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382 · Feb 2021
mention plagiarism


after research find it is

spelled so

to tell you it was just a friend
who did it often one way then


then they blocked me


so it goes

in a few words

380 · Feb 2023
.no pigeon.
she asked about side effects and though
after reading the instructions felt there

were none
noted before

when suddenly came the surge of energy
363 · Jun 2023
font and image.
to twice the normal extent
or degree.

things happen, we deal,
cards are set, dice thrown.

life moves on.
361 · Nov 2022
.busy day.
busy day
much achieved
no one will

but me

and i will check it all

and beautify

358 · Feb 2021
:: nothing ::

dissecting the thing

into pieces

and chucking it into the canal

it is nothing

no more
357 · Jun 2023
you asked me to explain,

i did so lightly. the other said no one else

dare ask.

i tell you it is a full and complicated story
356 · Jun 2023
there was a gentle breeze going, then
the sun came through.
348 · Feb 2021
.good intentions.
have been off work for ten months
so work at home

a lot

on this and that

and the garden

at the front

a smaller one at the back

both were wet yesterday and slidy with mud
my walking making it worse

when I was out to make it look better

i intend to have an easy day
the day after boxing day

there is good reason
342 · Sep 2022
. it may be the kitchen .
that inspires

not the modern kind

more the flavour of another time

another rhyme
342 · May 2021
understand the difficulties

understand the fear

it needs to have activity

it needs to have depth

yet there is no need for admiration

no need for folk to like it

and we worry when they do
337 · Aug 28
may be as well if two buckets are bought

at the same time

not to keep them



the other

for  length of times..

saw them on the way to montgomery by bus

& finding them cheaper than elsewhere  bought them on the way home

popped them in the shed  where they melded together well

heat and sheer determination eventually prised them apart

two buckets
336 · Jul 2023
spread out as cotton threads



i will not mention the word
335 · Jul 2023
all became a thing yesterday
regarding these marks of ours

and we finished
on this

i hope you do not mind
334 · Jan 2022
water falls,
stains enamel.

some notice, yet
do not judge.

he may have
aquarius, yet
he is not
333 · Nov 2023
old story remembered  from the beach
that warm afternoon while all were playing
the hunted tried not to sleep
for fear of being robbed or found
332 · Feb 2022
.search hill.
is it all a dream, or facts
in reality, made of mind.

all stone residue haunting.
our life. will we very know
forever wandering?
332 · Oct 2021
.two of us.
perseverance came lovely even the last seven minutes

beautiful like ballet landing softly
325 · Oct 2023
became slightly nervous looking up
at it
retreated to the studio
323 · Apr 2022
.oil pond.
oil pond mirrors the darkness the november

day                  sun draws white against the grey

this       leaf  lays on earth
322 · Aug 2022
.james 4.
they say


do they not know the darkness,

how the light can fade into latin,

and all things reasonable

means more if you sit quietly
in the light
319 · Feb 2023
eight thirty  till five.   it could have been easy, yet there were issues of the electronic kind   meaning wasting time with wires and connections.

cover the surface.   it takes time.
317 · Apr 2021
.the response.
you said goodbye
said it had ended

to go there
or email you

i agreed as it was time for a change

time for a change of subject
of pattern

i did not agree to continue

he said that was the issue with the

it keeps changing

as things do tend to

sometimes there are too many words
and little truth

things come clear with time
316 · Aug 2022
.red line.
paper covers history.

bent on layers

of time, pretending.
315 · Jan 2023
.in conversation.
touch of red

suggested at dinner, to make
a photograph splendid, i noticed

the same in paintings at exhibition.

looking out, the grave yard, noticed
a touch of colour by the white.
314 · Sep 2021
.normal two.

is what you are told

it is


you realise

it is

313 · Feb 2022
turn & there

before you, before you

the flags have found you.
312 · Nov 2023
the roads here are winding, the leaves are changing.
best not to bang the teapot down on serving, best
to tell the truth.
312 · Aug 2023
..the chair..
during the evening after tea,

we wondered who had invented the chair
311 · Dec 2023
drawing the child with found fabrics
watching the marks come good, no dots
yet they came
without warning
308 · Jul 2022
some thing is changing here,

so slight it can hardly be


yet it has been.  a feeling,

came after light rain .
308 · Feb 2022
we continue with new white paint
and orange too

bought on my first solo day out by bus
this year

remembering not to touch anything.
306 · Aug 2023
the word came involuntarily,
others were stuck, yet i knew
them to be beautiful, and
so they are.
306 · Nov 2021
if I had been a boy
would I have looked like him

worn corduroy?

if you had been a boy
would you have looked like him

and we wonder
at the likeness

304 · Jun 2023
..darker green..
a darker green,
jasmine climbs the window,
storms brew, we are older now.
304 · Jul 2023
.the field.
an old story remembered
that warm afternoon while all were playing


the hunted tried not to sleep

303 · May 2023
. sunday .
we are survived.

light came, we saw the green ness of it all.                          we live in the country.
302 · Aug 2023
look at the weathered walls
hear the song come random
301 · Sep 2021
.a quiet night.
think i heard a night jar

up the valley here.

it was a quiet night except

for that.

we have the window open now.
299 · Sep 2022
.solo flight.
i too fly solo
enjoy the flight

when the day clears
i look up at the others
298 · Jul 2021
black crow bird

pecks poet’s lip.

cold sore
298 · Mar 2022
Moving forward always there come other notations that bring  feelings, the Agnes Dei opens wounds and fears flood with salt.
296 · May 2022
. a darker day.
the back road was
littered, rather blustery.

we have a darker day
296 · Oct 2023
the air moves
on my skin.

i turn
look past the curtain

see the face again

296 · Mar 2023
.small work.
becomes larger as time moves on.

it started early, with greek poetry,

the radio, which played all day.
295 · Apr 2023
. parlay.
storm came yesterday dark and loud  the landscape veiled

awash a while.

black things fade and all is grey.

win or lose hedge your edge

write of parlay.
295 · Jun 2021
.all at once.
walking further put up a heron
and while watching saw the
white egret
and a double decker bus
295 · Oct 2023
.blue sky.
she said she liked the stories

except I did not tell them
i never tell you much
nor all of it

there are bits left to fill in
295 · Dec 2021
.dark the day.
dark the day came

even with the sky

real blue.

the helicopter flew over.
294 · Mar 2022
the power house reflected



will this all be for nothing

if you make no changes
293 · Jul 2021
.the tree came down.
the tree came down in two parts with great noise and  excitement  yet only from me

i guess the guys are dead cool and used to it all

an early sapling showed, once overshadowed

a new view , quite acceptable

a noisy  day so I went and drew pictures
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