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seems that you are trouble, is that correct?

it seems you need to let the birds sing
is it acceptable to think in phrases, believe the attrocities yet do not share them

with friends.
added bits and embellishments which caused remark
while the space between lines was so immense my head came heavy with drowsy
fell off
i did not return
early yet

I have to tell you

i went a different way
to avoid the usual
new mathematics

the rooms were swept yesterday

bones hidden

teeth implied

yet the shape remains embedded
like the greys and shadow.

i like when the cars go by,

the lights go across the walls’


‘ i do not think i will like very black
in the black &
up over the mountains darkly
small thing  ragged who knows all of it

pieces torn away

work along the coast with thread and diligence

gather wools

layer carefully we shall have warmth this winter
went to blaenau in the rain
you may google that so best
add ffestiniog to the name
is all a pattern, that keeps us safely,        moves us

is overcast today
a slight breeze from the
a slight hint of colour
bleeding from the patch below
a reflection, mirroring of last week

and we guess there will be much if it after

this time of soft living, little moving nor travelling


now we glitch with so much using

too much storage not to mention

my coaches


hear that salvage hunters were being filmed locally

and he commented

maybe you play chess  in bad weather
or another pastime

here they forecast an awful rain yesterday
yet it came quite warm and gentle and

i shared some nougat with the delivery man
after chatting about our days in children’s  homes

a coincidence
a distant memory

he also brought plants
and new pencils

i have a wounded finger
either from the drawing

or a whitlow with an h

we like a good rainy day come cosy
black crow bird

pecks poet’s lip.

cold sore
wise words


i feel lighter this morning
which is more physical

than spiritual

this time of year serves as a reminder

a pause
then move forward

often a block buster is advertised
usually we prefer the other

quieter stuff

it was a small day yesterday

tucked in

covers heavy
comes a differing hue

with duck egg blue

the ironmongers in town

at one seventy nine

we can walk there and back or there

and bus back you see

he said folk get used to anything

i find this true to a point when all is comfy

was used to the other colour once
she said she liked the stories

except I did not tell them

i never tell you much

nor all of it

there are bits left to fill in

do not know everything
only my version
a fraction of the whole
blue sky thinking
do not know everything
only my version

a fraction of the whole
blue sky thinking
she said she liked the stories

except I did not tell them
i never tell you much
nor all of it

there are bits left to fill in
she said she liked the stories

except I did not tell them

i never tell you much

nor all of it

there are bits left to fill in

do not know everything

only my version

a fraction of the whole

blue sky thinking

in blue writing
as if
it is important
you see
Having spelt my name wrong, Bob , I wonder.

Everyone is separate, even with the same programme.
.he had leaned toward me and commented
that i was getting old
and while that is correct i assumed from his
remark that he must be younger

time goes on and i am told that we are much
the same

.he had leaned toward me and commented
that i was getting old
and while that is correct i assumed from his
remark that he must be younger

time goes on and i am told that we are much
the same
he had leaned toward me and commented

that i was getting old

and while that is correct i assumed from his

remark that he must be younger

time goes on and i am told that we are much

the same
struck dumb

i shook to think of you all

looking up as one plane flew over
no words to describe the mass,
the danger of it all, the hate  that
the parallel,
the home, the black chair.

power house.
bone house.
no words to describe the mass,
the danger of it all, the hate  that
the parallel,

power house.
bone house.
no words to describe the mass,
the danger of it all, the hate  that
the parallel,
the home, the black chair.

power house.
bone house.
no words to describe the mass,
the danger of it all, the hate  that
the parallel,

power house.
bone house.
we dig our selves into the hillside

the time you talk about unremembered.

perhaps I was never there

or unaware

so have dug into this hillside

placed tidily in awareness

of all that is happened,

like flags that are decorative
or bunting that represents a
happy time

dislike borders
representations of separation
you see it reminds
me of the visit to
that house by the mill
where there is a box
to stand on to be able
to see the mountain
a while in a box
will do nicely…
a while in a box
will do nicely…
"Is art a box that you climb into?”

“Well, yes, I guess it is. I never thought of it like that”

“Are you compartmentalizing?”
the idea left us dancing.
use what is already there,
make do and mend
the idea left us dancing.
use what is already there,
make do and mend
will watch the film on perception tomorrow alongside
another. red & white.  they say it will change my life.

meanwhile i **** boxes.
dry he wore the white dress
his hair curled damply

we drew him
we painted him

he is taller now & remains
much the same
if I had been a boy
would I have looked like him

worn corduroy?

if you had been a boy
would you have looked like him

and we wonder
at the likeness

the gallery who sacked me for such a thing and other reasons

i don’t know

i bake bread and eat it

it is decided after talking to the bear
and eating bread ends
that indeed you may take
what you wish as it is
not only ours

we want to help too
all of us one human heart

the bear noted it is a little
in these circumstances


hopefully the bear may sleep a while



broken reflections

of a former life

smashed as it hit the floor
the voices rather quiet. we have had a life time
of listening, yet not understanding really.

so let us go forward and compare

sometimes I have toast

and sometimes insert one comma
the news has changed


while one I don’t know
who is friends with one I do
has been vaccinated

mid wales

she is a carer and they say it is bad there

a backwater

for some reason it has come so in wales
hence more restrictions

messaged to see if all are ok with this
of course , came the reply
and offered me random oats

having a liking for porridge of a morning
with cream and syrup I accepted


sometimes I have toast

and sometimes insert one comma
tides are higher now, flooding the paths. he walked the mud, bringing the footsteps back to us
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