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May 2016 · 476
the one true confidant
sw May 2016
Only tell your
darkest of secrets
to the sand by the sea;
the waves will
take your words and
keep them forever,
never to tell
a single soul.
I wonder how many whispers have drowned within the sea
Apr 2016 · 396
Robbed identity
sw Apr 2016
You can reprehend me
all you want,
but please
don't smear my words.

They're my
my world;
the only written whispers
I know to be
waiting for the day I pull out my journal and write out of pure happiness because I fully love who I am and he does, too.
Apr 2016 · 393
spilled ink
sw Apr 2016
Orwell once said, “All writers are vain, selfish and lazy, and at the very bottom of their motives lies a mystery. Writing what we live is a long, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand.”

I am the demon
who I can neither
resist nor
Apr 2016 · 397
misty fog
sw Apr 2016
The sky feels
Just another reason
I am sad,
sw Sep 2015
The day you left me is still painfully vivid in my head.
Every love song and sad song reminds me of you. Every single one.
I think about the way you smile when you laugh. I think about it a lot.
Do you ever think of me? Like really think of me?
I watch and read a lot of things that will make me cry because I’m so sick of crying about you.
You’ve been a part of my everyday thoughts for so long now. I don’t think I can shake you out of my head anymore.
I’ve run out of reasons to forget you so now I’m just making up reasons to talk to you.
I loved you too much. Sometimes I’m scared that I still do.
You keep texting me for all the wrong reasons and in some twisted way, they seem right.
I like to think that we “made love” that night, but god knows you just ****** me ‘cause you could.
Stop messing with my head and just tell me how much I annoy you and how you don’t want me in your life unless I’ll ******* when you’re lonely. Just tell me these things over and over so that I can finally hate you and let go.
You took me and you shook out all the fiery passion I had in me and I bet you used it to just light your **** cigarettes that don’t even give you buzzes anymore.
One day you’re going to be belting out broadway tunes around the house that you bought with your wife and I can’t bear to think any further than that.
Found a bunch of thoughts I had written down when I was heartbroken two and a half years ago. Quite interesting to re-encounter the hurt, weak person I was back then.
Apr 2015 · 365
far from the shore
sw Apr 2015
I can't write beautifully or with heart anymore and it makes my soul feel like it's drowning in the merciless sea that my mind has become
Aug 2014 · 420
the lovely parts of us
sw Aug 2014

I sat down at the piano alone on stage and
played my favorite melody at the time
The notes echoed in my ears and sent a smooth buzz
through my veins
I felt someone’s presence and turned my head to see your eyes
following my fingers that eventually stopped dancing on the keys
You looked up,
our eyes met,
and I was never the same


Your name lit up my phone and my heart nearly skipped a beat
I opened the message; a cue for me to come out and meet you
We took a silent drive to the restaurant, our only words being
"I like your shoes" and "thank you"
Before I could reach for the door handle
you opened the door for me
and I already liked you more than the minute before
We sat at the table and ordered food that became cold anyway
since we preferred getting to know the strangers we saw in each other
that chilly, Saturday night
"I can tell I’m going to like you a lot," you said
I smiled, hoping you weren’t lying
Thank god you really weren’t


I was terrified of your mother when I first met her
I think I always will be
Your father is a favorite of mine, though
I enjoyed spending time at your home
I remember you were sick one day, so we went to your living room couch
and watched It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
as my fingers danced upon your neck in slow, gentle motions
with your head comfortably resting on my lap
We had a blanket covering the both of us and your father came in
and thanked me for taking care of you
When you fell asleep that was the first time I had seen
an angel in human form
I haven’t seen another one since


I had never smoked in my life
—**** or cigarettes—
and you happened to have both
I was always curious about cigarettes
so I tried those first
I hated it but I didn’t cough
and you called me a champion
We eventually smoked some of your
beautiful greens
and I felt it settle in my body and lift up my head
I turned to look at you and instead
our lips met
and we rolled over into a trance
I’ve never quite gotten out of


Back and forth, back and forth
our lips gently played together
then our hands
then our legs
until our bodies intertwined
You laid me down and kissed my neck
then my chest
then my stomach
and you slid your hands under my sweater as I slipped mine
under yours
Our eyes met once again and I whispered
slowly removing what garments were
You nodded your head, grasped my face, and kissed me again
except this time around I felt a stronger sensation
It ran through my body and escaped through my mouth
There was something breathtaking about the way you
said my name
and when someone else says it
it doesn’t feel the same
An old journal entry from November 18, 2013.
Jul 2014 · 711
sw Jul 2014
It’s only
and my head is
as if it were

Sometimes I wish the
lightning would just
and end this
******* storm.
Jul 2014 · 556
skid marks
sw Jul 2014
I drank too much alcohol again and
tried dragging you out of my mind
but all that ******* did
was leave traces of you on my hands
for me to wake up to
the next morning
and then I remembered you
all over again
Jul 2014 · 356
sw Jul 2014
A long time ago we were one,
like the sprout of a new tree.
It felt fresh and new
and we grew together.
We became stronger
to the point where it seemed like
nothing could cut us down.
We must have grown
too fast, though;
one day when I looked at you
you had started to grow another direction
reaching for the sky, nonetheless,
but no longer for me.
You branched off farther and farther
until you were too high to touch
and I couldn't bloom anymore.
I didn't know what to reach for;
I forgot how to grow.
So I rotted,
and let myself fall to the ground
where it all started.

I can't forget us
but I can't quite remember, either
and I've been there ever since.
How painful it is to watch you reach for the stars while I'm just stuck here, amongst the dying blades of grass.
Jul 2014 · 408
Growing Up
sw Jul 2014
Atop the playground
I sit and write all these words
Childhood out of reach
a haiku
Jul 2014 · 289
taken over
sw Jul 2014
I want to let go of so many things
in my life
like cigarettes
and thoughts
and you

I keep telling myself

"you're strong enough to"

but then
I feel my head shake and reply,

"it was a
nice thought
while it lasted."
drunk poem number 1. Off I go to celebrate with more alcohol
May 2014 · 327
the other end
sw May 2014
Never did I ever think
I'd be the very thing
that has caused
all of my fears
to exist
May 2014 · 308
more than just gold
sw May 2014
They always say that
"Nothing gold can stay."
I remember a couple of years ago
when the sun set for the day,
and the golden flames' absence
made the night seem much too long.
I wanted the stars and the tears
to pass
and I held my own hand.
But the sun came back
and peaked through my blinds, saying hello.
I knew I had another day
and I was stronger.
I remember having a bad dream one night:
My parents were in a room full of nothing
having an awful fight.
I awoke with fear,
my mind in a wreck. I thought they were done,
but my nightmares weren't right--nowhere near.
That morning at breakfast,
I saw her golden ring.
It sat comfortably on her left ring finger
as she smiled at my father like he was an angel,
but without wings.
Maybe I've been lucky
to see the sun's golden rays
shine in the morn until the end of the days,
and maybe it's not so common
for that golden circle to stay on most hands,
and perhaps peoples' lives don't always go as planned

But trust me when I say,
"I've seen that gold can stay."
When I lose hope I write **** like this to try to prevent losing any more. 12:28am.
Apr 2014 · 363
at ease
sw Apr 2014
My skin is finally welcoming the sun's warm hugs
and I no longer shiver at the thought of the night.
I have come to greet the moon with sincerity
instead of fear,
and my mind no longer scares me;
my heart no longer shakes.
Struggle and sadness had settled itself
inside of my head, and after they had left
I wasn't exactly sure how to live 
without them.
But I've picked up my guitar once again--
this time without a weight on my shoulders--
and my fingers have never flown so freely
along the strings that now ring 
notes of pure bliss.
Happiness was not a familiar friend of mine,
but I can feel us catching up again.
Smiling has never felt so easy and
I've never felt so free.
Apr 2014 · 293
A Revelation
sw Apr 2014
If you love me,
it's too late.
If you leave me,
that's just fine.
It's about time you
got out of my head;
I finally got back
what's rightfully
Apr 2014 · 386
Give Me Nothing
sw Apr 2014
You and I
will never be anything more than
a disaster.
A part of us,
the past us,
lie dead somewhere we can
never go back to even if we wanted to.
We have become
The poison has sunk in and has
let any possibilities for anything
steady or consistent 
completely impossible,
and we are
I've been hollow and empty,
but I've come to form a
liking to it.
I don't want love.
I don't.


is exactly
what I want.
**** it
Apr 2014 · 310
sw Apr 2014
I have passed you by
Many times before,
And with each and every time
I wish I would have
The ******* courage
To say more than
Pitiful mutters
That sound like meaningless words
When we get the chance
To speak.

You're in my head when I see movies
You're in my head when I read lines
You're in my head when I exhale
You're in my head when I see lovers
And I'm probably not even in yours.

One cigarette
Is usually all the time
I have,
Burning my seconds
And words as I try to
Come up with
For you...

It's funny how many
let the killers in
But block out the possible
with the smoke-

Oh god,
is it silly of me
To want something
to spark from these
Week old ashes?

Stick me between your teeth
And burn me,
Inhale me,
to the filter.
Random, scattered thoughts
Apr 2014 · 550
sw Apr 2014
I've had my share of
and beer,
But nothing
Nothing at all
Can get the bitter taste
You left
Off of my tongue
Apr 2014 · 870
sw Apr 2014
I always hated my freckles.
They sat on my face like splattered paint, something everyone noticed. Some girls would gawk at them and I remember thinking, “if only I could peel them off like stickers and give them away.” Their words went in one ear and out the other. My desire to have plain cheeks was screaming so loud I almost couldn’t hear their compliments.
You were different.
It was our first date. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of your perfectly chiseled face and almost missed it when you said, “your freckles.”
I had spent so much time on my hair and choice of clothing, and the one thing you noticed were my freckles. I hoped you wouldn’t talk about how many I had or ask why I even had any or what I did to make them look so faint or—
“They’re extremely cute.”
That’s all it took. My train of thoughts halted on its tracks and might have even started moving backwards in confusion. Your words didn’t go in one ear and out the other. They stayed there and sunk into my head, making themselves at home.
I heard you say these things time and time again, each time only feeling lovelier. You would trace my freckles with the tips of your fingers as you whispered how many beautiful constellations you could make out on my face without having to take a single step outside. You kissed each and every one until you had kissed them all twice and we were laughing out loud. You told me how each one was so lucky to be with me forever and that you could only hope for the same.
Then one day you left without warning. You placed the three bittersweet words on my shoulder and left a kiss on the right corner of my lips, then my cheek. When you kissed my cheek I was only left with my freckles. I was left with me. And just like that, I hated myself again.
I cried like a child that day and the many days that followed.
After a week, I finally got the courage to look myself in the face. I walked into the bathroom and quickly rinsed my puffy face with a cold, wet washcloth. I set it down when I was done and looked up. I saw my cheeks and the constellations you had made up on each side. The memory of you struck the worst kind of pain upon my heart and I broke down for the hundredth time. I looked up to try and see the stars again, but I only saw my tear drops smearing the splattered paint that had been sitting on my face all along. I always hated my freckles.
An old blog post. Not a poem, but hey.
Apr 2014 · 442
sw Apr 2014
I am quite fond of
walking down the busy streets
filled with intricate trinkets to buy and
unique people to see, and of
running through the markets
like a nomad among
unknown souls.
more than anything,
I miss the green mountains that
run as far as the eye sees,
and the vast, blue sky that races
with the summer breeze.
I remember rides in that old, white truck;
grandfather always gripping
the steering wheel through the endless
twists and turns.
The trees within vision would all blur together,
blending their leaves as if
Mother Nature's paintbrush
was glazing the car window
with several shades of green.
When the truck came to a stop
the dragonflies floated over to rest
upon the rear-view mirrors
while the butterflies dances among the trees, and
I would scurry out of the vehicle
to see the view of the
quiet mountain-tops
as the rattle of cicadas
hummed past my ears.
What a breath-taking sight it was,
and still must be.
High above the world,
away from all the fuss,
feeling as if one
A brief moment of winsome reality...
so rare, but indeed,
so real.
Oh how I wish
I could exist
like so,

Mar 2014 · 877
Growing out of Love
sw Mar 2014
I miss you
in what feels like a more
mature, grown-up way
right now.
I no longer feel the
to angrily message you
or call you and
I haven't checked on you
as much,
and I kissed another boy
without comparing him
to you.
I suppose this is what
falling out of love
feels like.

I'm not quite there,
there are still those nights
where I become a sad,
little girl again
wishing you were holding me
and whispering things
in my ear--
things that were
supposed to
391 days later, and you're still here... somewhere.
Feb 2014 · 401
6 feet under the ground
sw Feb 2014
I didn't believe in
Heaven or Hell
until you

grasped my face
and kissed me,

then left me and
forgot me.
Jan 2014 · 467
the end
sw Jan 2014
Reality settled upon us
and made itself at home
it made room between us
pushing our hearts apart

we could feel the distance
and growing
and growing
I finally spoke up and
you nodded, saying, "it's for the best"
bittersweet grins were exchanged
and there was a pathetic attempt for a hug
you turned around without a wave
and I parted my lips to bid farewell

but how could I say "goodnight"
when we both knew
it wasn't
Inspired by a recent event and this short poem: "He wanted to say 'I love you' but kept it to 'goodnight', because love would mean some falling and she's afraid of heights."
Dec 2013 · 752
sw Dec 2013
It's kind of sad
How I have been here all along
Holding the light for you
To keep guiding you forward
But you keep ignoring my light
Curious for what's in the dark.
You know the dark will haunt you
And bring you troubles you won't see coming
But you walk into the darkness anyway
Still expecting me to know where you've gone,
To know what you've done,
And to follow you regardless
Even if it means dropping the light
Just to hold your cold hands.
But you see,
The dark is a dangerous place
Where even your shadow will run away
So how in the world--
After all I've done for you
Receiving nothing in return
--Do you expect me to stay?
You can't see what you're doing. Please get your head out of the dark.
Nov 2013 · 562
the beginning of the end
sw Nov 2013
The trembling of my hands
And the stillness of yours
Always worried me.
I swear my heart cracked
Every time you said something
You weren't so sure of.
The crevices only grew larger
With every missed glance
And empty promise,
Losing myself along with them
piece by piece.
You started causing
Small earthquakes in my chest
Making me question
If I was strong enough 
For not only the both of us,
But for myself.
I got lost somewhere in between
Our midnight phone calls and
Shared cigarettes in the afternoons.
You made me forget I was
Building walls for protection,
Letting you subconsciously break them down
Without my knowing.
The endless storms in my head
And the disasters in my soul
Have become too much--
You brought the final quake
That broke my heart
When you spoke during what would have been
A perfect moment
And all I heard
Was carelessness. 
It's not that I wasn't expecting this,
I suppose I just irrationally delayed preparation
In hopes of your seismic words
Impossibly leaving a positive impact.
Natural disasters. Can't stop 'em.
Oct 2013 · 584
sw Oct 2013
I've never felt this cold
In a coat meant to keep me
It's (kind of) mended,
Yet torn enough
To breathe in the breeze.
Sometimes it's nice-
But the weather gets chilly
And my spine freezes up.
My coat tries to keep me warm
But it doesn't last long...
I could go home;
The bed sounds very welcoming,
I'd just have to put the coat away.
But every time it's time to go out
In the cold
I'd have to
See or
Deal with
That coat.
I don't have enough for a new one and
I don't like the others I've seen anyway,
But god ******-
I'm tired of getting so cold.
Not my best at all. Just some words flooding my head.
Oct 2013 · 395
too late
sw Oct 2013
You can tell me that you like me
And I will confess just the same
I'll tell you this whole-heartedly
And still think you're playing games

You can tell me that I'm beautiful
While you run your fingers through my hair
I'll just muster a solemn nod
Still unsure if you really care

You can buy me pretty flowers
With a note full of sweet lines
I'll hold it close to my heart
And question if you're truly mine

You can show me off to everyone
Just to prove what we have is true
You can tell me "you are worth it"
But I'll still wonder if I'm right for you

You can tell me that you love me--
I'll hesitate with wary fear
Only to discover that you meant it
When you're no longer here.
Just another lame, rhyme-schemed, love poem.
Sep 2013 · 971
sw Sep 2013
Sometimes the person who
Makes your blood boil and
Brings irate beats
To your pulse

Can also be the one 
To ease your mind
Or cause you to smile

...And I have yet to figure out
How this can be.
Sep 2013 · 909
a novel with torn pages
sw Sep 2013
What in the world
Were you thinking
That night when you
Stuck a bookmark between
My effort and trust?

Did you try to read my brown eyes
Through her lighter lens?
Did you truly convince yourself
Her thin hair was as thick as mine?
Did you mark my scattered freckles
Onto her blank-sheet cheeks?
Did you manage to feel my crooked spine
As you mindlessly reached for hers?

I hope you have
studied me for
memory's sake;
My every word and
The lines of my palms--
for that's all you will have of me.
I will close my pages, and
you can't cheat with
a book that has
all the wrong answers.

Keep this in mind
the next time
you're with
and I'm

Wrote this at 1:49am, unable to sleep. I like to handle situations in ways that will make me stronger, but sometimes I just wonder what the hell I'm even doing.
Sep 2013 · 558
the past's curse
sw Sep 2013
We inhale and exhale the
same petty misdemeanor
for different reasons,
We get consumed in
music with
discrepant emotions,
and we go about life
with a smile buttered onto our face
with contradictory opinions.

Despite all of this we somehow
acknowledge one another
and yearn to endeavor more
into a mind we've
never encountered

I want to make you smile
but I've forgotten how, and
you want to carry my heart
but your hands shake.

It's sad that
we may have
a chance at
something special
but will probably
lose it
because our souls
are astray and
our hearts are
much too
Jun 2013 · 852
non-existent heart
sw Jun 2013
He said "hello" and brushed his hand against mine
but I pulled away because his hands were not as
smooth as yours

He wore a suit to dinner but didn't wear it quite like you
and my meal appeared more appetizing than
the man himself

He looked into my eyes 
but they were empty because of my many tears I had spilled on nights alone

He kissed me but I felt nothing
my lips numb and drenched from the
bitter liquor that
I drank to forget you

He held me in his arms but
I didn't fit in the space between
his neck and shoulder
the way I did perfectly
with you

he gave up
and said goodbye
but it didn't break my heart
because you had already taken it and left
on that cold February day 
So long ago
Jun 2013 · 422
sw Jun 2013
The kisses you
planted on my lips
have not been cared for
since your absence
and have failed
to bloom the happiness I
once had growing in
the darkest parts of my soul.
Jun 2013 · 652
Your wistful wind
sw Jun 2013
I wish you had
Closed the door
On your way out
For the wind was
Heavily gusting in
And produced such
Unwelcome chills

When I finally gathered
The strength to
Close that door
Why did
The slight breeze that
Slid under
The aperture below
Still give me
The same
Wistful, cold feeling?
Feelings are such little *****.
May 2013 · 409
sw May 2013
the question is no longer
"what is love?"
but is
"what was love?"
for with each passing day
I am having a hard time
May 2013 · 587
you and I
sw May 2013
we have become
misread glances
silent arguments
over analyzed messages
inevitable encounters and
bitter reminiscence
I guess
you and I will always be
unfinished business
May 2013 · 581
sw May 2013
most love life
most fear death

but why fear one thing
when the other is what
creates it
May 2013 · 657
sw May 2013
The blood was trickling
Down your lifeless face
A bandage couldn't
Contain the pain
You endured

Your bruised cheek
Faced the white ceiling
Your eyes still open
More blank than
My face when I saw
You in your last state
Of this life

Your arm dangled
Off of the bed
Staining red on the
Newly cleaned sheets
Set up for you

And my heart raced
With such an impulse
That you would never again
Get to experience

There are some sights
Better off not seen
But even if I had the choice
I wouldn't have been able
To look away
I can't
I can't
I can't
May 2013 · 1.0k
sw May 2013
Back then
I bought you some cigarettes.
you always craved another
Even after a few hours had passed.
The smoke dove into your body
And flew back out into the air
As your lovely lips
Set it free;
I was always so fascinated-
But I swore to myself
I'd never get into such a habit
Because I would hate to get addicted
To such a silly thing

I no longer have someone
So alluring to observe;
I picked up my first cigarette,
brought it to my mouth
And held it the way you taught me to.
As I inhaled my strain
And released my tension with the smoke
I felt the hum of relief travel
From the top of my head
To the tips of my toes--
I had only held it once
And I knew I'd become addicted
To such a silly thing
much like the way I had gotten addicted
To you
May 2013 · 481
A realization
sw May 2013
Ever since you left
I've been trying to go back
To how I was before
I ever met you

I've been trying to smile
And I've put extra effort
towards being happy

I've been so deep
Inside my mind
That I've nearly
D r o w n e d
Searching for the shore

But as I lay on my bed
And listen to the guitar strings
Plucking from my stereo
I sense a familiar feeling
Of sadness

Perhaps I've always been this way
And you were simply

A distraction.
May 2013 · 7.0k
J. Gatsby
sw May 2013
Gatsby was in love;
completely infatuated
with another being

The way he looked at her
with his anxious eyes
exhibited a love that couldn't be greater
the words he spoke
emitted such fondness
for her rosy lips against his
as he whispered sweet stories
that he irresistibly imagined
of their future together

he fell so in love--
he fell so tragically and desperately
in l o v e--
he lost himself completely
and became absent
in his own consciousness
trusting false hopes,
refusing to let go of what would
never be his
and if this insanity is what they call
true love--
if this is what one experiences
when such passion takes over--
then I, too
have gone Gatsby for you.

— The End —