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Chestnut curls kissed by the sun, waved
on a day of melancholy gray.
She stepped out from that awning that protected my car
that protected me, from her.
Slowly, it rained around her,
angel's tears surrounding like beads of dust.
"God, she's beautiful," I said,
and she walked behind a pillar.
I never even saw her face.
I picked up my blue and red, beaten up copy of Merriam- Webster and flipped to page 328 where the word “racism” was.
How nice it would be to take an eraser and remove this word from every copy, every edition, every page 328 of every Merriam- Webster’s dictionary.

Would the word go away if I could do that?
Would the conservation of ink that would no longer be needed somehow help to permanently delete this word from the minds of the world as well?

I’d like to think eliminating this word from print would make it go away, but we all know that just because something isn’t pressed into the delicate fibers of sheets upon sheets of paper doesn’t mean that it still isn’t out there, engrained into the part of our brains that picks up vocabulary the way an infant learns how to speak.

Words like racism live on inside the minds of people,
not just on paper.
The more we say the word aloud, let our tongues create the formation that’s necessary to produce the sound that is a product from this combination of vowels and consonants, the more we make it real.
If one person can remove it from their speech, and urge one more person to follow their lead, perhaps over time the word- and the act-  can be gone completely.
But it takes more than just not saying “racism” and it’s various forms, it takes consciously stopping yourself from using any color as a description of someone.

Why does it have to be a black man?
Why does someone have to a white woman?

Remove the word racism from your mouth and it’ll fade from your brain; remove descriptors from a person and they’re no longer a depiction, they’re  just a person.

Just a man.
Just a woman.
Just a human being living, breathing, and sharing this land that we all call

The years had not been particularly kind to her.
Too much sun, smoking and hard living I suppose.
Something else too, a vagueness in those once
Lively young eyes, a detachment, almost as if
She did not know me, had never known me.

I had come there seeking her above all the other
Old friends, I had wanted to share a final farewell,
A chance to tell her how much she had once
Meant to me. How long ago I had once loved her.
How still in the foggy half light of slumber I did yet,
From time to time dream of her, reliving the images
Of us as the kids we once were. Of the still stuck in
Time, romantic visions of her played out in my over
Active mind and memories of days long in the past.
Of our flower of innocents shared for the first time,
Of our naked bodies Entwined.  
Of an all consuming young passion,
Never surpassed or repeated in over a hundred
Relationships and two short term marriages.
So much to say and yet,

After but a few confusing words exchanged,
Consisting of words, that I can’t now even recall,
She turned away as if our meeting meant nothing,
Or had not even taken place at all,
Like two strangers passing on the street,
Exchanging but an abrupt meaningless greeting.

She turned and was swallowed up, lost,
Within the large Ball Room,
A room filled with many of our former class mates.

For a moment I felt empty and then overwhelmed
With sorrow, not for myself or my foolish expectations,
But for the lost child, that full of life young girl,
That 1960s Gidget, that Cute as a button,
Girl of such promise.

She that I had once loved.  What had happened to her?
Where had that girl gone? More than merely age,
We had all aged, something much more insidious,
What illness or demon had taken up residence within her?
What tragedies, what pain had she endured?
Even her best girlfriends reported similar encounters.
What was the cause? I’m sure I will never know.

Back in the day, living our collective coming of age
Shared life at school, it was easy to imagine that we
Were all the same, children of the hour, brothers
And sisters together, all alike, all the same.
But of course that was not the case, different homes,
Unique sets of parents, different private lives.
Divergent directions and paths taken,
Many years lived in between to make it or break it.
Some of us being more fortunate than others.

Never too old for a Lesson taught and learned,
Some memories will no doubt remain,
Now with no regret.
What once was can never be diminished.
I wish her well. I wish her peace.
Memories remain in the past for a reason.
Chapter closed, at long last no second guessing,
Time now to move on. . . Free to dream that dream no more.
A follow up to "Love and Passion Remembered"
A fair warning to those,
who care not repose
Father Time is less than kind
to those who try to test his might
A bother defying his sands of time
will undoubtedly leave one
frolicking with respite

A magician's trick;
the seconds tick
in a counter-clockwise fashion
In juxtaposition
with the ascension
of the sands in my hourglass passion

Its quite daunting to most,
this plague we call "time"
Not a moment goes by
I don't wonder why
I'm haunted by the ghosts
of things which I cannot change

Though its clear as day,
I can't make it make sense -
my inability to walk
backward through time

It's a sad fact of life
I'm unable to process
the clockwork of my conscience
Another oldie I will share with my favorite commune of poets! I wrote this while in adolescent rehab. Was lucky to find it again on my old deviantart page. :p
there's nothing
that i cannot feel-
mostly it's this hollowness
a computer program circuit.
the world makes us all the same,
into malfunctioning robots.
the cogs in my heart
cease to turn
and it's ragged
 Sep 2013 Erica Winter
If you haven’t fallen in love with someone yet,
And haven’t spent countless nights wondering how their voice saves you,
Or how their laugh is such a beautiful melody you cannot put into words,
Then you are lucky.

If you haven’t fallen in love with someone yet,
Then you haven’t felt the first love butterflies,
Or the quiet sound of eyelashes against each other’s cheek,
As you kiss them for the first time.
Then you are lucky.

If you haven’t fallen in love with someone yet,
You don’t understand the feeling when they hold you close,
As if gravity could never keep them down to Earth.
Then you are lucky.

If you haven’t fallen in love with someone yet,
You haven’t felt the exploding emotion of feelings,
And feeling like you heart and soul will combust into dust,
When they say they love you for the first time.
Then you are lucky.

If you haven’t fallen in love with someone yet,
You haven’t felt the red hot anger building in your throat,
And the tears coming down like waves from your eyes,
When the love suddenly goes away.
Then you are lucky.

If you haven’t fallen in love with someone yet,
Then you cannot understand the emotion,
Or the words you wish you could form,
When they say the same words to someone else.
And you feel like an old photograph that was lost in the attic.
Then you are lucky.

If you haven’t fallen in love with someone yet,
You do not know what it feels to watch your heart fall apart,
And crumble like soft rock dissolving in water,
Knowing you could never love someone as much you had loved them.

If you haven’t fallen in love with someone yet,
Then you are lucky.
As you sip your morning coffee
Or tuck into your toast
Remember all the good things
And those you love the most
Cos this could be your last day
For giving up the ghost

So we'll celebrate you madly and sing to Elton John
The bottle looks quite empty as we
Celebrate your gone
Now your 6ft under
We'll sing to you your song
We'll ...sing.. to you your song  

You could fall out a window
From way up in the sky
Walk into a plank thats there
Drops you like a fly
I'll bet your just not thinking as
It drives you of the edge
The devil an the deep blue sky are
Really quite impressed

So we'll celebrate you madly and sing to Elton John
The bottle looks quite empty as we
Celebrate your gone
Now your 6ft under
We'll sing to you your song
We'll ...sing... to you your song  

A look into the heaven's
Or is this living hell
To wondered all this fuss round here
It's hotter and you smell
So welcome to the place I love
Welcome to our world
Welcome to this place called earth
Welcome to my hell  
Welcome to my hell..
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