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Stan Gichuki Dec 2018
Too much jealousy
Too much fear of the next persons success.
Too many unnecessary gate keepers.
We must be the change we want to see!
Stan Gichuki Dec 2018
-Sufficient God's Grace
-Good health
-Happy family
-Happiness More life
-Financial breakthrough
Stan Gichuki Nov 2018
Sometimes, you tell someone never to call you again and then the phone rings and you hope it’s them. Its the most twisted logic of all time.
Stan Gichuki Nov 2018
Life equation can never be balance
Stan Gichuki Nov 2018
I fall in love with souls not faces
Stan Gichuki Nov 2018
Every creative is unique
Stan Gichuki Nov 2018
I'm not the Thank God is Friday type,
I'm the Thank God am a live today type.
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