biting the apple of sin, that cries
*** Trafficking
Dec 2014 · 613
By the radial shells he abides
By the collapsing arc of the tide
An insane man with coiled hands
Sits at shore drawing circles in the sand
Wondering about his reciprocal strife
Spiraling out of control in the circle of life
As his mind crooks like lightning
And shines down a spotlight to focus his feelings
Circles it neatly and plainly and simply
Drawing the spirals of the radial shells
The staircase to his mind, his hell
The twisted head he holds high
The circle of life a ringing in his ears
As he looks at the circles and calls them lines
Dec 2014 · 502
with no grasp of love
Just intimate ultimate lust
Now our love is a must
I hate you and your guts
For the baby that you just
Delivered, with no grasp of love
Born into love unjust
Dec 2014 · 873
Poets meld through words
Artists paint the world
Translate souls onto canvas
Dec 2014 · 990
I lived in a trailer for 8 years, what a home
But it was where all the friends I had ever known
Were and had grown
So I never felt alone

My sister had joked about moving with ease
I would wail with this release
"Walls, don't leave me
I would die from sadness, please"

It didn't matter how I would plead
That joke became a reality
But I didn't cry or die or bleed
This byzantine struggle was to much for me to see
Such a blocking aquamarine, as if I was cast to sea

I felt isolated
Cold and inundated
In Alcatraz with Mom at my aunt's
My bubble burst in my face
In this, my own, absolute zero space
Left to read or watch TV
Just to play in solitary

I flowed onto more houses
Like water spilled on the floor
Setting down emotions at every new door

I was running out of steam
And so of course it almost became no thing
Moving more than I have fingers
Almost no feelings that linger

I moved mostly in one city
But as a kiddie one mile may as well be forty
Close didn't bring me friends, see-

There's no chance I could speak to past me
But if I could, I would say "just be glad to be"
To love your mom, even without daddy
Life isn't a tragedy
So don't water it down to just what could be
Just be glad to be
These movements were just opportunities
Your life will form, one day you'll see
If you're water then boil it down to these
Love, friends, transient, but not yourself, just be-
Just be glad to be

— The End —