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81 · May 2
breaking cups    spilling tea will abuse the hospitality
please come. i have the kettle on.    this is not the time
for hostility
81 · Nov 2023
dreamed of devastation,           flew miles        low
over concrete .   skeletons,      bones of the thing.
all is dust, as dust we have become.                 slow.
81 · Jul 2021
blimey. is like a little insect
hopping about up there

it has been a pleasant few days
regarding weather and rearranging


especially garden benches
increased in price recently

with the need to assemble

it was decided to swap the one out the back for that up by the lane here

carried through the house as the hall runs front to back

previously an alley between
where swallows nested

now closed off and furnished
all a bit of an obstacle course

with the garden seat in hand

it did not fly very high
81 · Oct 2022
.that monkey thing.
she came worried about monkey pox
so made her ordinary  tea

the next day I travelled  up
walked the streets and saw
the stories there
for a change

the voices rise
81 · Nov 2023
the dream

the cloud
the quarry

water flows down this valley

wind blows round our houses
81 · Feb 2021
:: hiding ::

hiding could be the ultimate solution

some of us have adopted as per the guidelines

remember how you turned your back as a child

thought no one could see you

as you could not see them?

either that or go in disguise

a devil of an issue
81 · Apr 1
..rainbow child..
yet i will rather say that all things are
on a spectrum
of colours & ideas

nothing is one colour only,      as decided
in invented rules.  for we are all different
81 · Jan 2022
.black birdy.
small thing  ragged who knows all of it

pieces torn away

work along the coast with thread and diligence

gather wools

layer carefully we shall have warmth this winter
81 · Sep 7
their house was
down by the stream that
ran the side of the road
81 · Jan 2023
told you, no one will listen if we are quiet,

they have all lost interest’


‘do they only listen to loud folk , those that  shout

and remonstrate’

seems so.
81 · Mar 2022
.ta moko.
there may be after effects

nobody suggested a flock of pigeons

at 2pm that snowy afternoon

and that notes will be made

no one mentioned sleeping
later than usual

those chin tattoos
that come all beautiful
and trendy

no one thought that you will like one…
80 · Dec 2023
added bits and embellishments which caused remark
while the space between lines was so immense my head came heavy with drowsy
fell off
i did not return
80 · Mar 2021
good that things come different
that all is not the same

all the time

i could write regarding monotony

then tell you the predicted of which came two

the usual board game and a mode of marriage

accepted some places
illegal the other

she implied she was married
and many assumed so

yet he never divorced
my mother

all things come differing


80 · Apr 2021
.note to james.

have rubbed a little place on the window
to see the snow falling

she disliked that
my mum

said it left a mark
that she would have to clean the window

never mind the excitement of snow

don’t find it attractive to lay in
you know the angel thing

otherwise the white and quietness
are welcome

at the very bottom of my garden

down by a wood pile and rusting

have come the snowdrop drift

and also

over there and there and
by the gate

i walk outside once a day for exercise
and enjoyment

to explore

then later I walk round the garden
look at every tiny place

today I will take photographs

80 · Jan 2021
met her at the forest by the hotel
we were volunteers
and seemed to get on well

agreed to visit the fabric store
at the coast
see the rusted ships together

be friends

just before the pandemic hit

we connect on social media now

there are others met at london

the exhibition

and akhenaten

there is a pause in proceedings
that can’t be helped

winter brings differing challenges

objects fall and are mended

it is

nearly the end of november

80 · Apr 2021
.the leak.
yes warmth and food
we have shelter

rain comes here in waves
reflecting feelings

sometimes i can smell the sea
though some miles from the shore

rules say to walk from the house
not to take the car

so I don’t

go to the shore
while others do

put photos on social

my time will come

we had toast just now with an
egg, a treat
deserved of a comma there

then coffee

later nuts and raisins
and so on through the


you have spoken of your home with
good descriptions while I think one

can google mine

perhaps i will check
and buy a bucket for

the leak
80 · Mar 24
.darkness descending.
darkness descends
with out the need for words. pray for
forgiveness if you are so inclined.
80 · Feb 5
what is it?

how will they know for thinking
comes silent inside our heads
unless we utter
80 · Jan 2022
google when back at home, read about
people, and know we may after all
be twins.
80 · Mar 28
.the mass, the cloud.
the clouds hang heavy

the mass, the clouds lay heavy, rain that came, that blinded again. blinded those that could not see the love and idle artefacts, each one a statement of nothing in particular.
80 · May 2022
the air moves

on my face.

i turn

look past the curtain
80 · Feb 2022
. repeat .
light is wonderful

lifts the brain and limbs

sparkles rain the morning

once again we have the repetition
80 · May 2023
has beautiful spots james

while i like any pattern that includes spots
and any embellishment that is bows you

i don’t know why
only as i say that
i think i may do

i guess that is a story for another morning
80 · Jan 2021
your time will come

i will wait politely here until the time
and hope predicted don’t change

no more

we wonder for the phone is like a
little tablet
the tablet just a big phone
with no phone and a torch

so an half an hour spent
on ebay looking at those

to light the way

you see
we think we have a future here

do you
80 · Jun 2021
will I eat the walnuts with raisins

from my mother’s saucer

then move the hour hand with my finger

shall I decline your invitation to walk

suggest a chat in open air

these are questions that need no answers

most things are past

done with then put away neatly into boxes

until that random ****** day the door flies opens

and it all spills out again
80 · Mar 2023
intentions to change it all

then see what is already there and

carry on quietly
knowing the change will come

whether slowly or suddenly

79 · Sep 2023
. child.
how small
how white the child
skin rinsed with tears

salt in the wind
79 · May 17
.folk talking.
blows ideas into our houses
messages bring connections
a busy day with folk talking
79 · Sep 2022
look at the weathered walls

hear the song come random
79 · Apr 2023
. fold .
said old people fold notes


i felt insulted.

she said it bothered her a lot

when she counted them.

we should keep them flat


others may agree
79 · Jul 2022
a thing so private, so intense .   . simple , complex. no one will see it .  

                        note your achievements to date.                     .hell no
79 · Jan 2021
.gains & experiences.
do you see that it is not there?

having checked several times this end

find there is just the one with no problems therefore

note the rules down one side

hysteria the other

lists remain of all that is lost

no mention of gains or fortitude

some may look for the other one

some may find it

while the little people with their arms held high

dance in the sunlight with all that remains

we ask for the italian music this morning
79 · Sep 6
nice little house.

who knows what goes on there.
79 · Apr 26
all is honesty
i have a witness.

evidence produced.
79 · Oct 2021
should like a big wooden fence
for to hide behind

away from the hedge police and others

mine is metal
the broken bits with wire

and hate sanding with a vengeance.

did you make it?
79 · Apr 2021
.rain & condensation.
there is time now to wipe the windows
like the others did

now there is furlough with days to spare

as a kid
i watched the water run


a hope for mint
from the shop

those days we were left a while
with time to watch
the water run
79 · Jan 20
..all a dream..
should that dot be approved
and how about the predicted?

we came here early with many thoughts and remnants of the dream
79 · Jul 2023
..the box again..
a while in a box
will do nicely…
79 · Oct 2023
. ark .
talk goes on all day, about the heat,
the rain and drizzle,
no thoughts on the shipping
forecast. words red, remembered.

the bird, the boy, the machine,
there is only air between.
79 · Jul 2021
.jim's new bike.
one enjoys the names of colours here

would have liked a job in that department

ignoring the racist ones from the fifties

smiling at those from farrow and ball

heritage colours come dull

as lockdown hit here first

i painted my outsides in happy yellow
drawn by the name not just the colour

and oh that name come true
on opening jim

is fading now
yets remains as the description

a new bike
how joyful
79 · Dec 2022
have missed a day or so here
being busy with organising things

for something

and being out of work

while working here

forgot to write
so sorry and everything

our government is *******
things are falling apart

eating pies is a good idea

79 · Jan 18
eight thirty  till five.   it could have been easy, yet there were issues of the electronic kind   meaning wasting time with wires and connections.

cover the surface.   it takes time.
79 · Aug 2022
.before adding pink.
oh unsuitable paint you
covered lovely with no
comments as all are at

as advised
79 · Jul 31
has beautiful spots james
while i like any pattern that includes spots
and any embellishment that is nice you
78 · Jul 2022
.writing to james again.
all ok for me here
even though my battery
gone low

writing before
it recharges

life is pleasant
even with the arrival


monkey pox thing
avoiding zeds all together

guess you know more about war
than most

good you have your benefits

he asked to be friends
with suchlike

so we replies no just pals

and he don’t understand


am not bothered

maybe you will help
with the writing

it was a documentary
so i guess it is still there



78 · Apr 10
find pieces of jigsaw
everywhere here,
and they
don’t fit

if i try
they make
the wrong picture
78 · Mar 16
we should look after things
better. i wrote a thing a while
back. it filled my head with
78 · Jul 21
a while in a box
will do nicely…
78 · Sep 2021
.summer house.
the summer house is gone

destroyed some years back now due to health and safety fears from the new owner

who was opening the house back up for holidays

i suggested that i could relocate it

yet they burned it, the pretty thing with all the imagined memories

i have a modern one gone faded now

then i wonder if she wanted to see my brother instead
78 · Feb 2022
tell you about the villages
close by yet still over the

where the good grub is
for midwinter
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