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Soph T Aug 2016
You don't know what's going on in my head.
I could be plotting my suicide,
Or dancing on rainbows.
I could be running away from myself,
Or playing with a fuzzy dog.
I could be crying in the pooring rain,
Or singing under warm sunshine.
You'll never know what's going on in my head,
You never even ask.
Even if you did ask,
I wouldn't know how to answer you.
Some days are better than others,
Some days are worse.
Some days I feel nothing,
Some days I feel love and happiness.
No matter what day it is,
I'll never be able to answer your never asked question,
Even if you decide to ask it one day.
Soph T Jul 2016
I'm being eaten alive by my own thoughts.
I can't run,
I can't hide.
Each one kills me more and more.
The darker they get,
The more deadly they become.
I wish I could escape them,
But you can't escape your own thoughts.
Soph T Jul 2016
When I'm around you,
I feel special.
You make me feel happy,
You make me feel loved.
You can make me smile with one word.
You make me feel whole.
I love that feeling,
I love being with you.
I love you.
Soph T Jul 2016
You were there for me,
But now you aren't.
You're not there to hold me when I cry,
You're not there to whisper,
Everything will be okay.
You left me,
You left us.
Was it worth it?
Did you find what you were looking for?
I hope you found someone new,
Because if you come back,
I won't be waiting,
No one will be waiting.
Soph T Jun 2016
I wish I was braver,
I wish I was courageous.
I wish I had the guts to tell you,
But I can't.
I tried that before,
It didn't go so well for me.
I was laughed at,
Made fun of,
And I don't want to go through that again.
I hope you will never do that to me,
I hope you will never be that mean.
Wait for me,
Because that day will come,
When I can tell you what I really wanted to say this whole time.
Soph T Jun 2016
I was so happy,
I got to spend time with you.
I was ecstatic when I found out you wanted to spend time with me.
I had so much fun,
We had so much fun.
But that was then,
And this is now.
Please don't forget me,
Please don't forget the memories we shared.
I never want to forget you,
And all of the fun we had.
I wouldn't trade that for the world.
Soph T Jun 2016
It happens like a light switch.
I freak out,
Shut down,
And shut up.
It happens so many times,
Even when I'm around you.
I hide because I don't want you to judge me,
To laugh at me,
To hate me.
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