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When Christmas is over then what? All the presents will be opened,
It is all for show and tell,  we actually don't know Christ's Birh is the Bible does not tell. There is so much contradiction, and I know by tradition and what is written, and believe what I am told, but in truth we have no written history of  Christ's birth accept in the Bible itself.
Christmas has become so materialized, gift giving and spending, where is the spirituality of it, I think they have done away with it.
Lilttle children love Christmas because of the presents they will receive, but what about the abandon animals that cruel people leave to starve and longer love you see. What about the homless people who have nothing  do the one's that have something to give give them a holiday gift bag of things that they might need or offer then Christmas dinner No I do not believe.
No not one teaches what Christ really taught when he was alive on earth it is better to give than to receive and it is better to love your neighbor than youself it the greatest commandment ever given.
When Christmas is over everything returns to the same as before with people no better than the day before.
Why Celebrate Christmas if you can' t celebrate  by giving to someone in need other than  family and families. Reach out and show them that you care just Christ did so many years before
Dec 2014 · 588
Angel Dying Slowly
Your Angel is dying slowly, they say that angel's never die,
but believe Angels are merely people that do good works in other people's eyes.
We hurt, we cry, we feel pain, and we feel our hearts break in two,
we know when our spirit breaks we will never be the same way too.
We keep our selves locked away so no can ever see us  again, especially those who hurts some even though we have forgiven, but we remember the event that caused the hurt and heart broke and the words that said
and made starting crying.
Months later apology comes and we have to forgive to be forgive, but from that time you changed that angel she always stay hidden.
You longer to see that Angel but she inivisible to you  becauses when you broke hert heart this is your punishment to you.
Angel dyng slowly with very few words to say accept she will always be with all night and all day. She will aways be your friend even though you are far apart. Keep on the road you have chosen it will take you far.
Another Christmas without you- Unucky number 13. I miss you so much and all I can do is think about us together and you are not with me. How could we know a month that you would be taken from me. Never to wake up again and to leave me. I am still heart broke over the day when I turned off the life-support machine. I watched you die befoe my eyes.
30 minutes I did not have you and my life was over too. I kissed you one last time and said we would meet again n far, far, better place . I am just waiting now to join you. Suicide looks good just to join you because no man can ever replace you in my heart or soul.  Another Christmas will come and go and I will still of you on your death date January 28, 2015. The pain is always going go be with me no escaping the pain of the man I loved for 12 wonderful year.
Dec 2014 · 552
Christmas Without You
Christmas without you what will will you do?
New Years eve without out you what will you do ?
No hotel rooms, no sleeping in, up and an at at the Room In The Inn
Drawing a ticket will allow you to go out for the night at a church or send you back to the missions which you do did not care about.
All your cared about was *** and that I could give I was worn out and the end of my rope but you were the heartless on . I would have understand why you could not have performed you could not do for me so you cheat on me with women that ****** and unclean you never know what you catch from one of those Nashville ****** but they saw right through your scam all you wanted from them is their money and *** and they kicked you right out the door.
Dec 2014 · 527
One more lonely Christime time becuse you are not by side,
I sit here on Chritmas Eve bu let no see me cry
My heart is broke, my spirit gone, How can Christmas be so glad
when I don't have you anymore.
Just another Christmas time I wish we were together
you are spending with the angels and I spending i alone
because I have not been called home. I hope it is soon because I want to be with your celestial  heaven.
Dec 2014 · 759
Who can mend a broken heart. I don' think anyone can mend mine.
I have my heart broken time and time again,  I don't think any man can mend mine.
The trust is gone, my spirit is broke,  I  tried to love  but it was broken again, he took off and left me and I gave him the world and he left me  broken and crying. He would not talk, he would not compromse he got the money to leave from his church of Christ and I did everything for him.
My heart can never be mended it is broke for ever more.
Who can mend my broken heart  I doubt there is a man out there.
Dec 2014 · 573
I  am moving on without any closure from this relationship,
You will not admit you did any wrong but eventully you like the others you will want to see me again. I am moving on because I can' t take the pain that you made me suffer all this year.
The tears, the emotions,  and nervous breaksdowns and you had no regrets at all.
You haven' an ouch of humlity but you want into your church of Christ like you did no wrong. I am moving with a broken heart and I hope in time my heart will heal and tha I will be able to trust another man.  You were selfish, thoughtfuless, and uncaring too. I promise you I will suvive this too. Don't come looking for me in three years because I will turn you away. You will have wished that you bridged the gap between us before you decided to walk away.

Artist: Carpenters
Popularity : 1 users have visited this page.
Album: Track 8 on Close to You
Length: 2:57

What do you get when you fall in love?
A guy with a pin to burst your bubble
That's what you get for all your trouble.
I'll never fall in love again.
I'll never fall in love again.

What do you get when you kiss a guy?
You get enough germs to catch pneumonia.
After you do, he'll never phone you.
I'll never fall in love again.
I'll never fall in love again.

Don't tell me what is all about,
'Cause I've been there and I'm glad I'm out,
Out of those chains, those chains that bind you
That is why I'm here to remind you

What do you get when you fall in love?
You get enough tears to fill an ocean
That's what you get for your devotion.
I'll never fall in love again.
I'll never fall in love again.

What do you get when you fall in love?
You only get lies and pain and sorrow.
So, for at least until tomorrow,
I'll never fall in love again!
I'll never fall in love again!
Play Music
"Time In A Bottle"

If I could save time in a bottle
The first thing that I'd like to do
Is to save every day till eternity passes away
Just to spend them with you

If I could make days last forever
If words could make wishes come true
I'd save every day like a treasure and then
Again, I would spend them with you

But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do, once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go through time with

If I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty, except for the memory of how
They were answered by you

But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do, once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go through time with
My happiness was cut short and I have never been since Frank passed away. My heart is broken in two and my spirit is broken too. I just want to spend eternity with Frank now. Then I will be happy.
I miss you  I wish you could come back to me.  You treated me like a Princess and expected nothing back from me. You loved me for what I am  the good, the bad, and the indifference, you loved me through good times and you loved me  through bad times too. We stood together thick and think, we were always by each other's side and when you had your stroke and they day I watched you I died also inside. My heart died, my spirit broken, I tried to love again, but I could not do because it would be a lie.
He did no love me like you loved me no one really can  when I laid you rest I stopped living because you died and I went with you that day with a broken heart. I wish I could make you come back to me but I know it won't come true but that doesn't mean I ever stop loving you.
No more happy holidays since the day you died,
No more happy holidays all I do is cry
When I think of those 12 years we spent together
I wish I could go back in time
Bring you back to me and be happy again once again
because you were the best I ever had and my heart broke
in two when I took you off the life support it was to say good bye.
I stood by and watched you leave and my heart broke into I know you knew I loved you and I always will and still do.
I miss you Frank.
In Loving Memory of A Good Man, Frank A Kratochvil.
A rare gem
Dec 2014 · 494
Looking For My Soul Mate
Looking for my soul-mate
oh where could he be,
I don't want another man that will cheat on me,
I don't want another who just thinks about ***,
I want my soul-mate to love for what I am.
I am far from perfect and I know I have many flaws
But I have a heart of gold and some call me an angel sent from down above,
I don' want a man who will use me for my money, I want a man who is incurable romantic. He loves romantic movies, and wants to travel back in time.  I want to feel that romantic love one last time.
I want a man with no attachments to him at all, I just want him and me and that is simply all.
I want my soul-mate to share my faith, and understand when I am out and down. He will understand my pain and I will be there for him not forsake him.
Looking for my soul-mate I doubt I will ever find my soul-mate.
Dec 2014 · 769
Karma will get you three fold when you hurt someone that did not need to be hurt. You were thoughtless, selfish, and simply did not think and Karma is a ***** a bigger ***** than me.  You will suffer bad luck, destiny will smile upon you and fate will definitely turn her back on you.  Karma will make you suffer worse than you made suffer and you will not prosper at all. You will get no job, no car, no new girl friend, because Fate will play in that hand and Karma will take care of you.
Bad luck will come you  in every way and in fact it will be with you until you dying day. She may forgive you if you ask for forgiveness and undo the damage you have done to me. However, it is not for me to say it is up to Karma what she does to you now and until your dying day.
I am a Phoenix Bird I will rise from the ashes again. I have done it once and I can do it again. I don't need any man to help me to do at all.
I trusted my heart to a man who said he loved me and then he left me
for no good reason. He caused my world to come crashing down but he forgets I am street smart and street wise and I have never been babied,
I am not a mama's girl and I have been out in this world on my own before.
I  will rise more glorious than before and then I will strike like a adder snake in the grass and bring you down and you will wish you had never left me or hurt me at all because you will be  like  Humpty Dumpty that took a great fall and Humpty Dumpty that fell off the wall    and all the kings men could not put you together again because you failed to listen to me again.
I    will be like the Phoenix Bird and Rise out of the ashes and when I do watch out I am coming after you to hurt you like you hurt me but you won't know when it will be.
Dec 2014 · 321
Forgiveness is something hard to do when some one really hurts you.
They hurt you and have no regrets and deny hurting you and asking
you to forgive them for all the past hurts and pain they have caused
but then they expect you to become their friend once again.
They cause your heart to break into two and they don't  care what happens to you.
They think of only themselves and not you, then they ask for forgiveness from you.
You may be able to forgive in time but not forget  at all in time.
The heart break is real and the pain is very sharp and maybe it is best you forget to be friends at all.
Forgiveness you must but you don't have to forget because it simply  won't happen my friend.
Dec 2014 · 414
Soul Mate
Soul-Mate, where are you? Are you out there looking for me
as I am looking for you.
I need a soul-mate that can be true. I need a soul-mate who is
incurable romantic like me, is there such a man please let know .
Soul-Mate can be talk through the night, can resolve our problems
by compromise and not by fight.
Can we agree on many things like making love, and health too.
Because my soul-mate I have my health problems too.
Can you be strong and stay by side rather run away like a chicken in flight.
Can you hold me when I need to be held, and tell me all will be well.
Soul-Mate will you share my faith and go to Mass with me as well.
Can be give and take equally and not use each other you see.
I will you my heart if you give my yours and we will spend the rest of our lives together until it is time to leave this earth.
Death do us part we will see each go and meet each other in a better world.
Soul-Mate I am looking for you or you looking for me. I hope you are looking just like me.
I need some one to love for me  and not try to change into some one I can't be. I am hopelessly flawed and I was born that way, but I have been told I have a heart of gold and generous natural and wonderful spirit too.

I need some one that will hold me when I need to cry and never leave my side, he will be there with no matter what and tell me I can make it just hold onto him.

I need a soul-mate that can accept me for me I am not perfect I am simply just me.  I can look in the mirror and not turn around and I can tell myself I love myself now.

I still have a long way to go with my self esteem but once a man hurts you it is a long way to recovery. The trust may never come again and as for the love all you can is try again.
I need some one to love for me and I want that man to be my soul-mate.
Dec 2014 · 726
Dreary Winter Day
Dreary Winter Day, I look forward to warm spring days.
When the sun in shining, the skies are blue, Easter is around
the corner and you can wear brighter spring colors too.
The grass is turning greener, the birds are building their nests,
the snow is finally  thawing out and the flowers are blooming. It means a brand new year for everyone including me and this way I can forget about the person who most hurt me.
Dec 2014 · 397
Trust is broke, Trust is gone,
My heart is broken and never sings a song
It goes on beating because it must, alone I live
in my room because I must.
He left me alone to die alone, and he has no regrets
no consciences what so ever what he has done.
He does not think cheating is wrong, he will not admit
he is wrong, and I hope he never hurts another woman
as long as he is a live.
He will use  them for their money and their *** he must have
but no $40.00 for his ****** tablet does he have.
He lives like a beggar, lives on the streets, trying to live the almost impossible dream.  I will be a phoenix bird and rise up for the ashes and he will fall by the way side in Nashville. He would not listen to his friends and he did exactly what he wanted do but I am still standing but will he be standing too. I am waiting.
There is some one I love but he does not love me. I just wish he knew how I felt for him.  We met one or twice and we are now just friends but we are both incurable romantics and are poets as well.
We both believe we come from a different time and era. We believe the same way about our passion in writing.
He hurt me three times and the last time hurt me bad. I forgave him for that and the love is still there.
He calls me his angel, his best friend, and he values my opinion when he writes his poetry and short stories.  He is cute but vain, and he knows i very well. I just wish he felt the same way for me as well.
We are 12 years of age apart and he means the world to me but he does not feel the same way for me.
He lives with his mother and father you see and until he moves out he will never have a girl friend you see.
He works as a hospital transporter as work, and I am happy he is happy that he is able to work.
I encourage him to write because he has promise you see and I am his angel as I was meant to me.
He is the one I really love but it is not meant to be.
Dec 2014 · 718
You will be sorry what you did to me. You will feel the loneliness on the Nashville Streets. When the people you think are your friend starting turning you away and they see you can't give. They see you as a taker, cheater, and womanizer too. They will walk away and even smile at you.
They will not help you do anything else but let you fall to the way side and let you pick yours self up. You will feel the same pain and heart break you see that you did to me.  You will never achieve the pipe dream you see of being a musician no one will have you see.
You will result to use the Nashville ***** for money and *** but you better have $40.00 for a ****** tablet too. Those women will want you to do the disgusting *** you call it but they will throw you out into the streets and get another who will do it.
You will have no one to turn to but a friend or two and how long will that last between you two.
Karma is payback and Karma is what you will receive because you hurt me you see.
Dec 2014 · 416
A Poet's Life
A Poet's life is a life of solitary. You are alone with your words and alone with your stories. You are  alone by choice and you have the need to write because it is a calling and a vocation for life. It is not a profession  it does not pay much but it is what you are called to do because you must  express yourself, Each piece of poetry tells a story of something that goes on in your life story.
Heart break, depression, loneliness, too, love, desperation and even the deep thought of suicide too. It tells when you break up with a boy/girl friend, and tell when you start a new life too and when it begins.
The Poet's life is one of loneliness but this is how we work and we have chosen this path for a very good reason.  No one can distraction us, because we must write we are all Poets that tell of our lives.
Dec 2014 · 360
Dreaming a Dream
Dreaming a dream that won't come true,
that is exactly what you are doing,
Telling yourself you have it made
but then you will never see it come true
You don't have what it takes to become
a star and you have no voice- at all.
Homeless you will be- Homeless you will stay,
living off food stamps, and your Church of Christ
No updated skills on Microsoft or Security work
Traveling from one church to another church for
a roof over your head. Is this really the kind of
life you want to lead.
You will never be noticed like so many other wanted to be stars,
and they fall by the way side and beg on the streets for a crush
of bread because they wouldn't listen to anyone with sense.
Dreaming a dream is all you are doing. You have no humility when you show off your singing.  Humble you are not, you don't know the know . You are nothing but thoughtless want be musician.
Dec 2014 · 459
I tried to Love You
I tried to love you, I tried very hard,
but you did not understand  my incurable romantic heart,
You gave me no flowers, no Christmas, Valentine, or Easter
Cards, and you gave no birthday cards as well.
All you thought about was your ****** needs,
You did not think about how to please me
To you it was Slam, Blam, thank you Ma''am
it was not making love between two heart and souls,
you just wanted ****** release
You were Clingy, selfish, thoughtless, and did not think of me
you would not give me space when I asked for it.
When you did not get your way you cheated on me and thought it was okay.
You did not understand that I needed time to grieve over someone who loved for 12 years you see. You pouted like a little boy which meant to me you are nothing but a Peter Pan.
The only thing you thought about was being a want to be musician in Nashville. You are still homeless without a home and left me to die on my own. One thing you don't know about I am like a Phoenix Bird you see. I will rise from the ashes you will see and when I am ready I will find that special soul mate God made especially for me.  I tried to love you but I could not because you are not incurable romantic.
Robert Littlejohn
Dec 2014 · 965
I miss you more than you will ever know,
I wish you were here right now with me,
I have tried to love again, but I can't seem
to let you go although I know you can not
come back to me and I cry for you secretly.

I gave you my heart and gave you my soul,
to another man I can not give it to now
I was your everything and you were mine
My heart is broken and never will be repaired
I will never love or trust another man
The 12 years we shared were so happy
and now I am unhappy because you are not with me

I will never love again I know and I am waiting to join
it is just a  matter of time.
I lost of zest for living when you died
I have no desire to live anymore
I pray to the Lord that he will take me soon
and we will be see each very soon.
I love you why did you die?
Dec 2014 · 290
Missing You
Missing is you is all I do. You were always there for me when I need someone you see. I could tell you what was on my mind and you would hold me in arms and let me cry.  You told me I would be all right, but I shook my head and sighed.  We are together for so many years since 1979.
We were supposed to be married and yet we decided it wasn't meant to be and we remained closed friends rather enemies.  I was your family and you were mine and it broke my heart the day you died. Today is the anniversary of your death and you left me alone but you entrusted me with Frank and he was the next one to died on me. Missing both of you - you see has broken my heart and spirit you see.  I cry and no one sees my tears that I want to join both of you now in heaven.
What have done to deserve this long life and I had away I would end it today.
My life has to come to end one day and then we will be together forever and day.  I love you both John and Frank.
How do you mend a broken heart?  How do you learn to trust again.
When someone walks out on you and they say never want to see you again.    They don't want to discuss it and leave you a lone and they know that you are not strong enough to brave it alone. Then they come back and ask you if you can their friend, and all your friends just say he will hurt and use you again.  He changes his cell phone number and blocks you on his Facebook and that tells you he is trying to forget you. However, no other woman will have him because he is toothless and lives like a homeless person.  He forgets how he was raised and chases a pipe dream to become a musician in Nashville. Today he is still homeless no pride at all and he has to ask his church for money and how long  will that last How do you mend a broken heart I don't know but the pain is still strong. I have prayed  to God to let me forgive him but I can never forget what he has done.  I was good to him but he was not good to me. He only thought of himself not me.
They say a broken heart can go on beating but how long can the one stand the pain.
The heart is a fragile thing you see and one day it will stop beating.
Dec 2014 · 286
Twelve Years Ago
It has been twelve years ago since you died and left me now. I miss you more than you will ever know. You stuck with me through thick and thin and held me when I needed it and assured me I was going to be alright and that I was going to make it.
We knew each other for 25 years and we planned to be married several times but in the end we knew we could not but we decided to remain friends and   close friends we remained. I was there for you and you were there for me and I know one day I will see you again in Heaven you see. You will have a brand new body one out of pain and suffering and I will have the same you see. When they called me and told me you  died I fell  apart I think I stopped loving and it broke my heart. I have loved after you and he too died on me and now I just won't try again because I can't love again you see. I have loved four men and all have died on me and you all four men are still special to me.  No, I will never love again and give another man my heart because when you died you took it with you.  I was blessed to know such four good men and one day we will all be together again.
In Loving Memory of Donald S Martino  Oct 31, 1934-November 1,
1994, John Richard David Werdell March 1, 1950  to December 3, 2002, Frank A Kratochvil  September 8, 1948 to January 28, 2008 and Roy L. Mock December 13, 1953 to November 27, 2008. I miss you all.
Nov 2014 · 445
Thanksgiving 2014
Thanksgiving Poem of 2014 and here I sit alone. You took off in June and abandon me, and then you ask that I befriend you. I ask my friends they tell me no because you can't be trusted once again. You are still unemployed, chasing a pipe dream of becoming a musician which will never be.  You want to be friends but what did you do you changed your cell phone number on me and blocked me out of your face-book.  Homeless you are and take it as a joke when it is quite serious I can tell you that.
Thanksgiving 2014 was lonely indeed but Thanksgiving of 2015 will be quite different you see.  I am working on me now and then when I am through I hope to have my soul mate too. Someone who will love me for what I am and who I am and not change me into a woman I can't be.
They will love me for better or worse, sickness and in health, rich and poor, until death do we part.  Thanksgiving 2014 was different to me but I still thank God for everything he has done and will do for me.
Nov 2014 · 344
Sunday is such a solemn day. There is not much to do. Most people go to church and watch foot ball too. They put on their best faces and go to church and pray. But when Monday comes around that's when they really   change. They are not really Christians all week through. They are only Sunday Christians and not during the rest of the week.
They need to practice what they preach because if they did they would not be doing what they do.
Nov 2014 · 323
I Will Never Love Again
I will never love again, the trust is all but gone. I don't think I could ever trust another man since the last one did me wrong. He broke my heart, he cheated, and he just walked away. He would not even try to compromise and make our relationship last . He used me for my money and I gave him my heart, behind my back he saw other ***** and thought it was not cheating because we were not married. He tried to change me into some one I could not be try to change into his fantasy girl a sexually object you see.
He could not understand that love and *** were not the same that is because all men think all the same way. They think of *** before love and marriage and women are the opposite way we think of love and marriage before *** because that how we are. We are not men 's play toys and we are not geared the same way. Love is love and *** is lust and they are not the same. He broke my heart, he broke trust, and he left me alone to go back Nashville and pursue to pipe dream and to be forever homeless like the rest of his friends there. I will never love and trust again. All I seek now is platonic male friends and companions that  I  have something in common with that is all I want right now.
He was the youngest man to ever be elected as a United States President and the first Roman Catholic President ever. He said "It's not what you can do for your country but what you can do for your country." He rode down the street in a open limousine car and in a New York Minute his life ended by a far away bullet. They rushed him to the hospital but it was to late he had died in his wives arm and the country went into mourning. His little son saluted him and his widow dressed in black. They say it was a conspiracy to place LBJ in his place.  They blamed him on Lee Harvey Oswald but that was their escape goat. It was really the CIA who did not like him at all.
He is buried at Arlington Cemetery side by side with his brother Robert  Kennedy who was   also  assassinated in  LA in June of 1968.
There is a lot say  in one of the songs you listen to if you listen to them all the way through. It may tell how you feel way back when or tell how you right now and every thing . It can tell you how you should feel and may be what you should do but every song has a meaning I am telling you.  I love Karen Carpenter - her songs tell a story about love and life, it tells about her struggles with mental health issues too.  Elton John has great  songs are also so true Don't Go Break My Heart is something everyone will do and Neil Diamond's I believe In Happy Ending tells what we wish but sometimes we don't always get what we wish.  Some of the songs in the Musical The Secret Garden tells you how I am feeling because the girl I mean to be is what I really want to be.  There is a lot to say in a song it can make us unhappy and crying, or make us happy and strong.
Nov 2014 · 322
Why Do you Write?
Why do you write? Is it a creative thing or is it for therapy? Is it an outlet to vent or away to express how you feel, because no one around understand how you feel?  Do you feel like you are going insane and writing is away to keep you sane?  What do you write and what kind of poetry? I write just about everything. I like to post my favorite lyrics from my favorite songs. I like to post original poetry because it tells where my heart is right now. I use writing as a way as a creative thing and use it also  as therapy. I have since I was 13 years old in 1968 and now I am almost 60 and still writing creativity. Creative writing and poetry is a wonderful way to vent and a wonderful therapy.
Nov 2014 · 873
Thanksgiving of 2014
Thanksgiving 2014 will be different for me. We are not together because you left me. You are in Nashville doing your  thing, and I am in Chicago where I need to be. You are homeless, I am not, I am a poet and writer, and not just a want to be one . You are a want to be musician trying to fulfill a pipe dream but I have real publishers who want to publish me.
I may not have family but I have friends and I know if I need them I can call them you see. Your Thanksgiving will be at mission in Nashville, Tennessee but I will have a Thanksgiving here where I am right now.
The library is closed on Thanksgiving Day and I have my lap to keep me company. There is no way to send you a Thanksgiving Day Card because you blocked me on your Facebook.  You will travel from one church to another if that is fun I think that is not funny. Thanksgiving Day 2014 will certainly be different to me.
Lonely days and lonely nights, days and nights without you in them. My world is empty and incomplete I don't think I will ever be complete.  You walked out  on me without saying a word and you broke my heart  in two pieces and shook up my world. I gave you all I had to give but you were taker and not a giver. I needed an incurable romantic like me some one to share my private world with me.  I did not want high school *** with you oh no no slam, blam, thank you ma'am. I wanted a romantic make love and cuddling but all you thought was about yourself. It was in and out that was it. How more selfish can a man get.  You did not try to share my world with me  I don't understand why you even stuck with me.  You take off and never say a word like Patrick and Bobby said you were a coward to do so.
You call yourself a Christian but that is far from the truth. You cheated on me behind my back, womanized, and were a player and worse a **** Peter Pan.  My days are lonely and nights are too but one day I know I will find the right man again to share my private incurable romantic world with me too.
I Need to Be in Love Lyrics
from Gold: 35th Anniversary Edition

"I Need to Be in Love" is track #15 on the album Gold: 35th Anniversary Edition. It was written by Hammond, Albert/bettis, John/carpenter, Richard.
The hardest thing I've ever done is keep believing
There's someone in this crazy world for me
The way that people come and go through temporary lives
My chance could come and I might never know

I used to say, "No promises, let's keep it simple"
But freedom only helps you say goodbye
It took a while for me to learn that nothin' comes for free
The price I've paid is high enough for me

I know I need to be in love
I know I've wasted too much time
I know I ask perfection of a quite imperfect world
And fool enough to think that's what I'll find

So here I am with pockets full of good intentions
But none of them will comfort me, tonight
I'm wide awake at four a.m. without a friend in sight
I'm hangin' on a hope but I'm alright

I know I need to be in love
I know I've wasted too much time
I know I ask perfection of a quite imperfect world
And fool enough to think that's what I'll find

I know I need to be in love
I know I've wasted too much time
I know I ask perfection of a quite imperfect world
And fool enough to think that's what I'll find


Nov 2014 · 297
"When I Fall In Love"

Maybe I'm old fashioned feeling as I do.
Maybe I'm just living in the past,
But when I meet the right one, I know I'll be true.
My first love will be my last.

When I fall in love
It will be forever.
For I'll never fall in love
In a restless world like this is
Love is ended before it's begun
And too many moonlight kisses
Seem to cool in the warmth of the sun.

When I give my heart
It will be completely.
For I'll never give my heart.
And the moment I can fell that you fell that way too
Is when I fall in love with you.
I am just an old fashion girl with old fashion moral s and values. I wonder if there is some one there out me that is like me
Nov 2014 · 430
Explanation To My Poetry
Every song and poem I post represents a part of my life, future not yet, but certainly past and present.  My music reflects what I am going through presently and what I have gone through in the past. I don't have a crystal ball so I can't see what will happen in the future. I am not a fortune teller or Gypsy so  I leave my future up to the Lord to determine.
So far, my life is a total disaster and I hope next year 2015 it is better than 2014 ever was.
'll Never Fall In Love Again Lyrics
from Close To You

"I'll Never Fall In Love Again" is track #1 on the album Close To You. It was written by Bacharach, Burt / David, Hal.
Here to remind you, here to remind you
Here to remind you, here to remind you

What do you get when you fall in love
A girl with a pin to burst your bubble
That's what you get for all your trouble
I'll never fall in love again, I'll never fall in love again

What do you get when you kiss a guy
You get enough germs to catch pneumonia
After you do, he'll never phone you
I'll never fall in love again, I'll never fall in love again

Don't tell me what it's all about
'Cause I've been there and I'm glad, I'm out
Out of those chains, those chains that bind you
That is why I'm here to remind you

What do you get when you fall in love?
You only get lies and pain and sorrow
So far, at least until tomorrow
I'll never fall in love again, I'll never fall in love again

Don't tell me what it's all about
'Cause I've been there and I'm glad, I'm out
Out of those chains, those chains that bind you
That is why I'm have here to remind you
Here to remind you, here to remind you, oh, here to remind you

What do you get when you fall in love
You only get lies and pain and sorrow
So far, at least until tomorrow
I'll never fall in love again, I'll never fall in love again
Nov 2014 · 502
Friends We Shall Never Be
Friends we shall never be, not after you left me. You left me to pursue a pipe dream down in Nashville, Tennessee and you are still not employed and doing the Room In The Inn where all the homeless go and ride from bus to bus if you are lucky to draw a number every night and if not you go back to the men's mission and have to wait to get a shower ticket and bed. Is this your way of fun I don't think it is very funny and you dream will never come true of becoming a musician at 58 years old. You have no verifiable work history so how are you going to get security work even.
You live off your Church of Christ and use women for their money and *** and maybe you will get a STD and that will be the end of you. You and I will never be friends again but I am your mortal enemy.
Nov 2014 · 359
Some Things Are Meant To Be
Some things were meant to be when I lost you. I thought I could love another man after  I lost you. I tried to carry on but my life ended when when  you died and my heart broke in two when I had to say good bye to you. I tried to love again, but I could not love again after you. He was to needy wanting to much affection from me . Affection I could not give and all he ever thought was about *** and he was not much of a gentleman. He was not a kind and loving as you and I could not love him true. My whole world fell apart the day I took you off life support and watch you died in front of very eyes. I still can not let you go and I  still can not say good bye because it hurts me so. He lied and cheated on me and left me to die by myself. Something you would never do.
Still can't go on without you but I am trying hard and praying hard that   we will be together in God's Kingdom together. I miss you so and all I can do is cry and remember all the good times we had together. I wish you could come back to me but I know you can't. I am waiting to come to you but everyone is trying to stop me from doing so. I am not same after I lost you. I love you too much still.
To Frank : I love you I have no life and they keep trying to convince me there is a reason for living but I can' t  find one.
Some Things Are Meant To Be Lyrics

Jo: (spoken)
When you were first born, not an hour old, I told Marmee...

Beth: (spoken)
Beth is mine!

Jo: (spoken)
Everyone has someone special in the world, and I have you;
my sweet Beth. Give me a task to do.

Let's pretend we're riding on a kite. Let's imagine we're flying through the air!

We'll ascend until we're out of sight. Light as paper, we'll soar!

Let's be wild, up high above the sand, feel the wind, the world at our command.
Let's enjoy the view, and never land.

Floating far from the shore.

Some things are meant to be, the clouds moving fast and free.

The sun on a silver sea.

A sky that's bright and blue.

And some things will never end.

The thrill of our magic ride.

The love that I feel inside for you.

We'll climb high beyond the break of day.

Sleep on stardust, and dine on bits of moon

You and I will find the Milky Way. We'll be mad, and explore.
We'll recline a loft upon the breeze.
Dart about sail on with windy ease.
Pass the days doing only as we please, that's what living is for.

We'll be mad, and explore. We'll recline a loft upon the breeze.
Dart about sail on wit with ease.
Pass the days doing only as we please, that's what living is for.
Some things are meant to be, the tide turning endlessly,
the way it takes hold of me, no matter what I do,
and some things will never die, the promise of who you are,
the memories when I am far from you.
All my life, I've lived for loving you; let me go now.
Nov 2014 · 301
Looking For A Home
Looking for a home, nothing special but something I can call my own. Where I can write and be alone unless I invite my friends over and have a good time with them. Well I can have a pet cat once again, after he made me lose everything two and half years ago and never did anything to help to get back on his. All I want is my life and concentrate on my health. I am doing that once step at a time with the help of my therapist and psychiatrist and those friends who have not deserted me just  because I am mentally ill. I hated being homeless but he seems to think it is a joke going from one church to another from November 1 to March 31 of 2015  at the Room in  Inn and living off  $189.00 of food stamps. Maybe I will get lucky and I will get my own place by June because the weather cold and at least I am safe and off the streets now.
I am tired of being homeless I just want a small place of my own.
I chose to follow Jesus- He is my Savior and my Lord but not my religion.
Religion is man made and confining and there is no freedom there in . Religion means you are looking for Christ and Spirituality mean you have found Christ and never lost him at all. The only requirements Christ places on you is that you follow him and love your neighbor as yourself.
My faith is grounded in Jesus Christ and The Catholic Faith which is the most united church that I have ever joined. I need a set of rules to live by and based my life upon and I have found these rules within the One true Catholic Church. It is just not enough to go to church on Sunday and Wednesday night, and then do your own thing for the rest of the week.
Catholic Church has Mass every day and not just twice a week. Sunday and Wednesday nights, and they are faithful to their members unlike so many  Protestant Denominations are today.
Yes, I chose to follow Jesus - He is my Savior but not my Religion.
Nov 2014 · 287
Seasons of Change
Season of change - that is what autumn and winter bring. No more flowers in bloom, only the leaves turning into autumn hues of golden yellows, reds, and greens. The next season we see is winter with is snow upon the ground and children building snow men and throwing snows ***** around. Thanksgiving is the first holiday giving thanks to the Lord for what he gave us for that year and after Thanksgiving comes Christmas the birth and Nativity of our dear Lord. Some people do not celebrate The Nativity of our Lord they say it is not biblical but that is their excuse.  Christmas is not about receiving of gifts but helping those in need, and remembering how Jesus helped all those in need. Season of change autumn and winter, but spring will come again and flowers will be back in bloom and summer will follow again.
Nov 2014 · 1.1k

Willow weep for me
Willow weep for me
Bend your branches green
Along the stream that runs to sea

Listen to my plea
Listen willow and weep for me

Gone my lover's dream
Lovely summer's dream
Gone and left me here
To weep my tears into the stream

Sad as I can be
Hear me willow and weep for me

Whisper to the wind
And say that love has sinned
Leave my heart a-breaking
And making a moan
Murmur to the night
To hide the starry light
So none will find me sighing
And crying all alone

Weepin' willow tree
Weep in sympathy
Bend your branches down
Along the ground and cover me

When the shadows fall
Bend oh willow and weep for me
Nov 2014 · 760
My music is me and it tells a lot about me. Every song has a meaning  to me about my life and some phase of it. Every song tells about me and what I have gone through since I turned 18 years old.  Music and writing going together like bread and butter. You need the rhyme to make it right.    The songs I post reflect my pain, my sorrow, my loss, and the love of my life. My depression, my struggles, and eventually my victory. I like all kinds of music  from Bach to the Beatles to 1980's music including roaring 20's and especially the 70's the reflects my incurable romanticism in me.
Music and writing goes hand in hand and like music  poetry and music also goes hand in hand to me.
The last song sung by the Late Whitney Huston I  posted is for my dear late Frank. The song The Girl I Mean To Be is me.
"I Will Always Love You"

If I should stay
I would only be in your way
So I'll go but I know
I'll think of you every step of the way

And I... will always love you, ooh
Will always love you
My darling, you...

Bittersweet memories –
That is all I'm taking with me.
So good-bye.
Please don't cry:
We both know I'm not what you, you need

And I... will always love you
I... will always love you
You, ooh

[Instrumental / Sax solo]

I hope life treats you kind
And I hope you have all you've dreamed of
And I wish you joy and happiness
But above all this I wish you love

And I... will always love you
I will always love you
I will always love you
I will always love you

I will always love you
I, I will always love you.

Darling, I love you.
I'll always...
I'll always love you.
Play Music
"Killing Me Softly With His Song"

Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly with his song

I heard he sang a good song
I heard he had a style
And so I came to see him
To listen for a while
And there he was this young boy
A stranger to my eyes

Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly with his song

I felt all flushed with fever
Embarassed by the crowd
I felt he found my letters
And read each one out loud
I prayed that he would finish
But he just kept right on

Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly with his song

He sang as if he knew me
In all my dark despair
And then he looked right through me
As if I wasn't there
And he just kept on singing
Singing clear and strong

Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly with his song


Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me

He was strumming my pain
Yeah, he was singing my life
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly
With his song
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