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From where we're standing now in life
we looked back
at all the steps we've climbed.
The past left us standing
with cracks.
We would remember all the salty pools we wept.
Disappointment after another
Mockery after the first one.
Failure felt like a bonus treatment
We would hop and fall
people would watch and laugh.
No arm stretched
No one wanted to touch our ***** bodies.

Hours past
Days past
Weeks past
Months past
Years past
We would dream of a place;
where we would be welcomed,
where we would be allowed to be us
and where we would be able to help people like us.

Walking along the road,
the sun mercilessly beat us.
We walked down-cast
We would dream.
We didnt seek glory or fortune.
All we wanted is to be acknowledged

August 1, 2010
we would not forget.
The day she came to us.
Very un-real and impossible to believe.
She came and sat beside us.
We were uncomfortably embarrassed by our odoured bodies.
We tried walking away
then she stopped us with the most beautiful smile.
She pleaded with us
to give her an audience.
She then offered to buy us drinks and food.
We wouldnt deny we wanted to be filled, badly.

Fortunately, a restaurant was near by
she walked with us down there.
The guy at the door waved and shouted us away from the premises.
She insisted and told him we accompanied her.
Reluctantly, he let us in.
The waiters and people in the restaurant froze in disguist.
The owner in no time came
and begged her to take us out
so that we dont irritate his customers.

One of us was almost in tears.
She pleaded with us not to be offended by their actions.
She led us out through the door
and begged us to await her return.

Minutes later
she came with lots of bags in hand.
She spotted a shed and we walked towards it.
We settled
then she gave us a bag each.
She encouraged us to eat.
She watched us relish the meal.
She smiled
and opened her bottle of soda.
She sipped it.

Moments later
we were done.
Then she asked to talk with us.
We responded to her every question.
She was impressed
This went on for a while.
We enjoyed her presence and softness.

The day was aging.
She baded us goodbye
and told us she would return some other time.
We were enchanted
Oh! We were visited by an angel.

Few days later
she came again.
We ate and talked.
This went on for a week.
In one of our conversations with her,
she invited us over to the company she worked for.
Of course, Our clothes were taken care of.

When we arrived the company
we were ushered in.
We sat before a number of judges.
They were also impressed.
The said our talent and intelligence is un-equal,
one they have never come across before.
We were employed
and given a place to stay in.
It was quite comforable
because we were just three.
Our lives changed.

Now i am old.
When i sit back on my dock chair,
i would smile
and look to the skies
and say,
" truly there is a GOD. "
God will definately get to us
He is working on our greatness.
Believe and Have Faith
Your desires will actualize
Down by the River,
The Cold makes me Shiver.
As I Listen to the Stream,
All I want to do is Scream.
I'm Lost and Confused,
Please God, what should I Do?
Be the Light, Guide My Way,
Here I do not want to Stay.
I may Fall into the Water,
But my Faith will Not Totter.
The Riverâ„¢ by Nadia DeLevea
 Dec 2013 soul in torment
 Dec 2013 soul in torment
today, a friend asked me what I liked about you.
I gave them the generic answer
"he's a great guy"
but looking back on that question, I began to think...

what do I like about you, love?

I like the way the skin around your eyes crinkle when you smile.
I like the dimples in your cheeks.
I like the music you ask me to listen to (now just listen to mine).
I like the way we can give each other a look and instantly know what's up.
I like when you send me pictures of your cats, as if I really care (which I do).
I like the way you say "*****" and "****".
I like when you tell me that I'm beautiful.
I like when you feel insecure and turn to me for help.
I like the fact that you've never left me, not once in 16 years.

       but I hate that I love you.
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