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Soph T Feb 2017
Sometimes I like to compare myself to the stars.
I shine so brightly,
But no one knows how far away I am.
I could be millions of galaxies away,
Or I could be the next one over.
People think stars last forever,
But even they have a tipping point.
Even they explode.
But no one knows,
Until it's too late.
Just like me.
Soph T Feb 2017
One at a time,
Dripping down my  face,
Slowly falling to my chin
Then on to my shirt.
Then they came from both eyes,
Falling more rapidly,
But not rushed.
I felt my skin heat up
My face started turning red.
More started coming,
I want to yell,
I want to scream.
But I don’t.
I just let them fall down my face.
There is nothing I could do,
I can't control them anymore.
Soph T Feb 2017
Our mistakes make us who we are
We can't change them
We can't forget them
There is no utopia
There's no paradise
There's just people
And their ***** ups
But that's life
And life is unfair
Once you realize that
Everything makes a lot more sense
Soph T Feb 2017
Don't you wish there was a place we could go
A place where only we know about
A paradise
A utopia
All our mistakes,
All our ***** ups
Out of mind
Everything we did
Everything we regret,
There's only the present,
you and me,
And the new memories we create.
Soph T Dec 2016
I put the suitcase down.
she pleaded with me:
"can't i go with you?"
i think she already knew the answer.
"Not this time."
i started to tear up.
i couldn't bear knowing this was the last time we would see each other.
it was impossible to look her in the face as she asked,
"you'll be back soon right?"
no i wont and i'm never coming back.
"I'll try to be back as soon as i can."
i pull her into a tight hug,
knowing this is the last memory we will share.
as i slowly pull away,
tears start to pour from both of our faces.
i open the door and leave the house.
i know if i turn around i'll run right back to her.
so i don't.
Soph T Sep 2016
I wish I could be happy,
But I can't.
I wish I didn't have to fake smile,
But I can't.
I wish things were different,
That I was different,
That we were different
But we're not.
Nothing ever changes,
And nothing ever will.
Soph T Aug 2016
How can someone break your heart without even having it?
I think it hurts more,
When they weren't even yours to begin with.
It's heart-wrenching to see them with someone else,
Especially when you know you belong with them.
You know you're so much better than that other person.
You convince yourself of this,
And it makes your situation so much worse.
Every time you see them,
You cringe.
It gets to the point when you can't hide it anymore.
When will you realize you just have to let go?
Let go of them,
And be free of their everlasting grip.
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