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261 · May 2022
no sighs.

they have forgotten us.        we have forgotten them.

are we  now the bones of what we were?
260 · Jun 2023
. gentle .
best to be gentle with those and all other things…
260 · Jan 2022
.a line cuts through.
have been looking,
for my breaking heart,
for anniversaries,
and having a good day.

i find a note that says
i am a magician,
and how.
260 · Jul 2022
dreamed of devastation,           flew miles        low

over concrete .   skeletons,      bones of the thing.

all is dust, as dust we have become.
259 · Jun 2022
a world of extremes

or maybe the contradictions

were dreamed
258 · Dec 2023
now your name may be redeemed
your wanderings freed into new


or maybe you will still stay inside a while

inside the boundary lines

four fields

257 · Jan 2023
.with a little red.
comes a differing hue

with duck egg blue

the ironmongers in town

at one seventy nine
256 · Jun 2021
it was boiling water them days

plates and cutlery dipped

hands minded in industrial gloves

pink rubber

scalding dishcloths and sinks

down on knees blindly scrubbing floors

through insults and watery fears

we are a team , shouted regularly

while we took the comments seriously cowed with blisters from cold water on the other hand

a world of extremes

or maybe the contradictions

were dreamed
255 · Apr 2022
comes a differing hue

with duck egg blue

the ironmongers in town

at one seventy nine

we can walk there and back or there

and bus back you see

he said folk get used to anything

i find this true to a point when all is comfy

was used to the other colour once
254 · Jan 2022
speak those words, templar, that i cannot say.

another time, another place
254 · Jul 2021
he seemed surprised yesterday that i had completed the task

to ensure the proportions looked right for me

it is part of the job and if it is diaried must be done ticked off when finished

the sham crow bird was rearranged for it was too high  to look good

later in the studio the work that had continued the same so long made a change
with a sigh of relief 

254 · Sep 2023
.little thing.
is the little things that excite, even
in the height of summer, low look
for seeds, small flowers studded
in hedgerows,
254 · Mar 30
.blue sky.
do not know everything
only my version

a fraction of the whole
blue sky thinking
253 · May 2022
. predictions.
tangled affair
too many people talking at once

it is a messy affair
paint smudges and runs

eventually all comes clear
one having the final say

predictions come and go
253 · Jul 2021
wanting to be noticed?

looking for a friend then

wear your interest where it can be seen easily and maybe smile


as predicted

some don’t care….
252 · Aug 2021
there is no reaching the summit here
the story changed

an avalanche of news
and wet weather

dampened the spirit
so we nipped out between the storms

to post the letters
and that was all
251 · May 2021
today is apricot

a new jar opened easily

my mum would buy a large tin and decant

there were five of us, one had left earlier

seems trivial to write of preserves during pandemic

yet it is a treat this morning with a croissant in bed


we have all sorts in the pantry with little gingham caps

held on with rubber bands

i have a pack somewhere in a rainbow of colours

yet often use those dropped by the postman

wide in brown

also have sandwich spread

more as savoury

alongside asda’s own marmite

such a treat yet not for breakfast

nearly a year now

have stopped waving

and carry on

in contentment
251 · Nov 2022
.blue sky.
she said she liked the stories

except I did not tell them

i never tell you much

nor all of it

there are bits left to fill in

251 · Jan 2022
.november note.
leaves are turning slowly daily

except at the turning

they go first always
and suddenly

this time of year
249 · Sep 2022
the word came involuntarily,
others were stuck, yet i knew
them to be beautiful, and
so they are.

powers and dominions,
249 · May 2023
we named it best eleven.        dark the day,           we are survived.

light came, we saw the green ness of it all.                          we live in the country.
249 · Jun 2021
black crow bird
pecks road ****.


haute cuisine.
248 · Feb 2022
.the explorer.
stuck in  ice forewarned
by terms of reading

arctic exploration
245 · Oct 2022
like to be quiet,speaking
when you asked the question.

not sure why i came.
i think you invited me?
245 · Sep 2023
now i beg forgiveness
we are little things
that dance in the mornings

in the light from the phone
245 · Aug 2023
a while in a box
will do nicely…
244 · Jun 2022
it may be a habit writing
each day

hearing your news

or maybe an act of solidarity james
243 · Oct 2023
.hiding here.
sometimes you know
i have no clue as to what
is occurring

or over there

find it challenging

and disappear
242 · Jun 2022
while wondering

find there are possibly two
of us

and the one i was pretending
to be
242 · Jul 2021
the thread does not show here
nor the subject matter

and it is missed

am presently writing my reply
whilst composing a letter in my head

which will change my life

241 · Jun 2023
slipped sideways.

while all remains the same, something is different.
240 · Dec 2022
.the flags will find us.
decide which

petulant shadow hides


honesty abounds yet the flags

will find us.
239 · Sep 2022
my goodness

such a thing to see while out
and about

such a high up place to be
238 · Oct 2023
shall we rescue the drowning where we can ;
record the names?
238 · Oct 2023
lady on the bus told me her sister kept lots of soap and what did I think.

I says she sounds like me.
237 · Jul 2023
..remarkable mornings..
we are little things

that dance in the mornings


by the light of the phone….
237 · Mar 2022
.fragment of fragment.
was gone some time

past tense can be horribly traumatic
237 · Jan 2022
nice to see you here

i see it was yesterday though I mainly check by in the morning

sometimes you know
i have no clue as to what
is occurring

or over there

find it challenging

and disappear
236 · Feb 2023
. 18.12 darker
they  do not know the darkness

how the light can fade into latin

& all things unreasonable
236 · Jan 2022
we have new bird boxes up
ready for the spring
meanwhile autumn comes gentle

one breath of leaves across the way

it is a tiny garden out back
overlooking the grave yard

where the men mowed the grass
stopping a while
leaning on rakes

watching the weather
236 · May 2022
having learned , the days  will come longer soon. the sounds


once the day is dawn, the door is open, face the sky, all

comes well some days.

some days it does not, yet it still comes light. the falling

days end.
236 · May 2021
i used to go to oxford

get off the coach outside the museum

and go in

spend some time there

then go round town a while before

going back

could have stayed in there all day

yet is good to get out in the air

after so long on the bus

it stops there for some hours on the way home from london

where I saw tutankhamun and some miserables not at the same time though

now we can go nowhere really except 5 miles local

did that monday and the car broke down

now i can’t go nowhere again

i miss oxford and visiting museums
235 · Mar 2022
have you walked the dunes

hollowed path, coconut gorse.

have you found contentment there?
235 · May 2022
.sometimes i dream.
i sometimes sit and think of this, sometimes   dream
in bed, often in yellow.

or blue which

covers the

land in places, my eyes           smarting.
234 · Dec 2022
. raining.
they forecast it,
we do not listen any more,
just check the window.
233 · Jan 2022
they did not know she had millions, neither did she. just collected one item at a time, cared fully for         each one of them.                                                                                                         catalogued in eternally.

words affect us deeply.   voices  come and go.                                           while the worlds spins with  people’s chaos and confusion.       yet.           above the noise of the day     they show me birds and insects          did you know they cross their fragile legs?
232 · Sep 2023
handbag, not fit for any purpose than
delight and design.
232 · Feb 2023
.down the coast.
along the edge, the edge
of season. the coast with
slow limits.

the glass anomaly
swept the edges
golden, in proportion.
232 · Jan 2023
added bits and embellishments which caused remark

while the space between lines was so immense my head came heavy with drowsy

fell off


i did not return
232 · Dec 2023
seems we gets busy here and there
yet cannot verbally explain why we write
and paint
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