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Starr Oct 2017
There are people on the streets that are barely alive
Others that barely make ends meet
Then there those who seem to have it all
but really they are missing out on the love that they need
There are people over seas fighting for our country
And people here a home killing their own brothers
There are criminals and victims
The rich and the poor
The unknown and the famous
Some people are greedy, others are grateful
Some people are caring, while others are hateful
But if we all took a step back and realized that
everyone has their own struggles
then maybe, just maybe the world could be a better place.
Starr Oct 2017
You will always have a choice
To follow or to be followed
To follow in someone else's footprints
or to make your own
You can take a path that is already laid out
or lay out your own

Tough times will come; they always do
You can turn back or keep pushing forward
You can hurdle the obstacles
or let them stop you in your tracks

You will always have a choice
To fight or to surrender
Starr Oct 2017
People will point and people will whisper
Honey, just walk past them, they aren’t worth your time
They will tell stories and spread rumors
Darling hold your head high
Somebody will knock you down
Just stand up straighter and shake off the dust
They will laugh and say what they want
But baby, hit’em where it hurts
They may think they are better than you
Keep on running and you’ll end up in first
Someone may think they can get through life without a hitch
But sweetheart, believe me Karma’s a *****
Starr Oct 2017
We used to wish that we could be older
Not realizing what growing up really was
Now here we are trying to keep up
as time blows on past us
You can't run or hide
the second will still tick on by
You can't hit pause in real life
Hours turn to days
And days into months
I  guess growing up isn't all that fun
You can't back up, for time will only march forward
there is no rewind button
You can't just hit clear or backspace
life doesn't work that way
You just have to keep going
With your head held up high
Just take what you can get
'cause you can't borrow time
Starr Oct 2017
You think she is happy
but truly she is torn
Her eyes twinkle, but-
Oh! - Look again
it's really just tears
tracking down to her chin
She's the center of attention
but would rather be alone
She dresses to impress
But couldn't care less
She acts like sunshine
but really she's rain
She say that she's fine
'cause she won't share her pain
She'd rather cry all alone
in a little pool of shame
Starr Oct 2017
My heart is a puzzle
that cannot be solved
the pieces are scattered
some broken, some lost
A couple have tried to gather the pieces
but realized the problem
and simply retreated
Some pieces were taken a souveniers
perhaps a way to remember my tears
My heart has been stolen
a few times before
but is always given back
broken even more
Starr Oct 2017
He's like whiskey and coke
He's worse than any drug I could smoke
A habit I can't break
No matter how much of an effort I make

He's my addiction
I simply can't resist him
I can't give him up
For I love him too much

I want his love
like an addict needs a drug
I'm an alcoholic and
He's the bottle I drink from
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